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Why are you getting the inferior versions of those games, Ethan?


They're not inferior if your computer can't run them well. I saw AC4 running on a PS4 at PAX and it was pretty damn nice. Though I also saw Nvidia do a demo for it so it might have a bunch of Physx shit just for PC. Can't really remember. I was just there to try and win prizes.

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My GFX card doesn't support Shield streaming, and a new card + shield is a hell of a lot more than a PS4.


*Edit* - Plus Shield only supports streaming for games that are built for it, whereas PS4 has streaming at a system level.


*Edit 2* - Actually, the minimum graphics cards that support shield + shield is quite comparable to a PS4, but there's still the only-supporting-certain-games thing.


*Edit 3* - Though even MORE actually, getting the minimum that supports streaming (a 650) would be downgrade in terms of actual computational ability, and getting one that's actually significantly better than my current card that also supports streaming would again be more than a PS4.

Edited by TheMightyEthan
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I already own a Vita, so that doesn't factor into the cost.


Also, I'm not going to downgrade my GPU when the one I have is already getting close to the limits on modern multiplat games.  To get a graphics card that's at least comparable to my current one (a 470) but that can also stream to Shield I'd have to get a 660, which is ~$200.  And given that current gen games are stressing my card I imagine next gen games are going to quickly outstrip its abilities, which means to keep pace and play the next gen games I'd actually have to spend even more on a card.


Plus there's the whole not-all-games-are-supported thing.


Even putting all of that aside, paying $200 for a card that's just comparable to the one I already have doesn't sit well with me.


I will surely upgrade my graphics card at some point, but now is not that point.

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Ethan: you live in Kansas, not downtown Tokyo. I'm sure you have space in your home. So do yourself a favor and get a second television set. I suppose you could, in the alternative, get a new wife who watches stuff streaming on the laptop rather than on 'live' TV. 


SMH at remoteplay.



Oh, aslo bought this: 



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We don't even have live TV, only an HTPC and consoles.  And the point isn't having a second display, because I've got my 360 hooked to my second monitor right now (that's where I plan on sticking the PS4 when I get it), it's the ability to be out in the living room while we both want to do things that use the TV.  Part of the point is so we're not both constantly closed off in our own little media worlds.  I can play something on the Vita/WiiU Tablet while she plays something on the screen, or she can cross stitch with the TV on while I'm playing something, and we can still talk and stuff.

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Yeah the answer of "get another TV" would not work in most relationships. Not only would I want to spend time isolated away from her but she would not let that fly either. Remote play is ideal, not only for people in relationships but also for when you want to do some grinding/fetch quests/side quests or anything that doesn't require full concentration or maybe just isn't that interesting. That way you can watch last night's The Late Late Show or Hockey Night in Canada, while still doing some gaming. Winning!

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I suppose I'm only interested in TV that requires my full attention, and so is my girlfriend. She and I are fine being in different rooms when we're both preoccupied, so it works. 


More often than not, she chills with her laptop on the couch next to me while I game on the TV.


It also means I don't waste money on subpar gaming equipment, which is winning in my book.

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Are we seriously doing the whole PC vs Console thing again? I had to cancel my Infamous Second Son preorder due to Penny Arcade related bonus content. However, I did manage to get on the Uber PS4 AssFlag when Game had it mis-priced for £50. Buwahahaha!

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I feel like I'm someone who's normally very sensitive to gender issues, but I can't think of a single time people have flipped out at PA over Gabe's comments that it hasn't seemed like an overreaction to me. The only thing that I really agree with is that it was a dick move to make the dickwolves merch as a response to people bothered by the comic. Everything else, including the initial reaction to the comic, just seemed overboard to me.

More often than not, she chills with her laptop on the couch next to me while I game on the TV.

See, it's wanting that kind of thing, but when we're both doing things that require either using the TV or being in another room. Remote play fixes that and allows us to do those things in the same room, while still being together.

Honestly, if it were just up to me, I'd be perfectly content to sit in my game room office on the PC playing while she's in the living room, but it makes her happy for me to be out in the same room with her so it's worth it to me to do that.  If I thought Shield would be an adequate replacement I'd totally go that way, but that would cost between $700 and $1000 to get set up adequately (depending on what GPU I got), which is more than I'm willing to spend when I can accomplish the same thing with a $400 PS4.

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The Shield is not a solution, I totally agree. And, for the record, I'm just giving you a hard time. Also just bragging that my girlfriend is totally awesome for giving over the big screen TV to my gaming while she streams/surfs on her Macbook. The reality is that most TV or movies we watch, we watch together. For the few hours of shows a week she watches alone, she tends to watch it before I get home from work or just before bed anyway, so bedroom watching isn't an issue. 


I echo Thursday's feelings re: Penny Arcade. Then again, I have a feeling (or maybe i read?) that Gabe is on the autism spectrum and may not truly understand the impact of what he's saying. But then I feel like I'm being condescending to him for thinking that, so I resolve to think of him merely as an insensitive asshole.


Edit to prevent double post: 


I also pre-ordered this little gem of a small budget indie game for the PS3:




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Since this is completely unrelated, I guess I'll double post.




Pre-order/early access alpha kinda deal. I don't think it's available to purchase through Steam just yet but they're already selling it through Humble Store and it's a Steam key anyway. Went with the soundtrack bundle and, as with Don't Starve, they actually give you two copies of the game.

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Yeah, they announced it kinda quietly over the summer, with basically just that pic I posted and no in-game screenshots or anything. Then they did a gameplay stream on twitch like a month ago and that's about it. Seems kinda weird to take such a low-profile approach.


But yeah, it looks pretty sweet. The last thing I expected from them after Mark of the Ninja and Don't Starve was some XCOM-like strategy game. Gonna try it out now. :D

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The limited edition is pretty cool. 




I was going to stop buying physical Vita games, but from what I hear the game is 3 gb and then theres an over 1gb patch you have to download too. Thats way too much space for a game I will only play for the singleplayer.

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