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I wasn't planning on buying it considering I never got really far into the original and I still have Outlast to finish. But I ended up trading my extra copy of Incognita for a few TF2 keys and was able to trade for it and only needed to buy two more keys. So, it cost me less than 5$. Hard to argue with that price.

I should be able to wrap up TLoU by friday, then I'll go back to Outlast. But once that's done, I'm really not sure if I should play Machine For Pigs right away or go back to play The Dark Descent first...

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I get the impression it doesn't matter, in any sense, which you play first. I know Amnesia: The Dark Descent was toted as a supremely horror filled game, but it's not really scary. It'll creep you out, and it plays well for a game. It just seems A Machine for Pigs is a lot more narrative based and won't give you the same feeling as Dark Descent. I'm waiting for it to become cheaper, because while I'm sure it's fine, it's not invoking the desire for me to jump in a collect journal pages.

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I bought an X-Box; so some of you might see my on Live again. Old one broke a few years ago and I never bothered to get it replaced until now. Was going through my old library of games wondering what I should play first. Not even ashamed to say it; settled on Rumble Roses XX. Fuck yeah, I missed this game.


At the moment though; still typing with my face while trying to untangle myself from the wires behind my TV.

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TLoU is absolutely one of the only games worth paying full price for. Whether you value replay value or production or mechanics or whatever the fuck you value $60, it sends a good message to developers and what you want out of your videogames. It plays well, looks amazing, AND there's some kind of substance to it. 


But maybe youre just a shithead who will hate it. Then I suggest just ignoring it and never having your opinion heard. You dont matter.

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Pre-ordered on GMG. I bought the PSN version and loved it but it's one of those games I feel I would play a lot more of if it wasn't on PS3. I just never turn on the damn thing without a good reason. It's just easier to quickly check my Steam library when I've got 20-30mins to kill and have no idea what to play. You also get all the DLC for free when you pre-order, so I felt it was worth double dipping.




This one was kind of an impulse buy. Thought it looked pretty good and I had been tempted to get it ever since it showed up on Steam. When I went to get Pac-Man, I saw it was 50% off as a week-end deal. Along with the 20% voucher, I got both for 13 bucks.


Oh and I got the HIB9 and the weekly retro shooters one. Pretty good ones, even if I owned most of the games already. Got the weekly one solely for Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition and Shadow Warrior Classic Redux. Kind of annoyed that I bought FEZ a week ago, though...

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So I got GTA5. I cant help but feel like a complete tool. And not because of it's popularity, but because I really hated GTA4.

But I loved RDR. So maybe this one is more "inspired" than GTA4 was. 

Though, GTA4 was so bad you can really only go up from there.


And I went to Gamestop to buy it. Though there was a benefit to it, I preordered the Beyond Special Edition, that is exclusive to GS.



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I bought Proteus because it was a "pay what you want" type dealy-o and now I've got home and checked emails and been reminded of the fact I bought it. And I've gone and found out it wasn't what I thought it was. Which'd after some fishing about would be Reus. Bum. Reus looked fun, whereas Proteus is the game everyone is bitching about not being a game. :(

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I bought Proteus because it was a "pay what you want" type dealy-o and now I've got home and checked emails and been reminded of the fact I bought it. And I've gone and found out it wasn't what I thought it was. Which'd after some fishing about would be Reus. Bum. Reus looked fun, whereas Proteus is the game everyone is bitching about not being a game. :(


Then approach it with an open mind and give it a try!

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Was on the fence but the demo convinced me. I should've known better than to doubt Quantic Dream. Decided to pass on the GS-exclusive special edition, though. I love me some extra goodies but whoever thought steelbooks were a good idea needs to get broken shards of glass shoved up his urethra. Oh and also get the guy who invented clamshell packaging, while you're at it!

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Red Orchestra Franchise which also includes Rising Storm (for those who do not know).


This is what is going on in my mind right now.




I wanted a more game-y military simulator than say Arma 2 or 3. I also want to head back into WWII.

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Already 25% off on Steam. Good enough of a deal for me to bite. Went with the Deluxe Edition.


I made sure it ran well enough on my system first, though. Not making that mistake twice... I'm also really glad I went with The Last of Us instead of this a few weeks ago. Didn't expect a discount so soon.

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