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Sim City is £10 though. Screw it. I'm going to play myself some CIV V




I was saying on Twitter this morning that I've played Civ V for 245, which sounds like a lot. Then I realized that's only 10 days real time, which doesn't sound like so much. THEN I realized that it's the equivalent of 6 work weeks, which sounds like a lot again.


Dean says I have an addiction.

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I played the original STALKER and it was very buggy and had a lot of assets disabled in the retail version. I probably played a total of about... 3-4 hours before I gave up on it. I've seen a friend turn it into something pretty interesting by extensively modding it, but I personally can't recommend a buggy game to someone, especially as a must-have. Never played complete collections/rereleases though.

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I played the original STALKER and it was very buggy and had a lot of assets disabled in the retail version. I probably played a total of about... 3-4 hours before I gave up on it. I've seen a friend turn it into something pretty interesting by extensively modding it, but I personally can't recommend a buggy game to someone, especially as a must-have. Never played complete collections/rereleases though.


As Faiblesse pointed out, Bethesda games are loved by many--and they've been recommended in these very threads.


Yes, STALKER was notoriously unstable. It's significantly better now, especially after Patch 1.5. Before then, good god, ya'll, that was a nightmare. Now it, and its sequels, are good.


I think the fact that they are among the greatest games that have ever been made is well worth putting them on the list, particularly with the all-but-required Complete mods.

Edited by DocSeuss
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:). I was tempted to give it another look, but seeing as i've now had only 5 hours in two days, i know there's no point. I've decided to download Trine. I've got Metro: 2033 on route (tomorrow hopefully) and Company of Heroes is downloading. All in all, i'm pretty much set for a few weeks.


Civ is great and all, but Company. Man i love me some Company.

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Just over a week in now, and the game i've spent most of my time on has been Trine 2. Its a little less in depth than the other games, and it looks fantastic. Loving the puzzle aspects of it as well, more so than the combat. So maybe in future i'll give Puzzle titles a bit more of a chance.


That reminds me, Portal needs to be bought already. I've still never played that for myself. I've seen my brother play it, and i've played P2 but i've not tasted any of that sweet pie for myself. Is it true that P1 and P2 are in effect, almost completely different?

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Not as different as they were meant to be at first. Portal 2 still features the mostly same characters, mostly the same locations, and mostly the same kind of puzzles. But Portal 2 adds in couple extra characters, the sub-level of Aperture sciences, and with that the new Gel system and couple other puzzle elements. Oh and a co-op mode.


btw if you're still looking for an RTS to start yourself:

DOWII does play a bit different from DOWI though, I'm mixed on which I prefer. DOWII looks prettier and I like the Battlegear(or Wargear..whichver it was), it plays more like a sort of RTS-come-RPG. You get loot, equip n level up your soldiers. But DOWII tends to lock you down to a pre-made base, which limits your options a bit compared to DOWI when playing multiplayer. Also, though I've not recently counted with Retribution, DOWI has much more MP maps. Like about 30 or so, which is pretty sweet. They both cost about the same to pick up so I guess up to you. Newer does mean more folks on MP though.

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I've been eying that up actually, but i've still got to pay off this PC and my new Bike. Not sure if its a great idea to spend another £8 on a game (i know its only £8, but i've said that 5-6 times in the last week). I've also been looking at SpaceMarine, which i believe is in the sale too.


Question regarding Steam. If i add the product (say SpaceMarine) to my Cart whilst its on offer, will it remain at that offer price if i buy the game after the offer has ended? I can't afford it right now, but in 2 weeks i'll be able to buy it for £5 you see.


That makes sense right?

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I would highly recommend that any new games you buy, you buy at GreenManGaming.com. Darksiders 2? At one point, $35. Lots of games, actually, launch at $35 there.


Just over a week in now, and the game i've spent most of my time on has been Trine 2. Its a little less in depth than the other games, and it looks fantastic. Loving the puzzle aspects of it as well, more so than the combat. So maybe in future i'll give Puzzle titles a bit more of a chance.


That reminds me, Portal needs to be bought already. I've still never played that for myself. I've seen my brother play it, and i've played P2 but i've not tasted any of that sweet pie for myself. Is it true that P1 and P2 are in effect, almost completely different?


I would say that Portal 2 is different in that the puzzles are inferior (several of them basically just have you hunting for the one surface you can put a portal on, while Portal's puzzles involve a lot more flinging, which is how I like to play) and the script negates the ending of Portal by making GLaDOS sympathetic. On its own, it's not particularly bad--really solid 8/10 game, but Portal is nigh-on perfect.

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You can still add cash directly to your wallet. The gift cards are more for..gifts, and maybe trading in games for steam cards or if you've not got a card to pay for things online.


Also I'd recommend everyone get their wishlist to having at least 10 items in it, even if they don't super dooper want them (you can organise by priority, just make sure to hit save once arranged), as Steam occasionally has competions to let you win top 5/10 games in Wishlist.

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the script negates the ending of Portal by making GLaDOS sympathetic.



Well before Portal 2 came out I read an article making a very strong argument for GLaDOS as a sympathetic antagonist based solely on Portal 1. They made a good case that GLaDOS was miserable and enslaved to keep testing, and that she actually wanted you to kill her so she could finally die and be free.


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That reminds me, Portal needs to be bought already. I've still never played that for myself. I've seen my brother play it, and i've played P2 but i've not tasted any of that sweet pie for myself. Is it true that P1 and P2 are in effect, almost completely different?

Portal 2 is one of the best games I've ever played. It's different in that it's more of a full game, more narrative-driven, whereas Portal 1 was a glorified tech demo, quite literally. Both are fantastic games, but Portal 2 is much more satisfying overall.

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Just over a week in now, and the game i've spent most of my time on has been Trine 2. Its a little less in depth than the other games, and it looks fantastic. Loving the puzzle aspects of it as well, more so than the combat. So maybe in future i'll give Puzzle titles a bit more of a chance.


Have you played the first Trine? It does every single thing better than the sequel, in my opinion.

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