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If you won the Lottery...


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So what'd you do if you won the lottery? Roughly £10million or so. (or local lotto average)


I'd pay off parents mortgages, pay for my own house too. Share out a few grand each to siblings n close relations for whatever they want to do. There's this thing we saw in Cornwall, a kind of battle boats thing. Two fibreglass boats in a large pool type thing (wouldn't want to swim in it mind), they have a storage of rubber balls on board, a motor, one person steers and the other is in a turret with a pneumatic cannon. Shoot at each other, folks on side of pool have access to cannons too. I'd build one of those for private use. (woot, turns out "cornwall battle boats" gets results)


I'd set up a business too, or invest in an existing one. Not sure what though, maybe just a shop (I dunno why but I've kinda wanted to run a small shop when I get to like 50s regardless of lotto or not)


I'd also do an around the world tour of sorts, hang out with some of you lot.


Then see what I have left, I guess invest it, buy luxuries. I'd certainly want to be working on something though. I'm not keen on having jack all to do even if I could afford to be off work for life.

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10 million isn't really a lot nowadays, so it's not spaceship or bigass mansion money.


But with 10 million...

Id buy my mom a small 2 or 3 room house and pay her bills and stuff.

Id give a few grand to some of my friends to help them out with whatever.

Ive always wanted to own my own bar, so Id do that. Itd be small too, nothing huge and it would be brutally specific to what I like, so itd be very unsuccessful.

Id donate tons of money to local animal adoption centers.

Id get liposuction, like all the time.


And finally, Id get a 5 room house with extremely high ceilings. A theater room, 2 bedrooms, a soundproof music room, and a "mancave",

Also, the living room, kitchen and dining room would have an exact duplicate of every piece of furniture glued to the ceiling, so it'd be like a mirror, except it wouldn't. If I had a mansion id do it for every room.


Then whatever is left Id save. But im convinced Id go broke. No one has ever stayed wealthy by doing good deeds.




I didn't get rich by writing a lot of checks!

Edited by Strangelove
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Ah... this question.


I would buy an apartment, like this*, for my family (Dad's side) in Brooklyn and then have them deal with the rest like utilities. No totally free lunch here but if they have spare room, which is totally possible, they can rent out the basement and such to help pay for the bills. Same would apply for my family, mom side, over here in CA. I would expect this to eat up $2-4 million.

My siblings and some cousins can have some dosh as well. Maybe a million here split between 5-8 people.


Now that my family is taken care of... the rest is mio dinero! A nice small house around here in SLO with some plot of land for me to screw around in. Perhaps I can take over one of my professor's place who has worked his land for 20 years making it really nice from what I've heard. It also got the added bonus of having tons of natural disasters considered. Around $1-2 million.


So yeah with that, if you have been paying attention... I have three places where I can live. Two places in CA and one in NY.


Besides houses and shit... I would finish my degree, get my masters and perhaps PhD. I will work and live life. Retirement? Bleh. Also did I mention I want to own an airplane?


*I lived around there before in the basement. I loath the landlord. Fun times.

Edited by MaliciousH
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10 million isn't really a lot nowadays, so it's not spaceship or bigass mansion money.


I went with £10million as that seems to be the average mount our national lottery is. I guess $10million only works out as £6million which ain't much at all so I guess I should maybe remove the $/€/£ thing.

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First of all, I would leave this country, having £10 million here means you won't live enough to enjoy them. :P With the rest, I would open a restaurant, buy a house, not too big for now, but it would need a room where I could put/play my drumkit. :P With whatever I may have left I would get a Sonor SQ2 drumkit, some Paiste Alpha Boomer cymbals and if I have enough left, I would go on vacation to Yorkshire. :P

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I'd pay off my parents mortgage and any bills they still owe. Rather than buying them a new house, because i think they kind of like the one their living in currently. Maybe buy them a small lodge on the South Coast. Then i'd donate some money to my girlfriends parents so that they can pay off their debts and what not.


I'd buy my two younger brothers a house each. No mortgage, reasonable size and maybe give them a few hundred thousand to sit on. Rather than giving them a lump some of say £1m each which they'd burn through in months.


Then for me? I'd get married, take my new Wife on a tour of North America (during the Hockey season of course). Buy ourselves a nice house with a Drive, Double Glazing and a small, easy to keep, yet private garden (we don't want much). And the rest of the money would go into my bank account so that i'd never want for nothing again.


Question. If you won £10m would you retire? I know the immediate response is yes, but i think after a year of being sat on my arse i'd have gained a few stone, lost contact with a good portion of my work friends and started to spend my money on crap in order to keep myself entertained.

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Obviously all the usual, pay family debts stuff... I'd keep my job. Buy a small house with a garden close to work, a two bedroom flat near the sea (south coast, Poole or something) and a ~40' motor cruiser moored near the flat. I'd get an Audi R8,


I'd take all my mates on holiday somewhere, perhaps yearly. Who knows?


Generally I'd just enjoy living comfortably, without worrying about bills, and do my job until I got bored of it. I wouldn't go crazy and try to live some playboy lifestyle, it's just not my style.

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I would definitely retire. I don't do a job I love and I don't get bored easily. With that in mind I wouldn't go mental buying expensive stuff as I'd need to have it last 50 years.


After giving money to my parents and brother, I'd buy a car with a retractable hard top and I'd love to design my own house. That's about it. I don't think I'd be any more exciting than I am now. Maybe I'd hire a personal trainer to get in shape.

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I'd pay off my parents/siblings debts and give them and some of my really close friends some walking around money. After that I'd probably buy my wife and I a nicer house in a college town, hire someone else to take care of the housework, and become a professional student. I wouldn't want to just sit around at home all the time, but if I could afford not to work I'd just go to school all the time, get degree after degree. That's assuming the 10 million pounds, which works out to about 15.5 million USD. Assuming I spent $5 million on all the stuff I wanted to just straight-up buy or give away I think I could afford to go to school forever on the rest, even without interest.

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I'd pay off any debts I have, buy myself a nice house in the country, buy a nice everyday car, buy a Toyota Supra and a C3 Corvette. After that, I'd probably buy a small place in town for my mother, buy a nice boat for my old man and treat my good friends to some great fun - but I wouldn't straight-up give them any large sums of money, because that sets a precedent. That said, I'd probably help pay for the wedding that two of them will be having some time in the future.


After that, I'd save the rest, and maybe set aside a portion to invest. If I was in such a position, I'd likely use the remaining money to set up a dev studio.


Oh yeah that reminds me, I would want to get a degree. Dropping out of uni was the right decision for me at the time but it is still something I feel bad about.


I know what you mean. I left the course I started, was doing well at and liked because I felt it was the only option for me at the time but I've always regretted it all the same. Going back this year to start it all over again, this time I'll be finishing it though.

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Like the rest of you, I'd make sure the family is comfortable and taken care of. That wouldn't take much.


Then I'd go to university. It's something I've always wanted, but man, if I got partway through a $20,000 program and failed, the recovery would be brutal. It's a luxury for the rich these days... so if I were rich I'd definitely do it! Actually I'd probably spend a lot of time as a "professional student" as they call them here. I think it'd be cool to get a B.Sc in comp sci, then a JD, then just take a bunch of stuff out of personal interest, like psychology, linguistics, and brush up on my accounting for practical reasons.


When that's done, I'd get a decent house or condo with room to build a library and workshop in, and a nice (~$50k) car like a Lancer Evo 9.


Maybe do a miniature version of Long Way Round - get some friends and a small support team together and tour a

on motorbikes. Maybe do the main part of the Shikoku pilgrimage - it seems like it'd be a really scenic, positive experience.


After that... invest a portion of it wisely and save another part to use as needed. Lacking greater ambitions, I'd probably try to find the perfect job and keep the lottery winnings low-key.

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I'll retire (well... not really) and keep most of the money.


I may apply for a few jobs... to keep myself busy once in a while. And meet people. I'm an anti-social introvert but I get bored with myself once in a while. If I get tired then I'll quit it and be a bum again. Rinse/repeat. Or pick a job that has travel opportunities so I could travel on the company's dime. Greedy me.


Family stuff. It's obligatory to share it with family. I have both my parents and 3 siblings!


I won't give out cash like crazy though. I'll pick a few close friends, figure out one thing they really want to do, like take them to some country where that band they really like makes tours but who never gets to tour where they live. Stuff like that. Or take them to a trip to Japan and pay for the expenses and shit. Take them to that convention like comic-con or PAX and buy lots of shit. All stuff that you really don't need in life. I'll let them take care of their living expenses or getting a car. I'll just take them somewhere fun.


Then just relax and enjoy it and hope it'll last forever and ever.


Of course, keep playing the lottery. Some bastards win twice or more. I might get lucky.


I might not take a risk and invest it. If it's big enough I can just keep it in a bank in a timed deposit and live off the interest. That'll be enough.

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