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Well, I finally bit. It was $64.99 with no taxes and free shipping on Ebay. I told myself Id buy a 32gb card if I ever saw it for less than $70 with tax and shipping included. By far the lowest I've ever seen one of these go for.

I havent spent more than 30 bucks on a single item in a VERY long time, so Im not going to lie....my body aches from buying this. But Psone classics are coming.


Now I need to find out what to do with this damn 16gb card I have. Im not going to lie, probably sell to GS or Best Buy. Im too lazy to put it up on Amazon or Ebay.

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Finally got a new 3DS game, and so far I love this. Dialogue is the perfect combo of witty and cheesy. Works really well. Controls are hard to get used to though.


And this was also the game that pushed me past the 7000 stars in the Club Nintendo stars catalogue that I needed for this, which I've just ordered.


I will contain my enthusiasm to one word. woot.

Edited by excel_excel
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Finally got a new 3DS game, and so far I love this. Dialogue is the perfect combo of witty and cheesy. Works really well. Controls are hard to get used to though.


And this was also the game that pushed me past the 7000 stars in the Club Nintendo stars catalogue that I needed for this, which I've just ordered.


I will contain my enthusiasm to one word. woot.




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Since collecting small coins is my least favourite part of any mario game this new one just seems like it's one game I don't need to stack onto my monster pile of unplayed games.


Edit: it's the best selling game in the UK this week, so even if people aren't talking about buying it, they are buying it.

Edited by TheFlyingGerbil
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Amnesia, and since it's so old I don't think I need to link to any particular photo of the game. (Also I'm lazy right now.)


I'm really going to have to tone down my game purchases and only get the ones I really want and have the possibility of playing for a long time. Went to Best Buy yesterday and I passed up so many games, though it was fairly easy to pass on PS3 games since it was only yesterday that I took the PS3 in to "see what the problem is" with it. (Hopefully I find out later this week.)


Kingdom Hearts 3D, The Last Story, and NSMB2 were all expensive. Of course, I could always go to my backlog of "nearly finished" titles too.

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I love me some Mario games, but NSMB 2 3DS....I just feel a bit cold about it and didn't buy it. There are just more richer 3DS experiences available to me, that are priced at the same price or lower, like Kid Icarus, which seem to have actual effort and some more production values put into it, with its orchestrated soundtrack, full voice acting and crazy online multiplayer.

NSMB 2, as good as it may be, just feels like Nintendo going through the motions. Even visually they should be trying to shake it up or something but it looks the damn same.

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Strangelove is going to be disappointed in me.

I got a little fed up with my hands cramping up after 5 minutes on my 3DS soo...





I was going to sell my old 3DS in but the kid at EB Games said they'd only offer my 50 dollars for it. So I'll either just give it to my girlfriend, or try to sell it myself.

Edited by TheCowboyPoet
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yay, another sucker upgrader, the XL is cool isn't it? I think it was worth the upgrade.


My deal must was looking pretty sweet, too. I got the equivalent of $135 for my DSi. Hopefully I can sell my 3DS for around £80 which will basically mean I got my XL for free.

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yay, another sucker upgrader, the XL is cool isn't it? I think it was worth the upgrade.


My deal must was looking pretty sweet, too. I got the equivalent of $135 for my DSi. Hopefully I can sell my 3DS for around £80 which will basically mean I got my XL for free.

Yeah it's actually pretty great. I enjoyed some of the games... mainly Mario Kart, Mario 3D Land, and Ocarina, but never really enjoyed the system. I don't think I'll play it as much as my Vita, but I'll probably pick it up more than I did with the original 3DS.

Besides the obvious size change, the design changes are great. I wonder why they didn't release a smaller version of this as the original 3DS.

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I've never played a game on my NDS/3DS and wished it had a second circle pad. In fact I'm sort of glad it doesn't as I don't want developers to be encouraged to make crappy versions of console games which is all the 3DS would be able to manage and not at all why I bought it.

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