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Cyber Rat

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[Greed Corp is] a very excellent game - and can be extremely hard. You think you've got the match in a bag?


Next move - HA. You lose.


It's terrific.

This. I love it too. I'm huge on turn-based strategy games though, of all kinds, from Civilization to Risk to Valkyria Chronicals to Advance Wars.

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I've been impressed by how polished the game is - the quirky music, the solid mechanics and the surprisingly good story writing between levels.


Non-PC-gaming-wise, I played this card/strategy game in person with my friend and his girlfriend the other night, when they came to visit.


Called Dominion-




It is AWESOME. I wish they had a Steam or XBLA version of it so I could play it again.


There seems to be an online version, but it looks slightly homebrew and the webpage is in German - tried to get it working briefly, but couldn't.



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Whenever I say stuff like that my fiancee's always like "why do you always want a video game version? why not just play the real one?"


The answer is:


1) I can't play the real version against a computer, and it's a PITA to try to get a bunch of people together to play certain games, like Risk.


2) It's easier to let the computer manage crap like card decks and dice rolls, so I get to focus on just playing.

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Yeahh, like, I have a ton of board/card games and there's loads of ones I want, but none of my friends live in the city now, so it's super rare for me to have an opportunity to play them.


Plus, the adapted versions usually have awesome visuals to go along with the game.

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Still playing Fallout: New Vegas. Got it during the first week of the Steam holiday sale.


I'm really loving the hell out of it. I played Fallout 3 when it came out, but I kinda rushed the main quest and I've regretted it ever since.

I downloaded F3 a few times to try and play it again but I could never really get back into it and would always stop after an hour or two.

So I was surprised by how quickly I really got into NV.



I'm really taking my time with this one. Been playing for over a week now and I've got around 23 hours of playtime so far and I've only set foot on The Strip for the first time this afternoon :lol:

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ha, yea it did. I rarely left detective mode, I feel bad for the developers and people who worked on the graphics.


Thanks guys, I'll stick to detective mode, kthx.


Same for me. I think with Arkham City they've talked about having it so you can do the Detective mode stuff without kinda losing the visuals the art guys had worked on. Though I've not been following too closely.

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Having finished Brotherhood I now have to choose between:


Dead Space, BioShock, Brutal Legend, Need for Speed Hot Pursuit, GT5, Castlevania Lords of Shadow and Dead Rising 2.


I'm tempted to stick them on easy and crash through the story of Dead Space, BioShock and Castlevania. Dead Rising 2 is gonna take ages and Brutal Legend... I don't know if I want to play it.


Tonight, Dead Space methinks. I need to beat it before my dad does. I will not have a 65 year old finish a game before I do. :|

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A smattering of whatever comes to mind.


Right now with the new gpu, I've been focusing on pc games the past few days.


I just tried Metro 2033 to see how well I can run it. DX11 mode, Ultra high, 1680x1050 (that's my monitors native), it runs.. p erratically, hovering around 25-35 fps during typical gameplay, with a few times it shoots up to 50+ (mainly cutscenes).


I need to finish Epic Mickey too, hopefully I'll get some time this weekend.

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I was never one to choose between games. I always have many of them on the go at once. Currently;


- StarCraft 2

- Company of Heroes

- The Path

- Minecraft

- KOTOR (it's actually my first playthrough of this and I can't believe I didn't do it sooner)

- AAaaaAAAAaaAAAaaaAAAaaaa!!! A Reckless Disregard for Gravity

- Frozen Synapse


Was thinking of adding Black Ops and Vanquish to this list since I haven't used a console in ages. I also really want to get back to playing New Vegas and Sin and Punishment 2, but they demand time.

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