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Games You've Bought


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Oh yeah, I wasn't trying to rag on your birthday presents. I had DP for a while, and I while I didn't like it personally, I can totally see how it would appeal to someone who's in to campy stuff.


As for Assassin's Creed, I freakin love Brotherhood and never pass up an opportunity to recommend it to people. I even wrote a review. :D


So yes, awesome gifts!

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Oh yeah, I wasn't trying to rag on your birthday presents. I had DP for a while, and I while I didn't like it personally, I can totally see how it would appeal to someone who's in to campy stuff.


As for Assassin's Creed, I freakin love Brotherhood and never pass up an opportunity to recommend it to people. I even wrote a review. :D


So yes, awesome gifts!


stop digging! :lol:

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I imagine that's especially true on PS3. The DS3's analog sticks blow for shooters. I mean, I hate the sticks generally, but they make shooters unplayable.


So, to make this post about your birthday present less negative: I'm glad you're enjoying your alternate control mechanism. :D

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Is "received" the same as "bought" here?


As a "welcome home" present, my brother got me a copy of his most treasured shooter, Medal of Honor (the one that came out last year). I know some people were disappointed with the game when it came out, but after playing several rounds online with him, I must say that it is a blast! It still has a somewhat lively community, and it's getting me excited for Brink.

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