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Remember Me


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Mixed reviews, high points, low points, and rookie mistakes.


Conclusion: Discounted Steam purchase later this year.


You're probably right. I would bet a 50% off deal is what we would see. maybe during the holidays. Usually you could only hope for 33% on new(ish) good games. Skyrim took forever to get it's price down to 50%.

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Right now reviews are around the mid 60's to mid 70's. I don't know about you but that's worth a play for me.


Yeah for sure, the IGN review, I don't know who that reviewer is, and I don't necessarily trust him, did have some valid complaints, like repetitive gameplay, boring combat/platforming, and the best parts of the game only being there 4 times. However, I've seen some 7s and even some 8s from other places... SO WHO FUCKING KNOWS ANYMORE. But the fact that the first review was 5.9 (also, 100 point scales, stupid or just self indulgent?) and Capcom knew they had a turd on their hands and just gave up on it, had me concerned. But since it's actually getting decent reviews, so I think the more likely explanation is Capcom doesn't know what the fuck they're doing.

If nothing else, this strikes me as a game that could get 10000x times better with a sequel.

Edited by The Cowboy Poet
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Parker!  Get me numbers!  For reviews!


Sigh... and that kind of attitude is exactly why we have inflated scores in the first place. Seriously, anything below 7 is bad? What the hell? It's not like a numerical score alone means much...



If only the rest of the industry could wrap their minds around the concept.


I've played a lot of games that are considered bad (Alpha Protocol, Brutal Legend, Bionic Commando 2009) that I found to be really enjoyable.  But then again, I'm exceeding difficult to put off when it comes to video games.  Some would say my standards are low.  Maybe they're right!  Who knows!  Odds are pretty good that I'll like Remember Me though.


They be jelly over how awesome my ability to have fun with something is.

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There are only 4 memory sequences? Those were the only things about the game I was remotely interested in.


Yeah I was really surprised too when they mentioned it on the rev3games review. Another comment was how you had to rotate the left stick a lot during these sequences that its actually a pain to do.

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