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  • 1 month later...

So, have you guys been following the latest insanity surrounding MGSV?


If you haven't, here's the gist of it. Someone on NeoGAF pointed out the strong resemblance between the doctor from the initial MGSV reveal trailer and that crazy head transplant doctor that made the news recently. Of course, this being Metal Gear, the borderline psychotic fanbase assumed it was all a ruse by Kojima. Because that's pretty much the only logical conclusion to draw from any given piece of information for them.


The weird thing is that the coincidence doesn't stop at mere physical resemblance. Apparently, the guy actually specializes in some kind of treatment therapy for pain related to phantom limbs. Which... is admittedly a pretty goddamn strange coincidence. Also, that head transplant procedure? He calls it HEAVEN.


And don't get me wrong, this kinda stuff can be really fun to theorize about but man, this fucking fanbase sometimes. The initial thread got locked after some guy found the doctor's contact information and some assholes actually called him up. Which seems completely fucking insane to me. I mean, we're talking about a guy who has published medical papers going back years. How delusional do you have to be to believe he's actually involved in marketing a fucking video game? To say that it's incredibly unlikely would be a massive understatement.


Then again, I suppose it shouldn't be that surprising since this is the same fanbase who still thinks that Kojima getting fired is all a marketing stunt because "Oh, KojiPro getting killed is just like what happened to Big Boss with Mother Base and stuff!!". Yeah, no. That shit actually had negative financial impacts for Konami, to the point where they actually had to backtrack on that whole removing Kojima's name from everything deal.


Now Kotaku UK has an interview with the doctor where he mentions he's considering suing Konami and shit. At one point the doctor even asks the interviewer if he knows how much MGSV will be worth and starts laughing when told the estimate of 4 million copies at 60 euros a pop. You just can't make that shit up.

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Hey look, actual investigative game journalism! God, I fucking love Super Bunnyhop. That channel has criminally low views/subscribers numbers considering the generally high quality of the content. 


Anyway, most of it is stuff that was already rumoured but there's a few nuggets in there that I hadn't heard before.


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You're a tougher man than I am if you can actually hold off on Phantom Pain.  I'm buying it day one even if it turns out Konami's execs took Kojima down to some kind of sex dungeon against his will.  That said, this is more than likely the last Konami game I'll buy, which shouldn't be that difficult because what the fuck else do they even have anymore?  Castlevania?  Please.  

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Hey look, actual investigative game journalism! God, I fucking love Super Bunnyhop. That channel has criminally low views/subscribers numbers considering the generally high quality of the content. 


Personally, I have a hard time listening to the tone, if not attitude, of the few videos I've watched from the channel. It's like an indifferent, yet condescending, discussion that brings some good points. I want to hear those good points, but ease up on the tude, dude.


Anyway, gonna make sure I have P.T. downloaded before it's removed tomorrow.  :(

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Personally, I have a hard time listening to the tone, if not attitude, of the few videos I've watched from the channel. It's like an indifferent, yet condescending, discussion that brings some good points. I want to hear those good points, but ease up on the tude, dude.

Mind elaborating on this? Which other videos have you watched?


I've been watching his content for a while and I now regularly listen to a podcast he hosts and I'm really not getting that vibe, certainly not condescension. Maybe being familiar with his overall tone and personality helps but I love his writing style and delivery. The guy actually went to journalism school and I think it really shows when you compare his content's quality to that of other youtubers. I guess I can kinda see how it might come across as indifference, though. But I really don't think that's the case. I mean, in this particular case, the dude is a massive Metal Gear fan. I don't think he'd have bothered making this video otherwise, especially considering he usually releases his new videos on thursdays.


His Critical Close-Up series is probably the best stuff he'd made so far. You should check it out if you haven't.

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Personally, I have a hard time listening to the tone, if not attitude, of the few videos I've watched from the channel. It's like an indifferent, yet condescending, discussion that brings some good points. I want to hear those good points, but ease up on the tude, dude.

Mind elaborating on this? Which other videos have you watched?



Both the Console Gaming video and the Bloodborne H.P. Lovecraft video. So not very many, but my first few impressions is just what I've said.


I get that the Console Gaming video was categorized under his "Opinion" videos, but it struck some bad cords for me. I definitely felt he had good points, but even with the journalistic attributes he displays, he ended up making a straw man of "console fanboys" and would segue into the "Likes and Dislikes" of his Sony video multiple times. Alright already, he was being "realistic" while everyone was excited. Get over it.


In the same video he was putting pressure on Bloodborne to be the make it or break for the PS4. During his H.P. Lovecraft analyse it comes off like that was the only thing that saved the game for him. I don't see a full review for it yet, but I'm expecting it to go like, "Yeah it's alright and if you like Souls have at it, but I have my PC so there."


Otherwise, I've found myself caring less for any kind of journalism involving games. So while I'm glad there are those who pride themselves on not being persuaded by the ill practices of this one industry, it has almost become a trope to have online content providers with the mantra "Damn You Games Industry!" I'll freely admit that's just my impression so far, but it didn't motivate me to watch other videos. This isn't directed solely to the channel, but overall my lack of interest in podcasts and opinion pieces. Even some of my preferred content providers I don't care to listen drone on about "the game industry."

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Both the Console Gaming video and the Bloodborne H.P. Lovecraft video. So not very many, but my first few impressions is just what I've said.


I get that the Console Gaming video was categorized under his "Opinion" videos, but it struck some bad cords for me. I definitely felt he had good points, but even with the journalistic attributes he displays, he ended up making a straw man of "console fanboys" and would segue into the "Likes and Dislikes" of his Sony video multiple times. Alright already, he was being "realistic" while everyone was excited. Get over it.

I.. uh, what? I'm not sure where any of this could possibly be coming from. You seem annoyed by his lack of enthusiasm for the current console generation but I can't think of anything in his videos on the topic that would warrant this kind of response. It kinda sounds like you're projecting your own issues into it, to be completely honest...


In the same video he was putting pressure on Bloodborne to be the make it or break for the PS4. During his H.P. Lovecraft analyse it comes off like that was the only thing that saved the game for him. I don't see a full review for it yet, but I'm expecting it to go like, "Yeah it's alright and if you like Souls have at it, but I have my PC so there."

Lol. What are these assumptions even based on? He was loving Bloodborne before it went full Lovecraft. He bought a PS4 specifically for the game and he made a 30 mins video essay analyzing Dark Souls a little while back. He's clearly a fan of the series. The video was specifically about analyzing the Lovecraft inspirations, that's why it's the only thing he emphasized and explored in depth.


I mean, I'm not saying you have to love the channel or anything. I guess his content probably isn't for everyone, because it's clearly not for you. And that's fine. But a lot of your criticism seems based on mistaken assumptions and your own issues being projected into it.


For example, I never got any of that smug PC superiority you've been describing from any of his videos or anything else. I can't possibly imagine how someone could have that kind of response to his opinion unless they were particularly sensitive to the topic of PC being a superior platform to consoles. I mean, it's not like he was being abrasive about it or anything.


edit: Something else to consider. Admittedly, you wouldn't know it from his videos alone but he also bought a Wii U last fall and he still won't shut up about how much he loves it on the podcast. He's really not the PC elitist you seem to have him pegged as.

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The only issues I have are that I felt he was ruining his argument by going back to an old video of his, multiple times, and making a point of the dislikes from console fanboys. I'm saying that while he had good points, it wasn't helping his case to get defensive over what became a straw man over disembodied critics. What started as an opinion seemed to devolve into a reluctance to even view other platforms. Hence why I got an impression of indifference.


I couldn't care any more over platforms, mainly because I have quite a few platforms so it doesn't make much difference. I don't sense any superiority for PC from him, but more of why he wouldn't want to be bothered. Instead it had to happen rather than a desire. I didn't really sense a hopeful outlook for Bloodborne either, so when he was getting into the "cliche" enemies of Bloodborne in the other video, it carried over that attitude in my mind. Glad he loves the big Lovecraft inspiration, but I still didn't make out a love for the entire game from it either.


But as I've said, those were only my first impressions and it didn't motivate me to look further into the channel's content. It's going to be different for you because you've listened for many hours, if not days worth of content. I'll give it a shot if you're telling me he's not really indifferent and has more insight than the average viewer.

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The only issues I have are that I felt he was ruining his argument by going back to an old video of his, multiple times, and making a point of the dislikes from console fanboys. I'm saying that while he had good points, it wasn't helping his case to get defensive over what became a straw man over disembodied critics. What started as an opinion seemed to devolve into a reluctance to even view other platforms. Hence why I got an impression of indifference.

I guess I probably don't get the same vibe because I mostly agree with him. I wouldn't say I'm indifferent towards consoles, I still very much want a PS4. But as a primarily PC gamer, any multiplat game is a game I'll prefer playing on my PC. So, Bloodborne is pretty much the first worthwhile exclusive to come out on the system for me. The only one that would actually make me want to go out and buy a PS4 tomorrow if I suddenly found myself with an extra 500 bucks to spend. It's kinda hard to get too hyped in that situation.


I couldn't care any more over platforms, mainly because I have quite a few platforms so it doesn't make much difference. I don't sense any superiority for PC from him, but more of why he wouldn't want to be bothered. Instead it had to happen rather than a desire. I didn't really sense a hopeful outlook for Bloodborne either, so when he was getting into the "cliche" enemies of Bloodborne in the other video, it carried over that attitude in my mind. Glad he loves the big Lovecraft inspiration, but I still didn't make out a love for the entire game from it either.

Yeah, it wasn't a full review. I'm not sure he'll bother making one at this point. But he's been talking about the game a lot outside his videos. But one thing from his console gaming video that would probably carry over to a review is that he doesn't really do hype. Literally the only times I remember him gushing over a game completely were his Critical Close-Up of MGS3 and his Shovel Knight review.


Normally, he'll mention any significant flaws he finds in a game. Which might come across as harsh, and would probably be an unpopular thing to do when it comes to a game like Bloodborne. But he does it with every game he reviews and I've yet to see him fail to make a compelling argument to support his opinion. That alone pretty much makes him my go-to game reviewer these days.


But as I've said, those were only my first impressions and it didn't motivate me to look further into the channel's content. It's going to be different for you because you've listened for many hours, if not days worth of content. I'll give it a shot if you're telling me he's not really indifferent and has more insight than the average viewer.

Check out his Critical Close-Up of MGS2. The Dark Souls one is also good. If you don't like those then it's probably safe to say his channel simply isn't for you.

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Two Jimquisitions in a single week? For a second there, I got worried I had already lost track of time two days into my summer vacation...


Anyway, this should be good.


edit: You know, the more I find out about this whole thing the more I'm actually happy for Kojima that he's finally getting the hell out of that shitty company. It's a major bummer about Silent Hills and the uncertain future of the MGS series makes me really sad but I'm looking forward to whatever Kojima will do next. Hopefully he'll start a new studio and create a new IP that will blow MGS out of the water.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Don't know if you guys heard but Konami actually did a DMCA takedown on that SuperBunnyHop video I posted last week. But Konami being Konami, their usual ineptitude got in the way and they couldn't even keep the video down for an entire day. :laugh:


George just made a follow-up.



I really wonder why Youtube felt the need to get involved this time. This could set an interesting precedent.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A ton of new info about this just dropped from the Official UK Playstation Magazine.






EDIT: there are some spoilers in there not even I wanted to see that got de-tagged, let me just get rid of them.


EDIT EDIT: saved us from spoiler-nation. very minor stuff, but significant to super hyped folk like me


- They say the opening hour is astonishing and one of the greatest they've ever seen. The original Phantom Pain/Moby Dick Studios trailer didn't touch on it's full brilliance. They say it's completely different in tone to the rest of the game and almost horror-esque.

- Early on you can interrogate guards but you 'don't understand Russian/Africaan'; it's useless until you do a side-op to Fulton a translator. This unlocks the ability to understand foreign dialogue from enemies.

- Can get easily around the map using fast-travel with cardboard boxes. Orange signposts are delivery points and you can collected and dropped off elsewhere like in MGS1 and 3, but far more useful because it's open-world.

- 'Loadout' screen like in Peace Walker, you can select the time of mission start, weapons, gear, tools, mechanical arm (electrocution is just one type), explosives, buddies, boxes, starting vehicles and player character. Says you can play as your generic troops, like in PW. You can have a car or lorry with you from the start, if you want.

- Lists the Buddies as Quiet, Horse, Dog, and mech-walker. Says the mech walker can go turbo, you can put it on cruise-control, and upgrade its skill-tree to give it more stuff like CQC and a stun-gun. You only unlock the mech when you finish a 'specific' mission whilst using the mech (danced around spoilers here).

- the dog attacks enemies and finds things in the environment that shows up on the iDroid. The horse is invincible. You can put a prisoner on the horse like in Red Dead.

- Says Quiet's presence actually lowers morale on Mother Base, probably due to being a former antagonist.

- Setting off the alarm in a large base causes reinforcements to drive in from smaller, adjacent bases nearby. You can choose to shut down the smaller bases first to stop potential reinforcements, or sever smaller communications dishes in the main base to cut them off. You can also call the chopper to act as a distraction in an adjacent base, which removes reinforcements from the the base you want to get into, thinning out the ranks.

- The larger satellite dishes on the bases control automated AA defences. Blow them up and you can call for chopper extraction at closer points.

- Cardboard box tobogganing, says you can run and press square and you go into a funny slide, which retains momentum if you're on a hill.

- Named Ah-Ha, Billy Idol and David Bowie as helicopter tunes to choose from.

- They had a whole section on his notepad ready for notes on how it performed/technical complaints, and the only thing he wrote at the end of his whole session was that some foliage occasionally pops-in in Africa, i.e it was mostly perfect.

- Counted 14 or so major bases in Afghanistan, and over two dozen smaller outposts.


Minor spoiler, they said once you rescue Miller the base you take him from floods with gas.


Minor enemy spoilers about the pale, weird looking soldiers from the trailers: They're called the Skulls, they can run faster than your horse, have glowing green eyes, and are described as 'unkillable' but the word is in inverted commas so there's probably a way. They're compared to MGS4's Haven Troopers in that they fit the enhanced soldier archetype. They hunt you down after you rescue Miller.

- This has been said before, but the missions are presented a little like TV eps, with opening and closing credits. They remark how it wouldn't matter if Kojima's name was scrubbed from the box art and marketing because it's EVERYWHERE in the game.

- Every mission has smaller side-objectives that bring extra rewards if you check them all off. Reminds me of Assassin's Creed bonus objectives (or GTAV if you like). Says it only tells you the bonus objectives once you've finished the mission once, encouraging replayability without distracting you with it on the first pass.

- There's a great screen of DD riding in a jeep with Snake.

- You have to upgrade the Fulton to extract heavier stuff. When extracted, it's gone from the map for good, so you can't farm for infinite stuff.

- Says that like PW, there's a lot of cassette tapes to flesh out the story if you want to.

- Game structure is open-ended. Numerous missions are open at any time and you don't have to go back to Mother Base in between. Some 'Important' side-ops open up new story missions. The game rewards you constantly with new blueprints and tapes.

- Some side-ops have you rescuing 'crazed' survivors from your MSF base-destruction 9 years ago.

- One side-op you have to tranq and extract a 'legendary brown bear'.

- New Mother Base is in the Seychelles. Compares MP to Dark Souls invasions, which can simply turn off in the menu.

- Goes over the base management, tl;dr sounds like a richer version of PW. Outer Ops seems to be back to send your Combat soldiers to.

- Wash blood off of Snake at the Mother Base showers, do target practice or fight with new recruits. Says MB starts off disappointingly small, but soon grows and adds new layers and levels. Morale of your men will drop if you don't visit it often enough.

- The item to view enemy soldier stats in the field before Fultoning is back from PW.

- Mission completion times are recorded to the thousandth of a second.

- There was a lot more they saw, but not allowed to talk about yet.

Edited by kenshi_ryden
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I think taking the discussion about the new (and last Kojima MGS trailer) in here might be for the best. Some people may not want to be spoiled and by spoiled, I mean


Alpha Jehuty.


The hallway transition from BB to Scarface seems straight forward enough. BB is the leader of FOX and Scarface is the leader of XOF. They're essentially the same kind of people. I think Scarface is just the end product of what BB could've become if he wasn't completely incapacitated after being burned alive in MG2 by Snake. BB can still be seen as nice, Scarface just gives me unease and it isn't because of his appearance. He just doesn't act... human? Just seeing what happened to Chico and Paz in Ground Zeros just gives me unease of what Scarface can do. If that is the case, then the ending of MSGIV is just so much nicer.


Of course everything I've said could be just plain wrong since TPP isn't even out yet. MY BODY IS READY.


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WHAT THE FUCK IS THE DEMON CHILD!? Stop helping me and then bringing the Ghost of Volgin Past to haunt me. Actually, there's also the twitchy zombie special forces group too. Demon, ghost and zombies, OH MY!


Also that tease of Outer Heaven at the start of the game, really opening movie... I look forward to the ending...s.



I'm enjoying my time. So far everything is running butter smooth. There's really only a few moments of texture pop-ins (at extreme distances), teleporting horse and the extraction balloon acting funny when it goes up (it goes up then hangs until it just blinks out of existence). I guess I can chalk it up for all of this being a whole VR thing thus glitches in the Matrix...

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