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Green Man Gaming currently has 25% off the pre-order until monday. Adding my leftover store credit and trading in the free games they gave away the past few weeks, ended up costing me about 32$. Not bad at all for a game that doesn't come out for another week :P


GMG have such amazing deals on pre-orders that now I'll pretty much always buy from them if they give a Steam key. I'll probably be getting Hitman Absolution from them as well. They've already had similar deals for it multiple times.

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Didn't catch your comment about m/k support for Darksiders before: I'm playing it with the 360 pad (PC version though). Action adventure games need a pad.


Yeah, it seemed like a game that would need one. Problem is mine isn't the official 360 one and some games react weirdly to it. And my experience with x360ce has been pretty hit-or-miss. :/


But I'm about six hours in now and it controls surprisingly well with m/kb. I struggled a bit at first but once I got used to hitting left-alt with my thumb I didn't have any problems.


I also replayed the original Assassin's Creed on PC recently and it handled much better than I expected without a gamepad. I wasn't yet 100% sure if I was gonna switch to PC for ACIII but now I am.


Steam sale is cheap, but at free GOG was even cheaper. No perks to Steam version either.


Yeah, I also got one of them for free on GOG a while back.

Edited by FLD
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You really should invest in a 360 pad, it's totally worth it.


I've been thinking about getting one for a couple of months.


Also, just tried mine with Darksiders. Get this: it's automatically detected and I don't need to bind anything, but I also can't rebind. So far not that big a deal. Then I press A to load my game and am asked if I really want to quit. What.


So I mess around a bit and realize that some of the face buttons are mixed up. B doesn't seem to be doing anything, A behaves as if it were B and X as if it were A. Yet Y seems to work normally. D-Pad does nothing but clicking one of the sticks brings up the weapon selection, which is what the d-pad should be doing. And speaking of the sticks, one of them isn't calibrated properly or something and causes the camera to constantly go to the left.


Ugh, this fucking piece of crap...

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You really should invest in a 360 pad, it's totally worth it.


I've been thinking about getting one for a couple of months.


Also, just tried mine with Darksiders. Get this: it's automatically detected and I don't need to bind anything, but I also can't rebind. So far not that big a deal. Then I press A to load my game and am asked if I really want to quit. What.


So I mess around a bit and realize that some of the face buttons are mixed up. B doesn't seem to be doing anything, A behaves as if it were B and X as if it were A. Yet Y seems to work normally. D-Pad does nothing but clicking one of the sticks brings up the weapon selection, which is what the d-pad should be doing. And speaking of the sticks, one of them isn't calibrated properly or something and causes the camera to constantly go to the left.


Ugh, this fucking piece of crap...


>install 3rd party PS3 drivers

>plug in PS3 controller/use wirelessly via bluetooth

>everything works instantly for any 360-controller game, easy mapping for everything else

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Just installed MotionInJoy. It was pretty easy to set up and everything seems to work so far, including 360 emulation. Thanks for that suggestion. I'll stick to that for now and see how it goes.


I hadn't really considered this because I remember trying some dualshock 3 driver a few years ago and it was all kinds of shit. It was a huge headache to set up and never worked right so in the end I just gave up and bought the gamepad I have now.

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Those problems might have been Darksiders itself. Apparently the PC version's controller support was fucked up. I have a real 360 pad, which it's supposedly made to work with, but it wouldn't recognize any of the buttons except start (the pad works with every other game I've tried). I had to get a user-made patch that makes it recognize the 360 pad as a generic pad, and then uses that "generic" pad to emulate a 360 pad. Fucking ridiculous.

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Those problems might have been Darksiders itself. Apparently the PC version's controller support was fucked up. I have a real 360 pad, which it's supposedly made to work with, but it wouldn't recognize any of the buttons except start (the pad works with every other game I've tried). I had to get a user-made patch that makes it recognize the 360 pad as a generic pad, and then uses that "generic" pad to emulate a 360 pad. Fucking ridiculous.


I have the same issue but apparently it's a conflict with the Razer Nostromo driver. I disabled the Nostromo in Device Manager and it started to work fine. I imagine there's some sort of driver conflict in yours too?


@Dean yeah MotioninJoy, you had to disable something in windows to bypass the driver signing check, but that's fixed now (last I tried for most bluetooth adapters/dongles). Also, and I admit it's just me being impatient, whenever I have to match the thing to my bluetooth I have to plug in the USB, then pair, then disconnect the USB. I had to do that everytime it died so one day I just went out and bought the wifi adapter for the 360 controller. Now I just turn on the controller and its paired and ready to go!

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The ds3 driver you tried years ago that was all sorts of shit was likely motionjoy. They lacked driver signing so it was fiddly as hell to set up.


That's possible, the driver not being signed definitely sounds familiar.


Those problems might have been Darksiders itself. Apparently the PC version's controller support was fucked up. I have a real 360 pad, which it's supposedly made to work with, but it wouldn't recognize any of the buttons except start (the pad works with every other game I've tried). I had to get a user-made patch that makes it recognize the 360 pad as a generic pad, and then uses that "generic" pad to emulate a 360 pad. Fucking ridiculous.


Wow, that's bullshit. It was definitely not just the game in my case, though. The game seemed to recognized my "generic" pad as the 360 one. But I tested it with a bunch of other games before setting up MIJ and it was all over the place. Worked fine in one or two games but most of them detected it but had the problem where the camera would keep moving to one side. And I know the sticks were calibrated because when I checked in the gamepad's settings, everything was centered and responded properly. Then I tried an NES emulator and after binding everything some buttons still wouldn't work. But everything worked fine with an SNES emulator... including the sticks.


That's when I got annoyed, unplugged the thing and put it away in a fucking drawer. Now it'll never see daylight again.

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