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Games You've Bought


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OK technically not all of these are games, but there's more games than non-games for it to go in the non-gaming section.

Deleted earlier post since I got most of this stuff during this week and it arrived not on the day I'd posted.

In the Image:


Ar Tonelico Qoga.

Yakuza 4 (saturday)

Tactics Ogre: LuCT

The Third Birthday

2100 MSP

Thief Complete Collection (I wish they released it by DD - but this was just £2 and that was hard to pass by since I don't own the whole lot anymore).

Artbook for Ar Tonelico



Muji Notebook since I still write and draw while on the move and I actually jot down ideas on pencil (I prefer that to pens especially on the move - not to mention the sound and feel of pencil on paper is more appealing to me personally than a pen. I use fountain pens or if I use ballpoint pens it's those with gel ink)

Muji purse as a DSi+games carry case for my wife.

Game of Thrones (since I don't quite remember it anymore and I wanted to buy the non Sean Bean edition since I hate buying a tie-in book because of the art).


Outside of the image

PSN cards which have been recycled and used.

Non-gaming items that I'm not taking pictures of, like lenses and shit :P. Lots of work related items too.

X-Men Arcade (buy it on live for 200pts today since it's really cheap)

Kingdom for Kelflings


Might get Comic Jumper (if my wife really likes it)

Shogun:Total War (Saturday again)

Ar Tonelico DLC

AC:Bro Hood Da Vinci DLC



Meh I've spent a lot on games these past 10 days. But since I didn't get the 3DS it's still a bargain in a way.

edit: I can't help but feel that I've forgotten somethings... OK this is bad since my dad's a CA and I'm usually good at accounting for everything I got. Must be tired...

Edited by WTF
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[Are those PSP games special editions or is the casing just bigger in Europe??



These were the special editions for the PSP, the twisted edition for third birthday and the limited edition for Tactics ogre. I could've bought the digital ones for NGP compatibility but these were cheaper and had extra stuff which is what I was really looking for :). The first run for tactics ogre, ff4 complete collection, lords of arcana and third birthday are the limited editions. It's an EU/PAL exclusive.



Also Dean, no it doesn't have more than one disc. I mean come on all of those games can fit on one disc and they do :P. (Since they were all CD based games during release). It's just when Eidos used to release games prior to acquisition they used to release them in bigger boxes. There's something about triple releases supposed to have a bigger box even if it contains only one disc.

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how is dissidia?

I've put over 15 hours into it this past week, gotta say I like it a lot. I'm having trouble putting this one down. So far Lightning, Tifa, and Kain are my favorites of the new characters. I recommend checking out the $3 demo (not really a demo).

Edited by TheCowboyPoet
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