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The two-pack is currently 7$ on GMG and with a voucher it came to a bit under 6$.


I'm aware of the reputation these games have, but I've played their demos a while back and they seemed okay to me. I've been meaning to get them for a while but they just never seemed to get a deal good enough for me to risk it. 


edit: Turns out I got some financial aid for May even though my classes are over and all I have left are finals. So without lunches and a bus pass to buy, I ended up with quite a bit of extra cash which allowed me to make a long overdue purchase.




Not strictly gaming related, but let's face it, that thing is going to get filled with Steam games in no time. I've been keeping an eye on the WD caviar black series for a while and I don't think I've ever seen a 2TB at such a good price (160$ before taxes, basically a 100$ discount). Sure will be nice to finally have some breathing room again. I've been on my current drive's last 100GBs for something like 2 years now, always having to delete a bunch of stuff whenever I buy a new game or download too many movies.


edit2: Man, GMG are having awesome deals. Another 2-pack. 5 bucks after voucher.






I loved the hell out of both games when I played them on PS2. Been meaning to get Bully for a while to try out the extra content and Manhunt was a rental so I never finished it. Was really tempted to get them during the Rockstar week-end Steam just had. So fucking glad I decided not to.


Oh, almost forgot but I also grabbed this.




Fun times ahead. As soon as finals are over...

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Patients are asked not to die in the corridors.


What stands out the most while replaying this as an adult is just how great this game would be if you're trying to transition your kids from Reader Rabbit and Pajama Sam to something a bit more serious. It's a great way to learn fundamental game concepts like resource management and player statistics while still being cute as fuck and having virtually no fail conditions.

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I found the game play was much more simplistic then I remembered (you definitely won't need cheats anymore), but there was a lot of humour in it that I'm sure I must have missed as a child.


The icing on the cake? Somebody is working on a mod that allows for freeplay (vanilla Theme Hospital could only be played mission by mission, in case you forgot). Get it here: http://forums.corsixth.com/

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I already owned the regular version, but this was about $17 and I really wanted the extra costumes and Harley Quinn's Revenge DLC.

Also, I dont understand the outrage over the cover. It's in my shelf, so I never really look at any game cover much. Honestly, people demanding reverse covers, buying the more expensive version of a game because the cover is "better", thats obsessive and borderline crazy. Chill out.





I played the 3rd one on the GBA years ago and had fun with it, so im hoping the other ones are just as good.

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  On 4/30/2013 at 11:06 PM, NeoStarr said:

I found the game play was much more simplistic then I remembered (you definitely won't need cheats anymore), but there was a lot of humour in it that I'm sure I must have missed as a child.


The icing on the cake? Somebody is working on a mod that allows for freeplay (vanilla Theme Hospital could only be played mission by mission, in case you forgot). Get it here: http://forums.corsixth.com/


Yeah, I think I used to cheats to skip through levels until everything was unlocked and went from there. Wasn't really to do with difficulty but impatience. Freeplay would be pretty sweet though.

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  On 5/1/2013 at 4:09 PM, Strangelove said:

I cant agree with that, especially considering a top notch game like Arkham City.


I agree with the general sentiment that the cover shouldn't matter. But, seriously, that is one retardedly horrible cover. It wouldn't have stopped me from getting the game or affected how much I was willing to pay for it, but let's just say I'm really glad I own it on Steam...

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Finally broke down and got all the Just Cause 2 DLC while it was on sale this week. I've been tempted every single time it went on sale. I got it this time because I've made myself an "objective list" for my backlog over the summer, and JC2 is a priority on it.


Also, Humble Double Fine Bundle. Not exactly a stellar one, but I got it for Brutal Legend and on the off-chance that they add The Cave as a bonus later on.

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Decided the Gamersgate deal was too tempting, so I went for it.





Also this, because I loved rage.



Of course, the sale was a big hit so they ran out of keys for Skyrim and the Rage DLC. Hopefully they'll get some more soon. :/





About time it came out on Steam. And now to finally beat it.

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