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Well, I can't be 100% certain MiJ was the cause, but I really can't think of anything else that might have caused this. I haven't done anything out of the ordinary or installed any other dodgy app recently other than MiJ.


Anyway, here's what happened. I played Darksiders with my ds3 for a few hours this afternoon and stopped to eat dinner. Not long after, MSE gave me a warning about having detected something and needing to restart. Then it shut itself off and wouldn't come back on. Did some googling but nothing I tried worked. Then I realized Windows Firewall was also off and wouldn't come back on either. Didn't take long to confirm I had a trojan after that. Then MSE started forcing a reboot every minute or two unless I was in safe mode. I spent about two hours trying to get rid of it but nothing I used to scan could completely remove it so I just said screw it, backed up my stuff and formatted my windows partition.


I didn't have much that needed backing up since I keep most of my important stuff on a separate partition from my windows install but it was still fucking annoying having to reinstall everything. I did some more googling but I couldn't find anything conclusive. For every story I find about someone having had a similar experience, there's 10 other people saying they've had no problem with MiJ. :/

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I did a quick google and it doesn't seem to have any virus/trojans.


However, I did find a blog post from 2011 where the author warns about installing MotionInJoy, and in the comments a situation not unlike yours (turns off windows firewall, etc...)


I just uninstalled it cause I'm impatient! But the interface does seem dodgy with ads plastered all over it.


Now you really need a 360 pad!


Also, welcome to the Controller thread everyone!

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Yeah, like I said, couldn't find anything conclusive. I think I came across the same blog post, though.


And yeah, when I saw the ads when I first installed it, it did kinda raise a red flag but I just shrugged it off. Probably shouldn't have...


What sucks is it worked pretty flawlessly in all the games I tested it with. Kinda tempted to reinstall just to see if it really was the source of the infection. :/ But after spending all evening doing windows updates and reinstalling drivers and everything, I'm not taking that chance.


Although, now that I think of it, I guess I could sacrifice my laptop. For science...

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Grabbed the 2-pack with CrowKnow.


I'm enjoying it a lot so far, but I really wish it had a "live mode", I guess you could call it, where both players play a game from start to finish in a single session. Kinda sucks to play for half an hour only for the other guy to suddenly stop playing his turns.

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Bought the one on the right today. It's the blue one, and it's sort of metallic which I didn't realise from the promo shots, kind of wish it was a bit darker but it looks/feels nicer quality than the original. It's a lot more comfortable to hold as my hands aren't curled around the shoulder buttons and crunched up I think it's going to be great for longer play sessions. The glare reduction seems better, it would great if you could actually leave the 3D on in bright light which you couldn't on the original but I haven't had a chance to try that yet.


I traded in my DSi, which I never got around to getting rid of when I bought the 3DS. It was quite a good offer from Game/Gamestation, I got the 3DS XL and a charger (which I did need) for £100, which values the DSi at around £75/£80 which is nearly twice what I could normally get for it. Wonder how long I'll have my 3DS sitting there? Hopefully they'll bring out an offer to trade it for the Vita and I can finally get myself one of those.

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I don't normally buy this kind of 15$ game day one, but this is Double Fine and I've been hoping for a PC release of this ever since it came out on XBLA so I went for it.


Darksiders II unlocks in about an hour and a half, though, so it could be a few days before I give it a try.

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Yeah, I remember getting it signed being a big deal back in the day, and cost the dude some good cash.


With that said, is there anyway to block out those elements? Perhaps with a hosts file tweak?


I think I recall it does work without internet connection, so blocking the app via firewall could work.

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Ive focused completely on Vita games and blurays lately. I dont buy a lot of stuff, so if I have some cash, thats where it goes. I havent bought a PS3 game since I got the Vita actually. Ill probably only buy Journey Collector's Edition and maybe AC3, but not before I get Liberation first.


As far as Im concerned, all the good 2012 PS3 stuff is being ported to the Vita or has been pushed to next year: Dead Space 3, South Park, Bioshock Infinite, Ni No Kuni, DmC, Tomb Raider, Last of Us, Beyond.

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