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Event Planning Redux  

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  1. 1. What system(s) do you spend the most time on?

  2. 2. What are your preferred multiplayer genres?

  3. 3. What days work best for you?

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Perhaps LittleBigPlanet 2? I know it's free on PS+ right now and I'm not sure how many people can fit in a game, but it'd be great for just mucking around and such.


My other go-to is TF2, just because it's free and easy. Or perhaps Tribes Ascend, seeing as that's on Steam now.

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I have a large assortment of multiplayer games that I'd be up for playing, but most of them are on PC (and primarily Steam).


I'd totally be up for a Dark Souls party assuming we were all able to get each other in one person's game. Still need to beat the darn thing, but the catacombs scare me...


Dark Souls would be fun though you can only have 3 people playing co-op. :P Also, I think it's pretty hard to get everyone on the same game, haven't tried it in a while though. :P


For the catacombs, get the light spell and a divine club, that part is easy as hell if you have both of those things. :P




Wipeout HD has been pretty fun every time I've played it with others here, though we did run into some problems last time we tried playing together. :P There's also MGS Peace Walker though I don't know how many own it and on what platforms. :P


In terms of PC, I have the Dawn of War games, Space Marine and Magicka, I think multiplayer would be fun in those games though I've only played Magicka in local co-op. :P

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In A New PC Gamer, I see Company of Heroes mentioned a few times, that's a great multiplayer RTS and it supports up to 8 players. I'd definitely be up for some of that.


I'm also playing Battlefield just about every evening on PC, usually with a good few other lads (2-3 squads) but I'd be up for getting together for a game with any of ye and since we no longer have a BF3 server to call home, you're welcome to join in on our pub stomping. We know a few good servers with some decent competition.

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I'm also playing Battlefield just about every evening on PC, usually with a good few other lads (2-3 squads) but I'd be up for getting together for a game with any of ye and since we no longer have a BF3 server to call home, you're welcome to join in on our pub stomping. We know a few good servers with some decent competition.


I've got a 16 player server that I'd be happy to volunteer if anyone wants a few games of TDM or really small conquest.

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I'm also playing Battlefield just about every evening on PC, usually with a good few other lads (2-3 squads) but I'd be up for getting together for a game with any of ye and since we no longer have a BF3 server to call home, you're welcome to join in on our pub stomping. We know a few good servers with some decent competition.


I love me some BF3. Assault all the way!

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I'd be grudgingly up for CoH.


I'd much rather prefer something awesome, like the new Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion. Though I don't think anyone here has that :(


Yet, Johnny. Has that yet. :)


I'll definitely be getting it when I can afford it. I want to get the expansions to the original as well. I'm hoping there'll be a good deal on Steam at some stage during the summer sale

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