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I've wanted to get this ever since it became available on Steam a few months back.

Glad I didn't get it for 10 bucks as soon as the sale began, though. Figured it might get a daily deal :D


I bought it too. The game was actually seeming a little laggy. Is it just a poorly programmed game?

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Yeah was getting some poor FPS whenever I zoomed in or out or move the camera around so I did some research and the only solution I found seems to be to run it in software mode ...


I'll keep looking, though. Because not being able to properly run such an old game with high settings is ridiculous.



edit: well, just launched Steama and did my round of purchases for the day



Tried it when it came out and loved it. Figured it was time I owned it.



Wanted to try it ever since I heard good things about it when it came out for 360, though there never was a demo for PSN or the PC version, so I waited for the price to be right. 2.50$ is very right :lol:



And I've been waiting for a good deal on this one for ages. I thought the first BIA games were good, but a bit dated.

So I've actually been hoping for this one to feel more... modern, I guess.

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This should be my last big round of purchases.




Didn't want the full bundle, but for 2,50$ this is a steal. Own a PS2 copy but I never played the prettier "next-gen" version.



Not sure what to expect. Had my eye on it when the remake was first announced, but never got around to playing it.

We'll see...



Been wanting this ever since trying the demo last summer. Except for the Sam & Max games, this was pretty much the last item on my shopping list for the sale.



Bought this for Call of Pripyat since I already own SOC.

Wasn't really in a hurry to get Call of Pripyat seeing as I never finished the original Shadow of Chernobyl (started it many times, never finished it...).

But 5 bucks is as cheap as it's ever gonna get, so I figured I might as well just put it on the backlog.



I'm not entirely sure if there will be new deals tomorrow on Steam or if it will be an encore sale and then it's over.

But at this point the only things that would make me spend more would be deals on either the old Fallout games or the first two seasons of Sam & Max.

Though chances are I'll get the Sam & Max Complete pack anyway even if there's no further discount on it.

30 bucks isn't a bad deal for two complete seasons and I just finished Tales of Monkey Island, so I'll really need something to scratch my Telltale itch until BTTF Episode 2 comes out.

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Damn you, Steam! Damn you!



Was really not planning on getting this. I absolutely loved the first game but heard this one was merely okay and no more.

But it was 75% off... couldn't pass it up for 12.50$




Been hoping for the pack for Season 1 and 2 to get a daily deal since the sale began but it didn't and tomorrow will very likely be an encore of the biggest sellers, so I went for it.

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I'm debating going to get a PS3 tonight. I'd really like to play GT5, Metal Gear Solid 4 and Heavy Rain... but I just don't know if I'm ready to throw down the money on a new console and games.

Heavy Rain and MGS4 are worth it. They are golden.

Got it!





Metal Gear Solid 4

Heavy Rain

Gran Turismo 5

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Finally got around to picking up DKCR. It's fantastic! Starts out rather simple but is getting pretty brutal nearing the end. Because I'm an absurd completionist, it's going to take me forever to get 100% on this thing. Beating the levels isn't a problem, it's getting and finding all the puzzle pieces and letters. I think the Time Attack is going to give me more trouble though. So far, though, pure nostalgia + fun new mechanics.



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