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Day Z


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When Day Z first came out, I was hesitant on making a thread like this since it was so hard to even get together with two people. However now that there are like a million servers, I think we can get this going. I just hope you all aren't afraid of the dark if it came down to it. :P


So yeah, how I think we should roll is to setup a time (IRL) and place (Ingame) to meet. It should be simple enough. Ex: Friday at 2100-2115 GMT at the factory east of Dolina

Server wise, I think we got to know what timezone we are all located so some of us don't get lagged to hell. I'm in California so say we have someone in the UK, then we'll choose an East Coast server.

For the actual meetup, I think it we could all just hoof it there before the meeting time or something and all log in at the designated time frame.


So yeah, lets do this. Let get them beans!


MaliciousH - CA, weekends best - Hatchet wielding, can throwing friendly.

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I can provide a Mumble server. Unfortunately I can really only play tomorrow morning PST (anytime between about 10 and 1:30) but you guys are more than welcome to use the server without me.


Anyway, the mumble can be found at sharquibanana.murmur.nfoservers.com, with the port being 8900. Use any name you want and hop in any channel you want. Do note that I have a few friends who have access to it as well, but they shouldn't give you any trouble at all, as we haven't used Mumble in ages.


I haven't played DayZ in a loooong time so I'm not 100% sure I'll be able to meet at a spot tomorrow or ever, but I'll do my best to get a character going.

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Also, in case we need to use the following resource: http://dayzmod.com/f...ad.php?tid=4581


The medical folks. I worked with the Doc before and I nearly became a doc myself. Only thing stopping me is that I don't have the time and my username... BUT YEAH. Morphine is sort of hard to come by so if we need medical assistance, this is where we can ask if we can't help out within the group. Only use in dire emergencies I suppose since it would be odd to ask for help when we have a group going...


Edit: With that being said... if we get something going tomorrow, first thing after we get weapons is a hospital for medical supplies.

Edited by MaliciousH
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I'll be on now, on and off since I am cooking as well... You can find me on the Mumble too.


Well, I manage to grab some food and water with a hatchet spree. Luftwaffles, I returned to where we were last night. However, I am bleeding so everything is for you when you get back.


Edit: That was a good first time I suppose. Hopefully starting out fresh will be much better! Running blurry vision and all is quite interesting...

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The one east of Dolina correct?


Edit: Got myself a makarov. I passed on the double barrel since I like the axe. I also packing on drinks, food and a knife!


As a side note, I can't kill anybody when they literally beg for mercy...

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I posted a game plan for when we play again in the Day-Z part of the forum, I've got quite a few supplies for you guys.


I logged out to the west of Berezino hospital.


Also: if you have a knife... I have two books of matches....


And you have that axe...


We can make this work.


And no, the one east of Polana.

Edited by sixrocket
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Snippy, our friend, and I were at the airfield in Balota. I had an Uzi with 14 shots left and he had a .45 revolver. Don't know what it was. We got into the control tower and saw just a row of corpses. We got in to find no ammo and to find out that it was abandoned. Snippy climbed up to the top while we looked through corpses and zombies in the building. Snippy then screamed at us that there were three dudes running down the airfield (he had binoculars) and that they all had weapons. He said they were looting each hangar before coming back to their base camp (hence the bodies). He said he was going to camp the staircase and I was behind him. I decided instead to run straight out and hide behind the tree just outside the building's door. I proned behind the tower to see three dudes all file into the building. I heard a 12 gauge go off. Three revolver shots, Snippy drops the guy. I run to the door with ADS up. I see a single dude coming directly at me with an AK. I pour all 14 shots I had left into him. The guy behind him has an Enfield and drops me. Our friend comes up from behind and hatchets him.


I respawned, met up, and we now have the following items:




Three Hunting Knives

Two Binocular sets

Three Watches

An AK with four clips

A Lee-Enfield with three clips

Two mathboxes


It was pretty intense.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

I'm interested, but not as a Combined Operations mod, kinda waiting on the standalone. I've got ARMA II from GMG freebie, and it controls kinda complex (though I've gotten ARMA III Lite, should give that a spin and see how that controls)


edit: I should maybe make the sub-forum bit show up a bit better.

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