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Got Ben There, Dan That and Time Gentleman, Please! from Steam for 75p. http://store.steampowered.com/app/37400/?snr=1_4_4__106_1


I had the first one ages ago on my laptop because it was free (I imagine it actually still is) and figured I should actually try and get round to playing them sometime. Can't go wrong at 75p anyway.

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Got Ben There, Dan That and Time Gentleman, Please! from Steam too.


Fantastic. Here's just one brilliant bit of the writing!



You can use Dan to interact with things. Clicking on Dan.

Ben say "I can't have Dan interact with himself, who knows that that will lead too."

Dan "Wanking!"


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I actually got this at Best Buy instead of through Amazon. The problem I was having was that Amazon wasn't going to ship the game out until July. I was aware it would take some time, and for a cheap price it would be worth it. However, Best Buy lowered their price again and so it was $20 in the store. Add my $5 discount coupon and I cancelled my Amazon order in a heartbeat.


I also saw something a little perplexing. There was a young couple ahead of me at the registers, and they must have been loaded because their purchase was: one Nintendo 3DS, one Nintendo DSi, TWO copies of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and one copy of Pilotwings Resort. If I'm not mistaken, that's nearly $600 (with sales tax)!


Maybe they were going to sell it all online, or perhaps they had a rich birthday party to attend. :scratch:

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I finally caved in and bought one of my steam sales games - Portal 2. I know it'll be on sale but realised my wife wouldn't mind playing it on the PS3. So we can co-op between the ps3 and pc. She still uses my steam account and if anyone from here is on my FL which is mostly unlikely I guess (with the exception of the brainhurtbuy since his icon is the same as his steam one - we must have added on a kotaku thread).


But yes Portal 2. Right now I'm trying to finish games off slowly. I know I'll be trying to finish some of what I have.

Mostly bought/almost bought games for the next 2 months approx in order of release


El Shaddai

(both of which I've already tried Asian versions of when I was away for a few months)

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Heroes 6

Resistance 3

Child of Eden (prefer the non-kinect 3D enabled version)

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For some reason, I thought Heroes VI was going to be a console release.


Nah heroes 6 is unlikely to hit consoles soon (if at all). However we do now have Heroes Chronicles on GoG (basically heroes 3 but individual stories like the second expansion).


On Topic: Silent Hill: Shattered Memories purchased.

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I already owned the regular RE5. And I basically have the same criticisms as everyone else. that being said, i bought this one simply for the Move support. RE4 was awesome on the Wii, and RE5 with Move is pretty much like that. The 2 episodes were also pretty alright.




I also bought the navigation controller. Feels good, man.

I should probably replay Killzone 3 again with it.

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I don't expect to buy anything else.


That's what I said 7 years ago when I downloaded Steam: "I'm just gonna use it for Half-Life 2, I'm not gonna buy anything else." Now, I'm living on the streets, I lost my job, my wife, my kids, and I leech electricity off the light poles in the park to keep my rig running, panhandling for any extra coin I can get to buy more Steam games.


So yeah, good luck with that.

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I also bought the navigation controller. Feels good, man.



So jelly right now. I don't even understand why the Move appeals to me so much, other than "Child of Eden" and "No More Heroes" I don't see myself using it much.


Also, Last weekend I got all the "PSN Welcome back" games, LittleBigPlanet I once had and gave it away, but I'll give it another playthrough. I'm enjoying inFAMOUS so far, to be expected since I would replay the demo quite a bit. Dead Nation is fun, a little dark, but pretty fun, I have yet to tap into it's multiplayer options. SuperStardust and Wipeout I haven't played yet, I'll get to that sometime in the future.

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TES:IV Oblivion GOTY edition

Recettear: An item's shops tale



Back to the Future: The Game


Steam sales are not good for my wallet D: BUT SO MUCH GAMING GOODNESS! :D


Annnd on Telltales website last day of the 75% off sale, I got Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People along with its special DVD, and the entire Sam & Max seasons, altogether for around €20 including delivery!

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Just picked up Just Cause, Just Cause 2 & JC2 DLC in the Steam sale.


I already own the first on the PC, but I like the idea of having it on Steam. The second I already have on the XBOX, but at £4, I am interested in being able to use the mods on the PC.

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Being broke during a Steam sale is both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, I don't add stupid amounts of new games to my already insane Steam backlog.

But reading this thread right now makes me feel like a drug addict in need of a fix :lol:


This sale is pretty easy to ignore otherwise, though, because I tend to game in "platform phases".

For months at a time I'll game exclusively on one platform and ignore the other. I almost never switch back and forth between my PC and my PS3.

It's always one or the other, rarely both. And right now, I've been spending a lot of time on the PS3 these past few weeks. I don't even log on to Steam when I'm on the PC.

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Hocking, have you by chance got a widescreen monitor? I could not for the life of me get Just Cause to run in any wide format.


I have now but when I originally bought Just Cause on the PC, I had a 15".


These might help you however;






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