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Studio Deaths


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Quite a few of them happening of late. Thought it'd be worth of documenting in a thread.


The big closure of late is Sony Liverpool, AKA Psygnosis




Popcap, THQ and someone else also had some lay-offs. Which controversially seems to have included laying off the creator of Plants vs Zombies days after the sequel was announced.

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laying off the creator of Plants vs Zombies days after the sequel was announced.


The weirdest thing about all of this is this rumor about the sequel http://www.shacknews.com/article/75203/rumor-popcap-preparing-plants-vs-zombies-multiplayer-shooter


It sounds too crazy to be anything other than bullshit but... just think about it for a second... what if it isn't?! That's a new level of stupidity right there. One that I didn't think was possible.

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In other Bioware related news:



I think we can all guess that given the recent changes of Bioware going from one studio to 7 and the consistent decline of quality they may be jumping ship before it fully sinks.


They're going into consulting and beer interviews. (Which isn't as wild a step given they went from being physicians to game developers)

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Junction Point, creator of Epic Mickey, has been closed. Folks have noted that it's timed suspiciously close to announcement of Disney Infinite. Also seen speculation Spector might be picked up by Valve, which is reasonable speculation. Quite a creative veteran.

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Irem closed their video game sector (they still make slot machines and stuff) back in 2011 after the tsunami, but a bunch of them got back together to form the company known as Granzella.




RIP Steambot Chronicles 2 ;_;

Edited by Baconrath
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John Ricititliolio.lo has resigned/fired as CEO of EA.


It seemed somewhat inevitable given regardless of whether you attribute the various issues of late with EA to "vocal minority" or not, EA is losing money and that does speak to investors and board members.


One fun line of speculation I've seen raised however is that John Ric might be the last vestige of "old style" EA-ness in the face of DS3 Micro-Transactions, SimCity "always online-socialness", and Real Racing 3 type stuff and so they're bumping him off to get someone more pliable. Though that somewhat falls flat when you take into account that John took back over from Larry Probst in 2007 (which'd be the year that Bioware-Pandemic was acquired in still iffy scenario*) and it's from about that period onward that EA starting bringing in the day one DLC n project $10 n etc etc. So it's equally possible it's the reverse. I guess it's a bit of a knife edge which way it could go, those kind of things could scale back in the face of them seemingly not working, or they could ramp up in the face of them not working enough. It'll be fun to see who is the next CEO of EA to lead them into 8th gen.


Gotta say, laying him off amidst the SImCity thing, which is hitting national news outlets not just speciality press, is brilliant timing :/



*for those not up to speed: prior to his EA CEO'ship John worked form a company called Elevation Partners, with whom Bioware and Pandemic were forged into a single company, VG Holding Corp, to find a buyer. John then became CEO of EA and lo and behold EA bought VG Holding Corp. And the rest we know is history. (but if you don't know that history Pandemic was closed and Bioware went through asexual reproduction and currently accounts for 8.56% of studios on the planet and rising)

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LucasArts being closed by Disney. Makes sense given the last few games have been pretty naf (their last being Kinect Star Wars which was the mocking point of E3 past few years.) They will still be licensing Star Wars elements, so as a publisher it's still sort of around (so stuff like Battlefront 3, Lego Star Wars, etc are still on the table, they just won't be made by an internal studio.)

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Sucks for those that lost their jobs, but personally I can't say I'm sorry to see the studio go... Their recent games have all been painfully unexceptional and 1313 was looking like it would continue that trend. Maybe now that they're licensing we can start getting good Star Wars games again. Hopefully Obsidian give that pitch of theirs another shot.

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Kinect Star Wars wasn't actually by an internal studio (nor were the LEGO or Battlefront games ever by internal studios). Most of Lucasarts' recent fare has just been published by them, rather than developed. So, no more publishing or developing, I assume.


To the best of my knowledge, Star Wars 1313 was the only new thing they were handling.

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What are they doing besides the Kickstarter RPG? That's not a snarky question I'm curious. I mean for them one game might be enough as they have to prove they can make a game that can run without crashing.


Sour memories for me as a save file for KOTOR 2, the only one I was using recetly, got corrupted for no reason and i couldn't play the game anymore.

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