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I loaded up Assassin's Creed Unity last night and had an utter blast. The game has an almost unprecedented amount of content in it (most of which is excellent and non-filler) – I'm at probably 20 hours now and only just hit 50% completion.


I've also been playing it with the HUD turned off and using a couple of control improvements. (If you want to know more see the AC thread).


There are times where it's legitimately like an open world free-running MGS or Thief game. It's so great. And the deeper you get into gameplay, the harder it gets and the more emergent and sandboxey it gets. The first districts are 1-star difficulty, so enemies fall to your blade with ease and not much happens outside of missions. But when you get to the outer districts, which are 4/5 or 5/5 difficulty, enemies are seriously deadly, really good at chasing you, and loads of emergent stuff happens like big fights in streets which distract guards, lots of hiding places and gadgets interacting, lots of indoor and outdoor areas giving you good escape routes... Man it's so fucking good

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My brother got me The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky for my birthday. Usually with rpgs like this I feel like I've trained myself to always think I need a guide or I'll miss something (which is probably true, as I've already let a bracer quest expire) but so far I've tried to go through it more blindly. So far its been pretty straight forward but still has stuff I can experiment with (orbs and stuff). I just wish I didn't burn through all my reward money so fast! I'm always mostly broke. I haven't tried converting any septium yet... maybe that's my problem?

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  On 3/3/2015 at 9:23 PM, Baconrath said:

I haven't tried converting any septium yet... maybe that's my problem?

Yeah, do that. If I recall correctly, just don't go crazy. Also you won't miss anything if you check the guild. Now about finishing the quests in a timely manners... that is up to you.

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  On 3/3/2015 at 9:23 PM, Baconrath said:

My brother got me The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky for my birthday. Usually with rpgs like this I feel like I've trained myself to always think I need a guide or I'll miss something (which is probably true, as I've already let a bracer quest expire) but so far I've tried to go through it more blindly. So far its been pretty straight forward but still has stuff I can experiment with (orbs and stuff). I just wish I didn't burn through all my reward money so fast! I'm always mostly broke. I haven't tried converting any septium yet... maybe that's my problem?


I honestly think this is why I've never been able to get into JRPGs until P4G: everyone says "oh, you really need to use a guide to get everything out of it", so that's what I've done.  But when I'm using a guide I end up just following instructions and not actually engaging with the game.  With P4G, otoh, while I'll admit I've looked up some things (like how to make perfect lunches), I haven't really looked at step-by-step guides for anything, and I think that's a big reason I'm enjoying it so much more.

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  On 3/3/2015 at 10:00 PM, TheMightyEthan said:

I honestly think this is why I've never been able to get into JRPGs until P4G: everyone says "oh, you really need to use a guide to get everything out of it", so that's what I've done.  But when I'm using a guide I end up just following instructions and not actually engaging with the game.  With P4G, otoh, while I'll admit I've looked up some things (like how to make perfect lunches), I haven't really looked at step-by-step guides for anything, and I think that's a big reason I'm enjoying it so much more.

After a few too many accidental spoilers, I got fed up and said "fuck it" a while ago. Following guides became stricly a second playthrough thing, first time through I just play howevever I feel like and enjoy the story. I also try not to worry about achievements too much on a first run. I'll check to see if there's any important missable stuff I need to be on the lookout for but if I have to do a second playthrough anyway then I won't bother with it until it's time to do just that.


That being said, there is one thing I strongly advise you follow a guide for in regards to P4G. I'll spoiler it just in case you don't want to know but there won't be any actual story spoilers.




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back on topic: Just gave Raid mode a try in RE: Revelations 2. Goddamn, that shit is insanely fun and addictive! I'm really glad I went for the complete package because now I get to play it as Wesker! Also, I kinda love how they lifted some maps straight outta RE6. So far, the main campaign is pretty limited in terms of locations and a lack of map variety could've really hurt the longevity of that kind of mode.

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Unless you're seriously dedicated, I wouldn't even bother.  That trophy requires you to hear EVERY SINGLE ONE of Rise's support sound files.  This means you have to get every character in the game afflicted with every single status ailment at least once.  You have to find enemies weak against and strong against every single element.  You have to get every single character wounded, then killed.  You have to fight enemies above, below, and at your level.  You have to fight the secret bosses.  You have to afflict other enemies with every single status ailment.  You have to end battles with every character below a certain HP threshold.  It's just too much god damn work.

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Yeah, I'm not planning to specifically bother with that.  I'm going to have to do at least one more playthrough anyway, but if I don't have that one by the time I have all the others I'm just not bothering.


Which is too bad, I really thought I was going to plat this one.

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I started the new Shantae game today.  It's pretty fun so far and it seems to have fixed the complaints I had with the previous game, particularly by ditching the strange background/foreground level design that made it easy to get lost.  The levels in general are also just more fun to play through, and Shantae uses special items for her abilities rather than transformations this time around, which I see as an improvement because each item is mapped to a specific button rather than there being just one button for every dance.  If there's one change I have to gripe about it's that each level is split up into a separate island now instead of there being one large open world.  This would be fine except that this also means there's no fast travel, so unless you buy teleportation items before each island you'll be doing a lot of backtracking after each dungeon.  This would also be fine if the game wasn't so stingy with money.  Most enemies will only drop 1 gem, maybe 5 if you're lucky, and a single pirate flare (which is how you warp back to the ship) costs 30.  New moves and upgrades can cost up to 400 gems, so you really need to pinch your pennies and not waste them on things like flares unless you plan on grinding for money and I say nuts to that.


Still, backtracking at the end of each level is about the worst thing I can say about the game, and even then it's not that bad because there's usually new paths or secrets you can access with whatever item you got from the dungeon.


I also feel like it should be cross-buy with the 3DS but I don't know if that's more Wayforward's fault or Nintendo's.

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The Order: 1886


Borrowed it off of my brother who said 'Yeah, it's okay I guess', so I was hardly expecting greatness here. The game play itself is a little..tedious. I'm currently working my way through a perticularly frustrating stealth section with an all-or-nothing QTE mechanic which is utterly baffling to me. The gun-play is boring, and the weapons forgetful. 


Story is interesting, although it could use some padding out, and the game looks and sounds incredible; probably the best looking game I've ever played. Sometimes I'll put my controller down and spend 5 seconds working out if I'm watching a cut-scene or if I need to continue playing; it's that good.


So yeah...it's okay.

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I'm trying to enjoy the charming presentation of Pupeteer, but being severely hampered by the massively frustrating controls. It's got that same uncontrolable floaty feeling of Little Big Planet but need much more precision than that game so it is that much more annoying. My main grip is with the scissors - I rarely travel in the direction my my L-stick is pointed which is a nightmare when trying to go up narrow winding paths and cutting around an object before the webbing regrows.


Also, sometimes when you are using the scissors to travel horizontally toward a platform got get to the end of the cutting material and can snip through thin air and change direction at will so you can point to the platform with ease, but others you get to the end of the cutting material and plummet straight down. I cannot work out why this is and it is super frustrating on the water level I''m on at the moment where I seem to find the 1mm gap between some bullrushes and the lilly pad over a dozen times now. Really not having a great time in this bit.

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So comments on my status from the other day suggest that some people got beef with Resident Evil: Revelations 2


Come at me, brehs


Revelations 2 feels like co-op Resident Evil 4 most of the time. But only the Village part. That is, only the best part of Resident Evil 4, which also has legendary status. And it's two of you surviving intense encounters in large areas with near-perfect pacing. (It's great.)


I think, singleplayer, the story campaign could be a bit turgid by itself. But co-op it's phenomenal.


Imagine TLoU with a really good co-op element. So one player is Ellie with limited combat but more support abilities. The other is a fighter/survivor like Joel. Mix in puzzles better than any of the puzzles of TLoU. Mix in the environment of Resi 4 mixed with Silent Hill 3. Mix in a better-than-Lost Lost-style story. Mix in the fact that it is cheap as fuck, and, well, we have a winner.


Like, the amount of fun my partner and I had for £5 with the first episode was stunning. It does survival-horror action co-op better than Resident Evil 5 or Dead Space 3, which both did it well. We happily paid the £16 for the other four episodes immediately. And I'm only just getting my teeth into Raid mode, which seems really good albeit a bit of a slow starter.

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You gotta be shittin' me. Do you not see how shitty the environments are? How dumb the level layout is? How repetitive and uninspired the mechanics are? Its almost exactly like the first Revelations, except with a gimmicky co-op partner. A gimmick I actually like.

You cant bring up TLoU, RE4, or even Dead Space 3 and compare anything in this game that you think did it better. Those games demolish Rev 2 in almost every way.


Revelations 1 is already a shitty foundation to create a new game with, but then they just borrow shit from other games and dont do them justice. Not to mention that they dont bother to take shit from their own franchise to better the game. RE6 has better gunplay and combat. RE5 has better co-op. And RE4 has way better locations and monsters and even "gimmicks". I wont even mention the "puzzles." Theyre as nonexistent as they ever were in the post RE4 world.


And I dont expect this will matter because no one plays RE games looking for it, but the writing is godawful terrible. Better than Revelations 1 for sure, worse than basically everything else. Then again, Ive only played one chapter, maybe it gets better.


Honestly the best 2 things this game does is that it has raid mode and that it's cheap.

Raid mode is why this game is as good as it is. But if TLoU, Dead Space 3, RE4, 5 or 6 had raid mode, this game would be almost completely worthless. Raid mode is that good. Its the single reason I like Rev 2 and Rev 1. Other than that, theyre just not very good games.


Bringing up TLoU, RE4, Silent Hill 3 and even Lost really bothers me. I respect yor opinion, but it's misleading. People who dig those things and buys this game expecting those influences to shine would be very disappointed.

I cant help but feel that at least half of the game's problems would have been ironed out with a bigger budget. It feels really cheap. It's jankier than a lot of phone games even. Which is why comparing it to full budgeted AAA games is a big mistake. People can tell and feel it and arent going to like it.

Edited by Strangelove
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Yeah, no. I'm enjoying Rev 2 a lot for what it is, mostly because I'm a complete RE fanboy, but you have to be out of your goddamned mind to compare it to proper, well-made games like RE5 and Dead Space 3. Shit, to this day I still haven't played DS3 because the direction it took turned me off completely but it's still obviously of higher quality than Rev 2.


Rev 2 is a budget title through and through. It's fine for its price point and fun for what it is. And I'm glad to see budget titles making a comeback. But in no way does it compare to any of the games you've mentioned, Kenshi.


A game being fun doesn't automatically means it's a masterpiece. I enjoyed RE6 way more than I ever expected to, I had a ton of fun with it last fall. But I can still see that it's a complete piece of crap design-wise.

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  On 3/11/2015 at 6:09 PM, Strangelove said:

Raid mode is why this game is as good as it is. But if TLoU, Dead Space 3, RE4, 5 or 6 had raid mode, this game would be almost completely worthless. Raid mode is that good. Its the single reason I like Rev 2 and Rev 1. Other than that, theyre just not very good games.

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know Revelations 1 was bad. Are you serious?


At least it felt like a proper Resident Evil game and had some survival horror cred. Sure, because it was originally a DS title I wasn't as critical towards it, because I knew the limitations could be attributed to it being released for handheld, but even so, it was still impressive that a handheld spin off was way more fun and interesting than it's big budget brother - Resident Evil 6. I don't give a shit about production vaules, just because they shelled out more money to make this game doesn't automatically make it better, dude.


Don't know about Rev2, because I didn't play it yet, but I had to throw in my three cents because of those Rev1 comment.


Though I agree, comparing any of this to Silent Hill 3 or Last of Us is rather far-fetched.

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