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It definitely wasn't that bad. In fact its fantastic 2D parts took up about 75% of the game, and the colour powers added to the gameplay quite nicely. The 3D sections were exactly the same as generations which were a massive improvement over other Sonic 3D titles. Don't know where you got the corridor automatic running game stuff from.

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Like how Sonic Colors was good?


Couldn't comment on that, but I got the impression Colors was more restricted in its level design. Generation has some really good levels with branching paths and such. It's just 3D Sonic really does take some getting used to before you can really enjoy it (and even then, you may still have the occasional frustrations).

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Well I like Adventure 2: Battle, which everyone seems to agree was absolutely terrible, so maybe I'll love this one...


I liked Adventure 2. It was Sonic Heroes that bored me.


After playing the first two levels on max settings I can safely say that I won't be missing the PS3 version outside of the little "Ding" of the trophies and annoying my friends with them on Facebook. Why hasn't Steam gotten into the pestering racket yet? :P

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Bought them off PSN, as they're on sale, they are five separate downloads/games which I like, but the sly ones add up to about 25GB, which I don't like!. Quite frankly my mind boggles at how they can get them to that size. I'm going to have to download them one at a time over the next three nights. :(

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Yeah, I need to replay the original Sonic games but the PS3 controller sucks for the Genesis collection and my real Genesis is still in storage until we buy a house.


As for a pinball sim, it's decent but not very authentic to actual pinball. It's closer to Sonic Spinball than say Pinball Hall of Fame.


Speaking of, I can't wait for the release of Pinball Arcade, though I haven't decided if I want the PC or PS3 version yet.

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Yeah I was able to play them just fine with the 360's d-pad, I'd imagine that in comparison it would be heaven to play on PS3.


I don't like the Dualshock/2/3 D-Pad. It's better than the 360 one but not as good as the Genesis, Saturn, SNES, NES, Classic Controller etc. I'm also old school in that I don't like wings on controllers that use D-Pads primarily (I prefer the CC over the CCP for example)


I used one of these when I played the PC version of Sonic CD and it worked beautifully!



As for a pinball sim


Hahahahah. Wow.


I like Pinball video games. So sue me.

Edited by Battra92
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Oh I agree with you that the DS3 d-pad isn't the best pad ever. I like the 360's disc design better than the 4 separate buttons, it's just the detection on that thing is so crappy...


Anyway, my ideal d-pad would be a disc pad like the 360's with press-detection precision like the DS3's.

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