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Grabbed some stuff from Steam's Halloween sale.


- Ghostbusters. Figured it was worth it for £1.74

- Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. Heard good things about it so I figured £3.75 was no big risk. And a thanks to Kovach for recommending the community patch for if I ever do get round to playing.

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A few weeks ago, EA sent me a 25% off coupon to use on Origin for my birthday. Some of you might remember I was considering getting NFS: Hot Pursuit. I ultimately decided against it.


Fast forward to just now: for some kind of Halloween promo, EA sent me another Origin code. The email says they sent out codes randomly for 10%, 20%, 30% or 40%.


I tried mine out of curiosity and it turned out to be 20%. Then i decided to try and see if I couldn't work this to my advantage.


First, I added Hot Pursuit (PS3) to my cart and redeemed the Halloween code. This dropped the price from 29,99$ to 23,99$. Add the 6,99$ shipping charge and the game still comes to a little over 30$.

Then I redeemed the 25% code from my birthday, and this added a 6$ discount, effectively cancelling out the shipping charge. Did not expect the codes would stack, but they did. :lol:


So, the short version:





It sucks that the codes don't work on pre-orders, as that would've made for a pretty cheap Mass Effect 3. But still, not a bad deal!

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I have purchased Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords off of DSiWare. It's a good game. There is a problem though. There's only 1 3DS in my household, and my sister is also hooked on Puzzle Quest now. Blood has been spilt :(


I purchased Rayman off of DSiWare as well. It's a good game. I really dig the music and the graphics. I love how at every checkpoint the game takes a photo of your face. Making funny faces for the camera fits with the rest of the game really well. The game might be a bit too hard for me though, it's rather unforgiving.


I have pre-ordered and paid off Zelda: Skyward Sword. I hope that the game gets enough pre-orders that my local Gamestop will run a midnight launch. I'll check back in two weeks and see if they are.

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  On 11/1/2011 at 6:09 PM, excel_excel said:
  On 10/31/2011 at 9:05 AM, DukeOfPwn said:

What's your name on Origin, excel? I know our pings will probably be shit but I want to try playing you anyway.

fullmetalciaran on Origin! Where should we all put our Origin names on the forum?


In the Origin IDs thread

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  On 11/1/2011 at 8:56 PM, TheMightyEthan said:

Why did you buy three copies?

Because it'll be a really good game. I want one that I can keep in the wrapping, one to put on Steam and the other in case I lose the first.



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While everyone else and their mom are playing DCU Online (seriously, like half my friend list was playing it earlier!), I'm playing this because there's no way in hell I can free up 14 GBs on my PS3 and the Steam install is only 36% done :(




I've actually wanted to try it for the longest time (especially now with my current DC craze, thanks to Arkham City and the comic DCU reboot).

I came close to buying it retail a few times, but never did.


Then it came out on PSN this week for 20$. I was kind of on the fence, but last month Sony had that "spend 60$ on the PSN and get 10$ back in november" weird promo and today I got my 10$ voucher. So I played the full game trial and after the hour was up I still wanted to play, so I used my free 10 bucks and only paid 9,99$ for it! ^_^

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8 more this month? Jesus, I thought November was kicking my ass, and all I have coming up is Halo: Anniversary, Batman: Arkham City, Zelda: Skyward Sword, and Assassin's Creed: Revelations.


God damn PC gamers getting the shaft...

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yeah Anno 2070, skyrim, zelda, assassin's creed, saints row the third (my wife wants the ps3 version so that's what I'm getting since she'll be playing it more than me), tales of the abyss 3d (we get it this month in PAL), tekken hybrid, ultimate mvc3. That's what I can think of.


I'll get halo, kirby, dodonpachi, king of fighters xiii, etc when there's a price cut though i don't think there'll be one on kirby.


I know I'll also get MGS HD next month (rather than wait till feb when it's loaded it's best to import it next month when there's no games and the new layton.


November is a cruel, cruel month... as is february - most anticipated title for that month is kingdoms of amalur which actually is pretty good when I tried it at an event.

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Let's see, i got Portal 2 and Sanctum as gifts (Cyber and Shibbs <3), then i preordered Battlefield 3 and Skyrim (thanks Connorrr and Dean <3). Used various Steam sales to get Dawn of War 2: Retribution (and some DLC), Nation Red, Bastion, Cthulhu Saves the World, Breath of Death VII.

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