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Cyber Rat

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The best and worst thing I can say about Dead Space 3 is that it's almost exactly like Dead Space 2 gameplaywise with the scope and grandeur of Mass Effect 3. The game plays like a dream and the "cinematic" quality of it is up there with the best of them. All kinds of horror is gone. It's just not scary. The mood and the setting is there, but it's just not a scary game. It's just a good game. Make of that as you will.


I myself have always liked good games over anything else. Fuck artstyles, fuck philosophies, and fuck genres. Just be good. DS3 is good.

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In the demo there were only jump scares and in all honesty it doesn't take much to frighten someone as it does to horrify.


Though, I would say that in Dead Space 2 when you had to return to the Ishimura, it was one of the few times I've felt dread in progressing in a video game. You were not going to have a good time, and Issac's mind was definitely not going to leave you alone.

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Replaying The Witcher 2 on the "Dark" difficulty. I don't think I ever intend to play it on Insane. I don't know how people even manage that.


Also playing BG:EE occasionally. Level 6 with a good deal of the areas explored. I've been using all three new NPCs in my party, and Neera is by far the most entertaining. She's a cheeky half-elf wild mage who is absolutely quotable. Also, I have ten first level spells. They're all Nahals Reckless Dweomer. I'm playing a wild mage right. :D


Oh, and Tera. I have a low level slayer on the PVP server. Been playing that for several weeks.

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The best and worst thing I can say about Dead Space 3 is that it's almost exactly like Dead Space 2 gameplaywise with the scope and grandeur of Mass Effect 3. The game plays like a dream and the "cinematic" quality of it is up there with the best of them. All kinds of horror is gone. It's just not scary. The mood and the setting is there, but it's just not a scary game. It's just a good game. Make of that as you will.


I myself have always liked good games over anything else. Fuck artstyles, fuck philosophies, and fuck genres. Just be good. DS3 is good.

Gonna have to totally agree on this. 

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Started on Persona 4 Golden (borrowed friend's Vita he never uses). This is my first Persona game and according to him it is arguably the best one so it should be as good of an experience with the game as any. So far I like the combination of dating sim-ish aspects (spending time w/ people, studying, sports, etc) with the rpg mechanics.

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I've also started playing Pokemon White for while my wife doesn't want me hogging the TV.  I played like 10 hours yesterday, so apparently I'm not going to lose interest with this one like I have done with  Gens 2-4.  I like the Pokemon in these a lot better than the other later gen games I've played; they seem more stylistically in line with Gen 1 in a way I can't really articulate, but I like.

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well, london life was not so great. glad I went to the effort and expense of importing that :/


On to more positive things though. I'm playing miracle mask and I'm loving the 3D. It hasn't lost any of it's charm. The models have more animations and facial expressions and I love the searching is improved a  lot too I think as the cursor changes when you can interact with stuff instead of wildly tapping the screen. I've also been listening to it with my headphones, and while I've always thought the series had great music, it's really impressive quality too with the headphones on. I guess I should move them more often in general actually, even when console gaming.


I did have one hairy moment when there was a horse chase that was a bit flaps so I hope there isn't too much of that sort of thing.

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Realized I left Alan Wake untouched for a while because I got so distracted by my new games this year.  Finally picked it up again...  And now I feel I have to start over because I left the game in the middle of the plot.  Also came across the Darkness, which I intend to get a cheap copy of the sequel for if I can find it.

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I've also started playing Pokemon White for while my wife doesn't want me hogging the TV.  I played like 10 hours yesterday, so apparently I'm not going to lose interest with this one like I have done with  Gens 2-4.  I like the Pokemon in these a lot better than the other later gen games I've played; they seem more stylistically in line with Gen 1 in a way I can't really articulate, but I like.

I've been playing the new sequel a lot, myself.  They've brought back a lot of the first generation and second generation Pokemon.  I appreciate that they added the 'shaking bush' Pokemon to make level-grinding a less time-consuming task.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've being playing Assassins Creed III. They've kept enough the same it's still the same game, but changed enough that having played the prior 4 games is for naught when a fair chunk of the buttons and actions are all different. Given the length of the game I'm sure I'll be back in the swing of things by the end, but it was a silly thing to do on their part, it's not like it improves it in any manner. What does it improve to be :PSO: for synchronize instead of  :PSTriangle: ? It's early in the game, so things could look up. I'm still not Connor, though it's taken much longer than I'd have expected, I hope the change from one to another is handled well because they're getting me somewhat invested with the current character. I have been warned, as far as characters go, Connor isn't as good as Haytham. Gameplay side I hope he is though, annoying to be taunted with features I can't yet participate in. For one it's not so openworldey at this stage, mostly linear of do mission, go to pub, do mission, go to pub, do mission, go to pub. Nothing stopping me going exploring, but nothing there to entice me to either. I kind of expected an obviously better game from the "main" AC team over Bro/Rev.



Game is relatively old, so yes I know I shouldn't' really be expecting too much "Assassiney" stuff from Haytham ;), but it's the name on the fucking box. Of course next game is looking to be pirates so maybe Ubisoft n I own different dictionaries.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Waaayyyy too much New Vegas. But I'm now beyond where I got last time. Dunno if I want to let Benny escape to Legion or kill him yet. I could do with triggering the event that neutrals Legion though as I can't currently explore parts of the map without their assassins constantly after me. I think I've managed to get hold of all the companions this time too, which is nice. Mainly to Arcade I was missing before now. Should probably try n trigger their quests since I've only half done Cassidy's n Veronicas before now. Cassidy has an awkward quest though that meshes directly into another quest chain so I'm just having to let them pause for now.


Also hopped onto Endless Space again last night. Might do some more hopping onto it as I remembered how much I enjoyed the game (despite/because of the complexity). Iv'e kind of drifted away from procedural games for a while though, I've been wanting to get completable story-based games out of the way first.


Oh and Simpsons Tapped Out, which is quite tastefully done. Don't really need to pay for anything, it pretty much plays at its own pace. Only need to buy doughnuts if you want the specialist buildings.

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Heart of the Swarm, also. At first I thought it was about on par with Wings of Liberty. Which is high praise considering I feel WoL had the greatest RTS campaign I've ever played. But now that I'm a little more than halfway through HotS, I think it's actually better than WoL. 

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I've been trying to finish Assassin's Creed 3 but I got sidetracked with the homestead missions and promise of more money. Why do you need more money in the first place? I don't know... I just wanted to upgrade my pouch capacity! Now I have 2 ships selling bear pelts!


In any case, gameplay wise, this is the best IMO. The combat could be the same old "1 person at a time" a lot of times, but it does have new stuff like the human shield. My fave though is the rope dart which you could use to string people up on ledges or trees. I love it! And capturing forts is still fun (it's only as fun as you want it to be)!


Too bad Connor is too... Boring. I need to finish it so I can get me some Lara Croft action!

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Yeah, I know a lot of people thought it was bloated, and I can see why, but I loved all the side stuff.  I mean, Skyrim is bloated too, but it's considered a bonus.


Anyway, I've been playing ME3 again.  Now that the last DLC is out I can finally bring all my Sheps through to the end of their journey.

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