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Cyber Rat

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You mean like this one?



I've already beat the boss after that too.  Honestly, it seems like they're getting easier as I go, which is weird.  I definitely have encountered some of the devious optional platforming bits though.

I've played the game like 3 times now and this is the first time I even see that boss, so that's most definitely some of the new content exclusive to the edition you're playing. Nah, don't worry, you'll encounter more challenging bosses later on. One in particular will basically require you to have mastered almost all the skills the game has thought you.

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That's the third-to-last boss, and I've already beaten the next one (

the jaguar guy

). He was a little harder, but not much.

Oh, you shouldn't have any issues, then. Jaguar is the one that pissed many people off. I found him to be a fair challenge but a lot of people really hated the colored shields, for some reason. Something about them being "artificial difficulty bullshit" or whatever. I think those people are just bad at games. :)


He was a fucking nightmare on hard, though.

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Yeah, don't mistake this for complaining, I really like this game. It's challenging without being punishing. I'd just expected it to be more punishing since I'd heard it was hard, and usually when people on the internet talk about a game being hard it's not in a way I enjoy.

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I've been playing Tomb Raider.


So first off, I've never really played any of the past Tomb Raiders. My cousin had 1 or 2 (as in amount) on PS1 I used to play bits of. I remember the mansion stuff, locking butler in the freezer, and some rough memories of tigers in a cave and some stuff in Venice. And that the jumping was pretty terrible (or maybe tough for younger me, but I feel given it was pre-analog stick days in a 3D environment that "terrible" might be the right choice of words).


I'm really enjoying it, it's pretty damn good. I'd heard it's quite like Uncharted and I definitely get a lot of that vibe from it. Though main improvement is the areas are quite open. There's a few spots of linearness, but quite often you've the option to head back on yourself, or go different routes around enemies and what not. I think probably what might be my only major issue is seems to be building up a chunk of weapons and items which always makes it a bit fiddly. Recently gained a shotgun for blasting down barbed wire barricades and a rope arrow for pulling down items and doors and what not. Bit fiddly to switch between them frequently. Fighting is a bit funky, and I've a feeling theses armoured Japanese club dudes I've had some cutscene encounters with will prove to be a bullet sponge pain in following Uncharted.


Oh yeah it's quite pretty, one of my fave new games for pushing my PC a little bit and getting a nice result from it.

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I've been playing Tomb Raider.


Bit fiddly to switch between them frequently. Fighting is a bit funky, and I've a feeling theses armoured Japanese club dudes I've had some cutscene encounters with will prove to be a bullet sponge pain in following Uncharted.


Can't say I recall things being fiddly. I do enjoy the fighting because the cover system is neat and you can scramble about with an enjoyable amount of chaos going on.


As for the bullet sponge concern, it might be a problem if you haven't upgraded weapons enough, but I had a souped-up assault rifle that tore through everything with ease by mid-point.

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I'm on a pretty big Zelda kick recently so I started A Link Between Worlds earlier today after finishing Skyward Sword and Wind Waker.  I'm only one dungeon in so far but I can tell I'm going to like this one a lot.  It feels weird to not get key items in dungeons anymore, though.  I actually spent much longer in the dungeon than I needed to because I thought I had missed a chest somewhere.  I'm sure I'll get used to it in time.  I'm starting to remember why I used to love these games so much.  I might even replay Twilight Princess later if I still have it lying around somewhere.  

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I really should replay some of the "recent" Legend of Zelda games again. To be honest, I've never been too eager to play Twilight Princess again, but I feel that half of the reason is because how it's now the "was actually good" part of the Modern Zelda Complex. If anything, I should replay Skyward Sword (the "it actually sucks" Zelda now) on Adventure as I never did so after finishing it.


Or I could actually finish up Spirit Tracks as I just remember I left it alone right near the ending...



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you can't leave one unfinished! You should finish spirit tracks before you replay another one. If you're near the end you won't have to put up with much more of the trains. The warping on the tracks was my least favourite method of getting around the over world of any Zelda game. I never ended up where I wanted to be

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It looks different for each story mission.  I think the next one is highlighted in some way, but I could be wrong.


*Edit* - Looking around, it seems you need to deactivate any manual route guidance you've picked, and then the blue ghost should appear and guide you to the next story mission.

Edited by TheMightyEthan
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So uhh....maybe its because I don't play these games as much as they assume I do, but what does getting 100% in a level mean? Does it do anything if I fill up that meter at the end of the level?

What do the gold bricks do?

What about the red ones?

What about those things that look like a traffic light? Theres 10 of them in each stage. Do those do anything?

Edited by Strangelove
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The traffic lights are collectibles, if you get all of them you get a gold brick, if you get 100% of the money meter you get a gold brick, the first time you beat a level you get a gold brick, and you can find some gold bricks just lying in hidden places. Gold bricks let you unlock things (I can't remember what), and red bricks let you unlock cheats.

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