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How is Uncharted 3's multiplayer anyways? I played the beta and it didn't feel as good as UC2 but that was likely because it was a beta.


It's OK. Though, I think the medal streak and unlock system mostly ruins it. UC2 was far better in that regard.


It's such a slog until you can get an M9 like everyone else, and then you'll still have people with far better perks than yours (because they have so much money from playing lots, they can buy expensive temporary boosts). I found myself adjusting fairly well later on, and I completely owned at the London Underground map (home advantage? :P), but I still preferred UC2's simpler setup. I'm sure there are other issues I had, but I can't quite remember them it's been so long since I played.

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I didn't even know it had coop.


Uncharted 2 had co-op!


How is Uncharted 3's multiplayer anyways? I played the beta and it didn't feel as good as UC2 but that was likely because it was a beta.


Got UC3 for Xmas, will let you know once I finish my second run through of UC2. I'm at the part where I have to rescue Schaffer. I wasn't sold on the multiplayer beta for 3 either, but I'm going to give it a shot anyways.

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Pokemon Black 2. Dammit, I'm such a sucker for these games no matter how repetitive they get. So far, there's no new Pokemon, but new areas, new mini games... And they're bringing first and second generation back, even early on in the game. Kind of cool to have a Marril again, and a Koffing, but.... I don't know how much longer they can milk this franchise. They're gonna start running out of ideas here pretty soon.

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Folks had been banging on about it. Duke posted about it on Twitter. Picked it up. Forgot to try it in the 15 minute window. Woops on that.


Dunno if the top review is smoking something or if it's my phone (the Note can sometimes be an advantage and sometimes a hindrance in games with the screen size) but the controls for a game built around a 7 sided shape are not "tight". I'll see if any updates come (might be a generic issue with a bad port), then probs hit him up if nothing specific arrives as Note can be a weird one to support.

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Yeah, I briefly tried it at launch and thought it looked terrible (I don't think I even made it to the end of the tutorial). But I still grabbed it for dirt cheap on Steam a few months ago after repeatedly hearing people comment that they actually had a lot of fun with it. I figured I'd give it a shot if I ever found myself with lots of free time and absolutely nothing to play. Then, more recently, someone on Reddit suggested that it's "best played as if it were an episode of Archer" and that sent it right to the top of my backlog. I intend to play that game as ridiculously as possible and it will be awesome.

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Far Cry 3


I don't know when I'm going to get around to it because I still want to get all the keys/doors and a few trophies in DmC, and by then Dead Space 3 will be close at hand. Still, I got it for $35.15 tonight, even if all my coupons didn't work. So yeah, that's why I sometimes shop at Best Buy. It also helps that the employees there tend to forget to take down "sale" prices and you can technically get the item for the labeled price.


If I had actually finished Brotherhood and Revelations, I would have gotten Assassin's Creed III for $35.

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Got myself Neverwinter Nights since I reached a point in KOTOR 2 where a save file got corrupted and I hadn't saved in a different save for like 4 hours. So I decided "yyyyyyyyyyyeah fuck that"


I've spent the past 3 hours twiddling with mods trying to get them all to work but unfortunately the Shader mod fucks up my whole game so I took it out. It still looks damn good though.

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Alpha Protocol is a fantastic game, If I may make a suggestion, max out your CQC asap and go the entire game with a pink beret and aviator glasses kick/punching people while making Karate noises. You won't be a CIA agent. You'll be a Kick-Ass-Eh? Agent


Hmm, interesting. Other people have said to max pistols and stealth so you can concentrate more on the story. We shall see...

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Far Cry 3


I don't know when I'm going to get around to it because I still want to get all the keys/doors and a few trophies in DmC, and by then Dead Space 3 will be close at hand. Still, I got it for $35.15 tonight, even if all my coupons didn't work. So yeah, that's why I sometimes shop at Best Buy. It also helps that the employees there tend to forget to take down "sale" prices and you can technically get the item for the labeled price.


It's on Amazon today for $34.99. ;)

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Hot Heart: you definitely need pistols and stealth as well. In fact make sure you have one really good firearm skill as there's a boss near the end game that you are forced to fight only with firearms so don't make my same mistake. And yeah stealth is nice. It's nicer when you can sneak up on them and take them out.

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Far Cry 3


I don't know when I'm going to get around to it because I still want to get all the keys/doors and a few trophies in DmC, and by then Dead Space 3 will be close at hand. Still, I got it for $35.15 tonight, even if all my coupons didn't work. So yeah, that's why I sometimes shop at Best Buy. It also helps that the employees there tend to forget to take down "sale" prices and you can technically get the item for the labeled price.


It's on Amazon today for $34.99. ;)

Hindsight is always 20/20, but truth be told I had these coupons/certificates for a long while and I plan on getting Dead Space 3 and BioShock Infinite on Amazon, so can't say it was truly wasted.


Besides, I got to use the rest of my gift card, and I don't want to find out what happens when you can't fully pay for an item online with one card. In stores, it depletes the gift card and gives you a new "total" price.

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