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1. Im all for being optimistic, but its hard to be that way in the face of such blind devotion and optimism to something that doesn't even exist(I still even doubt it ever will).


2. Its an open platform for anyone to make a game and its good technology for a cheap price. That's about the gist of it and it does sound good.


3. But why would games be made on it when so few will have it? Not to mention using tools to make something on iOS or even better, a pc game.


4. What the fuck is wrong with pc games? As far as I know, you can also develop anything you want on it and you can still hook it up to your tv and play it with a controller. Its the same shit. For years pc gamers have tried to convince console gamers that hooking up your pc or laptop to your tv and a controller is EXACTLY as convenient as a console. "Well, you can sit on a couch in front of a huge hdtv with pc games too!"

Now its NOT easy and its NOT convenient? Make up your fucking minds.



5. And what about preexisting apps and games? No one is going to bother to update them to these new controls. Some already have it, but most do not. Why would you even bother if there such a small install base? No one is going to pay you to put that extra effort in.


6. And people think phone games are cheap because most of them are. Theyre cheap and theyre hollow. I still cant believe people play Angry Birds on their fucking tv. Thats ridiculous. But I suppose that proves those dullards exist.


7. This thing will survive(if it even gets made) for a few years because of people who want to develop on it for the sake of developing on it, for the novelty of it, kind of like people who make games for a TI-83 calculator. No one wants to game on that shit, but its cool to have Super Mario Bros. on it. As a novelty. Just to say it's capable of it, though cheaply.


8. Honestly, I see this thing being a really awesome media machine. They should have thrown in a remote instead of a controller.


9. And no, i don't want this to fail. It'll be great if I'm proven wrong. The prospect is sound, the enthusiasm for it isn't. Not exactly at this very moment. Prematurely blowing your load is not a good trait to have. Once it gets into the hands of the people, then you can begin to get excited for it as you are now. Ill be right there with you.


10. Otherwise, this is parallel to a politician telling me theyre going to solve the economic crisis without actually doing anything. Its just them saying it. its worthless to me. Show me first.


Sorry for numbering your post like this, but I'm too lazy to quote them separately. I'm not shooting you down or anything, I just want to point out my take on each of this points you make.


1. It doesn't exist. But this is kickstarter. None of these things exist until the backers support it getting made. It's the point of kickstarter.


2. It does sound good!


3. Think of it like the Wii. It's an underpowered home console with it's own gimmick. The gimmick being (potentially!) providing cheap console games for $99 investment. Some might take a risk and make games for it. Maybe it clicks to parents and buys this thing as gifts for their kids (assuming it gets advertised successfully). If enough people have it, it would entice devs to actually make games for it. That's actually what Notch said I think. I don't follow his tweets or whatever crazy shit he says but he's quoted on Ouya articles a lot. Or maybe the Android indie devs to believe in it will make games for it.


Also, so few will have it? How do you know? Do you see how much hype it's getting? Did you see how many backed it? I didn't back it and I'm interested in it. There's more people like me, too, who are watching this and would like one. It's not just the 30k people who backed it. How can I prove it? I can't. Can you prove your statement that so few will have it?


There's that card game about the sun and galactic empires that P4 posted with the crazy lady. It has 85 backers. It's being made. But I'm not going to go there and tell them what's the point of this thing? Only 85 people want it, you should scrap it.


4. Yes, you can actually hook your pc with the TV. But I always saw it as inconvenient. It has always been inconvenient, because your PC usually isn't in the living room beside the TV. My goddamn laptop is beside the TV, but my HDMI cable won't reach it. It's sitting at the very edge of the table just so the HDMI cable can reach it. I've always thought it's only the few geeks who say this alot but we are talking about general consumers here. Those that can't be bothered with hooking up their PCs, let alone their android tablets with bluetooth controller support. Us nerds (yes I'm calling you a nerd, nerd!) who hack and tweak the shit out of our phones can do this, and we do, to watch TV and shit on our TVs. It's still not as convenient as an apple TV box or that google thing hooked up to the TV playing all your movies.


5. No one is paying anyone to develop indie games. They make indie games because they like making games. And also probably because they want to make money. People also make games to make money, not just get paid to make games that make money. Let's stop using "No one is...", because that is never true.


6. I personally think having a controller would help make android games feel NOT cheap. I say Android because it's not phone games that will be made for this system. It's Ouya games that will be made for the system. My take on this is that only geeks really hook up bluetooth controllers to their tablets to play games, so the vast majority of developers don't bother. If there is an android platform that has a controller, there will be games that will be made to support it.


7. Based on what? I'd say if this goes well, people will make games for it because it's easy and people bought it. But then, where are we (both of us) basing our assumptions on? Nowhere.


8. Come on. The thing has the potential to be a console with games. Let's try to support that idea, shall we? Why give up and just make a TV Box instead? We want to make a console. We'll make a console. If people wanted a TV box they would have supported a kickstarter for a TV box.


9. And I hope you're wrong too. Because I'd really like to see this thing launch and get decent success. But why only get excited once this thing is out? Do you not get excited when your favorite band announced a tour near or on your hometown? That's the point of excitement. When the thing launches, we'll enjoy it, not get excited about it.


10. A candidate won't have the power to effect the changes he or she promises, not until you elect him. This people don't have the ability to show you the games for it, not until it gets made through the support of this kickstarter. You can research a politician and make a judgement call to vote for him or not. You can research these people and make a judgement call on whether you'll be a backer or not.


We understand you don't see this thing succeeding, or that you don't see developers supporting this. There are actual quotes on the kickstarter, saying "yeah we could support it" or "this is a great idea". Both of your, and our, and the developers opinions on this thing has the same weight. We all just have to wait and see.


I just chose to get excited over this. Because I like the idea, and want to see how far it will go.

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Actually, I have an even bigger issue - I actually don't even believe in Kickstarter. I also think that's a fad.

I used to be the type to not so easily dismiss things as fads, but the more you spend online, the more you realize how truly fickle and particular people can be. Things have become ridiculously disposable.

That's probably why Im being such a dick about this in the first place.


So I think Ill just move along. There's no point in arguing when I find such a big fundamental flaw.

Im curious to see what happens next and even more curious once a capable person gets their hands on it. But I cant get excited about it.

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That's healthy skepticism there. Good job at being classy Penny Arcade. I think a lot of the hype comes down to "How much do you care about $100?" more than anything. As I've said multiple times before: As an Android user who knows the potential of the platform I'm excited for the device because it's so cheap (I want a dedicated device I can hook up to my TV damnit!) not necessarily due to anything specific they're promising in terms of gaming.

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Since the Ouya is Android based, couldn't it potentially work with other Android devices and in ways be like the Wii U? I think the Ouya in its current form, however and whatever it may be, will crash and burn hard but what come out of its ashes might be actually pretty damn cool or even game changing on how we use our TV, smart phones and computers.

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Since the Ouya is Android based, couldn't it potentially work with other Android devices and in ways be like the Wii U? I think the Ouya in its current form, however and whatever it may be, will crash and burn hard but what come out of its ashes might be actually pretty damn cool or even game changing on how we use our TV, smart phones and computers.


That's something along the lines of what I'm thinking. Even if the Ouya fails, it could still encourage further attempts to hit the market with an open-sourced console, perhaps even by some of the bigger players. The 4 million odd that they've raised, even if the Ouya never hits the market, could have that effect on its own as it highlights to investors and businesses that there is a healthy demand out there for an open-sourced gaming system/media device for the home that's more than a phone but not quite a PC.

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Just to put that video into context, here's the list that Ouya released, which I grouped into categories.


IMO, it doesn't deserve that ridiculous laugh track at the end of the video. :)


DISCLAIMER: This is the only list I could find... I think this is the list out of the "45,000 suggestions". I couldn't see any actual results so if there are actual results posted somewhere, I'd love to see it. Anyway...


"Are you kidding me?":



League of Legends

Mass Effect

Call Of Duty

Assassin's Creed (but there's a PSP release)


Phone/Indie/Browser games:


Super Meat Boy






Dungeon Defenders



Arguably (there are spinoffs/handheld games already):


Torchlight (no ports, but it's a fairly old simple game. It can handle it. Controls are another issue)

Final Fantasy (the old ones, Crisis Core)

Need For Speed


Grand Theft Auto (Chinatown wars, GTA3 iPad)


EDIT: Edited for clarity.

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Gta3, final fantasy 3, need for speed, mass effect and assassins creed are already on android. As is Dungeon Defenders, it's downloading in background as I type.

As is OnLive which expands the range considerably (oh and the app asks for a controller too, so there. ya go on that front).


Given EAs active front on mobile games I imagine a battlefield game isn't far off, and there's probably a FIFA too that I've ignored. The rest should/could be simple enough to port.


When I get to a pc I'll throw in a bunch of links.

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Confirmed that OnLive is specifically supporting Ouya, I guess above and beyond the regular Android app. This makes the Ouya at least as attractive as OnLive's own Microconsole, since it's the same price but can also run other things.


*Edit* - Also, a look at the whole controller. I'm still confused about why they wouldn't show the other half before.

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