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Dishonored is also the free game for xbox live for this month. Probably the first real game they've put on there.

Gone Home is also $9.99 on the game's website but only until tomorrow. Highly recommend this game. I expected a horror game going into it and It's not really that. Its just an emotional ride. (not for everyone I guess)

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They've had several full retail games on there on 360, it's just Xbone that tends to get smaller titles.


I second the Gone Home recommendation though.  Just be aware that it plays like a first-person point-and-click adventure.

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Humble Weekly Bundle has Long Live the Queen, which I enjoyed.

"A neat little princess-grooming simulation game that tasks you with living long enough to avoid assassination before your investiture. The method of your demise varies both according to your decisions and the skills you've acquired, which are multifarious—anywhere from becoming a magical girl to learning falconry to your historical knowledge. Long Live the Queen is a romp well worth your time."


And concerning my above post: GW2 is on sale @ 50% off.

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  • 3 weeks later...

that isn't working for me. Oh well. But holy moses, I am continually shocked by how bad the SEN website is no better than the stores on the consoles themselves. It's really painful even just to get my free PSN games each month.

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Yes. It doesn't always load all the games. I added some this morning then went back to the page later on on there were several more games there that weren't before and sometimes it sends you to a select platform screen which I can't always get past . it takes ages to log in. Every time you load a page you have to wait for it to log you back in.


When you finally get to the right page if you try to add all the games to the basket and continue shopping it throws you back to a different screen so you have to start over or if you open all the new games in a new tab it slowly loads the page with a loading gif then logs you in slowly to each of those pages. Then after the page loads, then it takes a while to decide what your purchase status is with the game (ie for the buy price/or download option to appear on the left) Whenever one of those games is multiplatform it is pot luck whether it will say the game is available for you to buy on the second platform you try.


Maybe it's different on the NA site? I don't think it's my computer as that's the only site that does it and it does it in different browsers and my phone.


Love to hear if it's such a palaver for other UK users.


Sorry can't be bothered to fix all the problems with this post on my phone!

Edited by TheFlyingGerbil
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