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Got BG&E HD on xbox as it's reduced from 800 to 400 points. I played it on gamecube and even at 800 it's a bargain. I did have to get their offer of 2 months gold for £2 to get the game reduced but £2 is less than the 400 point reduction so I'm quids in and I'm sure some other tempting deals of the week will pop up in that time to justify the gold membership which to be honest is the only reason I get gold as I don't play multilplayer.

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Goddamnit, I'd actually been waiting for that to drop in price, and my Gold subscription ran out last month. Looks like I'll be doing the same as you!


EDIT: Hmm, with that £2 thing you do need to make sure you cancel before it takes the £5.99 payment in July, it seems.

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That'sthe first thing I did before the game had even finished downloading. I hate that it turns on autorenewal every time you buy a subscription.


Speaking of downloading I finally worked out how to get the 360 to turn off afterdownloading a large file. I thought it was weird you couldn't do it and it meant I ended up downloading demos on the ps3. I don't know why it couldn't ask you automatically when you try to turn your console off with a download in progress.

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I got the strategy guide for Dragon's Dogma. Not really for the "strategy," but for stats, maps, and any kind of hints. I mean, it's still a great game (IMO 8/10), but it's lacking in certain aspects. Mainly, the game doesn't bother to explain pawn attributes, element symbols, or any exact person/goal in certain quests.


Always trying to find a quick solution on my smartphone never was "quick," so I decided to get the guide. However, Amazon has been saying it would ship in 1 - 3 weeks! The estimate I got put it in the middle of June. Sure, once it would ship it would take two days, but I didn't want to take the chance of having to wait over a week to have a resource material.


Anyway, I go to Walmart, no good. I go to Best Buy because the girl on the phone says there's one left, but I get there and NOPE! She says she saw one at Barnes & Noble though, but it turns out it was "Dragon Quest." I call up the local GameStop, one I haven't been to in years, but the guy was nice and said there was one left, one left in his hand. I get there, the thing is slightly tattered but with my Power Up Rewards I got 10% off the guide. Of course the whole time the guy was trying to push pre-orders, but I mustered through and got out.


With it being slightly damaged, the way I see it (OCD n' all), it gives me an excuse to rough my copy up with tabs, and etc. The quests are alphabetized, which is handy, though it means you'll have to scan to find what you need.

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There, I mentioned something odd too!


EDIT: Oh, 4chan memes, how delightful. Now I know about another Internet thing that will probably never be brought up again. :lol:


But honestly, the only reason I bothered to mention the pre-orders is that the whole time the guy is acting out how "awesome" the Mayan DLC for Assassin's Creed III is going to be. Like, he was laying it on thick and going into detail about the "mayan saber that's not really like a saber, but it's still this cool sword saber-thing."

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