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Lighting Returns: Final Fantasy XIII


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I'm curious about the new battle system. From what I've read, everybody just seems to be assuming how it works right now and there's no official word. It looks like 4 actions would be mapped to the 4 buttons, and each Paradigm changes those actions. There's no queue so it looks like actions take place once you press the buttons? Then a gauge depletes as you do more actions, like when she cast Blizzard a big chunk was taken out, then Attack take just a small chunk.


If it's like that, I think I'm going to like it. It would probably be cool, too, to face multiple enemies; cast Blizzard on one to send it flying then hack into the other (targets to be picked by the left stick/directional buttons?), kill it and move back to the first one. Or Blizzard then switch to healer and heal, and switch back when he lands. How often can you switch?


Seems cool, hope there's a demo too like FF XIII-2. One concern is the camera, though. It was ok when it was moving like crazy on the other games since it's queue based anyway, but it might get frustrating here? I dunno...


Hey, look at that. It's one step closer to what they originally showed the battle system would be years ago before XIII's release.

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Yeah, maybe I shouldn't be too harsh on it, seeing as I didn't play XIII-2 at all, which according to many, is a considerable improvement over the first. It'd be like me wading into an Assassin's Creed thread, saying I've only played the first one and thought it was pretty meh, while failing to acknowledge that it indeed has gotten better over time. (I've played 3 briefly at Eurogamer Expo and liked it)


So this video, is it actually still on the internet anywhere at all then?

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Yeah XIII-2 was going to be one of my choices for GOTY given how much an improvement over FFXIII it was. Very focused cast mind, and LR seems to be going even more focused. The story was a bit weird, but this is a FF game so to be somewhat expected.


I am interested in a demo too, be interesting to see how it'd pan out.

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Looking at it, I'm getting a strange "Metal Gear Rising" vibe from it. It looks like it might have menus, but the way the commands are laid out, it could be that if you get close enough to engage an enemy in battle mode, they correspond to the four face buttons. You can probably use the shoulder buttons to hot-swap in new commands on the fly as well, I'd imagine.


I'm still not totally convinced, but at this early stage, the game mechanics look interesting enough that I'd want to at least give it a go.

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Bunch of screenshots. 13 days, same as FFXIII had to it's story. And as it states there's clocks throughout the world, which you must keep an eye on. Certainly going to be interesting to see what they do with it. But at this point I'm kinda longing for a more traditional ATB game for FFXV. They got the balance between real-time and ATB down to pat with FFXII, XIII and XIII:LR is leaning a bit too much in the realm of real-time and interactive battles to be heading more towards ARPGs and I don't play Final Fantasy games in order to play an ARPG.

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Some characters from previous (FFXIII) games will appear, also the people from that world have been living for 500 years but, somehow, they're not aware of that. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Was her hair always that pink? And no matter how much I see of this game that level design seems... just horrible uninspired and boring. I mean why is that platform in the middle of a town square? Why is that candy-cane pole just standing there? Can Lightning see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

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Yeah... As Square Enix Japan's first open world free roaming type environment I expect things are gonna be a little janky. Probably the running/climbing/jumping traversal will be limited to pre-scripted spots, and I imagine the level design won't make a terrible amount of sense artistically.


But Square Enix art hasn't been coherent in any game since FF XII, so I wouldn't get too fussed about that. Indeed, I think that giving the folks who cooked up all the crazy places and faces from FF XIII and XIII-2 a smaller space to work with (considering that the game is all set in and around this city) will result in some utterly ridiculously overdesigned buildings and neighborhoods. Which is great.


Just look at it like the character design. Now that they only have one main character instead of a party, they're going with multiple crazy outfits and bat sunglasses at night. They've elevated their game. I imagine the city will be much the same for environmental design. Good stuff.

Edited by Frosted Mini-Wheats
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There's only 13 days to do stuff. You see it's funny because this is Final Fantasy 13. If you don't get it let me know and I'll explain.



I'm giving the game the benefit of the doubt as it might just be ridiculous enough to work but you know what would have made a good Final Fantasy XIII game? Following Zasch his son and a grown frocobo in their adventures. Instead they have focused on the most uninteresting characters.

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  • 4 months later...

Hey, the new trailer for this game is out!  It inspires... absolutely no confidence. It's hard to judge if both the writing and voice acting are terrible, or if the writing is just so terrible that even considerable voice talent is unable to redeem it.  I kind of feel like it isn't fair ot condemn the voice actors as turning in poor work considering the lines they're working with here.


Also, the game got delayed.  Which is 100% expected of a product coming out of Square Enix Japan.  They can't make coherent games, they can't make their incoherent games in a timely manner.


The first trailer for this made me think "Okay, this could be sort of cool in a so-bad-it's-good overproduced clumsy open world sort of way."  I've had fun with clumsy open worlds before because that's where the most fun in breaking an open world comes from, and the costumes looked like the best kind of ridiculous.  But this new trailer brings about an entirely different reaction.  My new reaction is "Oh god, they still don't realize that FF XIII is bad"

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I'd disagree that FFXIII is bad, in fact, I think it's one of the best Final Fantasy games. But holy fuck, that trailer... man... just stop. I don't think the voice acting was bad because it's Troy Baker as Snow, he did Booker in Bioshock Infinite and Joel in The Last of Us, he knows what he's doing, and the woman who does Lightning is Liara from Mass Effect, she also knows what she's doing, but that writing is terrible. 
Also I couldn't help but laugh out loud when she was wearing those glasses. 

BUT! On the other hand, FFXIII and FFXIII-2 had a great battle system, hopefully this does too.

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