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I just pre-ordered Child of Eden for PS3 thanks to WTF's bargain spotting skills. I'll probably forget I've pre-ordered it by September's release date though. As long as they don't charge a higher price (I don't fully trust play.com) it will come as a nice surprise.




I wonder if they'll change the box art as surely the guy on the front is doing the kinect gameplay.

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I purchased Nier for 15 dollars (Canadian!!) the other day. I looked all over for the PS3 version, couldn't find it anywhere and then as soon as I stopped looking, I noticed it randomly sitting on top of a bin of games at EB Games. So far I really like, it has some flaws, but it's a fun game.

Edited by TheCowboyPoet
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Picked up Hitman: Blood Money, Portal 2, X3 Terran Conflict and Two Worlds II in the Steam sale yesterday and today. Pretty excited about Terran Conflict. I picked it up at retail a while back, but it didn't like my PC specs at the time - ran okay in some systems and suffered pretty severe video lag in others.


I played quite a lot of X2 The Threat and didn't overly like the controls, so the revamped system in Terran Conflict really appeals to me.

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Just picked up Nier and Final Fantasy XIII. I don't care for FFXIII, but my fiancee is into the franchise, so I purchased it up @ $17.99. Traded in my PS2 for some extra credit since I'm moving and she has one. Also running out of unfinished PS2 games. I only have Stella Deus, Suikoden Tactics and Eternal Poison left unfinished. Hurray dwindling backlog!

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$599.00 for all three! I'll admit I've been hunting for new cheaper copies (only find used, eugh), but I don't think I'd lay that down! They are new right? More like tell me I'm wrong and it's not $599.00, but $5.99



That is an old tag for when it was brand new, and it's also $599 pesos which is around $50 dollars in today's economy :P Not sure how much it was back then, for the 3 of them (yes, they are new, sealed and all that good stuff :P) it was around $120 dollars or $1430 pesos. Might be too much, but I couldn't resist. :P

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Gamestops actually had Xenosaga 2 new in stock about 2 years ago. it was weird. Other than that, I had to rebuy all 3 about a year or two ago. Xenosaga 1 was about 10 bucks used, Xenosaga 2 was 5 bucks new, and Xenosaga 3 was about 18 dollars used.

BUT.....theyre easily worth 120 bucks back then, in my opinion.

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