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Well, two days in and so far I've only spent 5 bucks.


My budget is kinda limited this time so I'm being a bit more selective. I've also been debating getting Don't Starve since yesterday. I really want to give it a shot but I have no idea how much I'd actually enjoy it. I was really hoping for a better deal on that one. Around 5$ would've been that sweet spot where it would've been an instant buy.






Ended up going for it. Just played for about an hour and this game is fucking awesome. I don't know how long I'll keep playing because I can see myself eventually getting sick of going through the early "tech level" over and over again, but at least for now I'm having a blast with it. After Mark of the Ninja, this and the newly announced Incognita that looks to be right up my alley, Klei are quickly becoming my favorite indie studio.

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I wasn't really impressed by the demo either, but the game itself really sucked me in.  The demo doesn't misrepresent the game really, I think the problem is that it's just the first 45 minutes of a pretty huge WRPG, which tend to have slow starts, and this is no exception.

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Amalur isn't that great. But it's big and colorful and kinda-sorta RPG-ish, so why not?


I just got episodes 3 and 4 of the Penny Arcade game series, and the emperor deluxe DLC-included version of endless space. I need to dedicate some time to Endless Space because I did not understand how to colonize new systems on when I just fucked around in it for half an hour.

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I know everyone's been going on about Darksiders II, but I figured I should play the first one. I don't really need a new game at the moment, but it was only £4 and, since most games I've played recently have been about shooting and/or sneaking, I wanted something with puzzley stuff and good old smacking-people-in-the-face (and TMNT: Out of the Shadows isn't out until the end of August).

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See, I think the world's cool.  Can't really comment on the characters, because my views of stuff like that are generally much more forgiving than most people.  There's customization to be had in your character build, though most people will probably go straight one class and that doesn't have a whole lot of variation if you do that.  Same goes for equipment.

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I'll keep an eye on Kingdoms of Amalamadingdong to see if it gets a significant drop.

I don't think it will, it hasn't even gone onto basic drop. I think with it having 38studios listed as publisher (though I swear EA did it, maybe just on consoles) and they're defunct it might not be in Steam's realm to issue a price drop on it or get in contact with anyone to ask if they'd be up with a price drop on it (Though where is the money going to if that's the case?)

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EA also published it (I have the Origin version, and the Amazon version registers to Origin, not Steam), but I think 38 did it on Steam.


*Edit* - The money is probably going to the state of Rhode Island, if it's not going to EA.

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