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Didn't mean to pick up the limited edition, I didn't even think it was even being released in Canada, but EB Games had a few extras so I splurged so I can resell it in a few years with my gold Wiimote for millions.

I forgot what a great game this is. Might be better than Ocarina..... maybe.

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I picked up Sports Champions 2 as I'd kinda wanted the first for a while, but it's never seemed like a game to pay much for. Saw SC2 for £4 in HMV so snapped it up.


Picked up Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes on Android for 60p. Heard good things about the game and I quite liked playing HoMM..III(I think) back in Uni.

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  On 10/6/2013 at 4:34 AM, Atomsk88 said:

I love it, but the Triforce fragment hunt is what brought it down on my list of favorite Zelda games. Everything was so great until that chore of a quest.


Luckily they understand that that was a stupid chore and in the HD one you only have to find 2 or 3 of the fragments.

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10% off + 1$ of credit from trading in some shit games I got for free. Cost me 26$ and I got 6$ of store credit. The initial cashback/credit offer disappeared pretty quickly from GMG for some reason but it just showed up again. Glad I held off just in case.


  On 10/6/2013 at 3:21 PM, Deanb said:

Picked up Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes on Android for 60p. Heard good things about the game and I quite liked playing HoMM..III(I think) back in Uni.


You might be disappointed then. Clash of Heroes is great but it has more in common with Puzzle Quest than it does with usual Might & Magic titles.

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Im not going to lie, I bought Wind Waker because I couldnt find anything I wanted but I had a lot of credit. Plus, I feel bad for my Wii U. Ive never played it, so I hope this is the 3D Zelda for me. All the other 3D Zeldas have been utter disappointments.




Paid for and preordered this. Really wanted the Wii U version, but it's 20 bucks more than the PS3 version. It's quite ridiculous. But once again I feel bad for my Wii U, so I might pay the $20 extra to get that version instead.

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Ha, so GMG are doing these reward vouchers now. Instead of being posted on the site, selected customers (I'm assuming more than one) receive them by email.


I got one for 25% off XCOM Enemy Within today. Kind of annoying considering I just pre-ordered it yesterday. So I got in touch with support to ask about getting the difference as store credit. Didn't really expect it to work but I figured it was worth a shot. They fucking gave it to me! So, combined with the 6$ from my pre-order, I'm now sitting on about 13$ in store credit.


The current 25% voucher that works on Arkham Origins is still valid until friday, I think. I'm really tempted to combine my credit with it and get the game for essentially a 50% discount.

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So I bought a PSP 3000 and it just came in!


Came with:

-PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe


-Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops

-Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker


-LocoRoco 2


-Hot Shots Golf Open Tee 2


-Killzone: Liberation

-Resistance: Retribution

-Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror


So yeah nice good lot right there. I feel like I got it for a pretty good price too. $160 for it all. Came with a 4GB Memory Stick and a 2GB, carrying case, and a charger too!

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  On 10/10/2013 at 5:17 PM, The Cowboy Poet said:

I liked it! Be mindful the beginning is kind of slow. Also, don't get too invested in Desmond's storyline. Also!! Avoid the DLC. Seriously.


The King Washington stuff? Is it that bad? I obviously never got to play it but the alternate history thing seemed kind of awesome.

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It's cool in premise but it's over priced, short, the powers drain your health which makes fighting frustrating since a lot of them require you to use your new powers, and basically you're always 'wanted' meaning running through the city gets a ton of guards chasing after you. Not even that but the whole alternate history scenario is handled poorly, has some major plot holes, and just don't make no darn sense. I disliked it, and I even liked Revelations...  

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