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Adventure Time

Mister Jack

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I gotta say I really like the concept of the Ice King being someone who took care of Marceline after the Mushroom War when she was little. I'm hoping that in the future we get to see this relationship expanded upon, maybe even with a flashback or something if we're lucky. As much of a goof as the Ice King is, that one single act at the end of the latest episode makes him okay in my book, even if he no longer remembers it.

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The Ice King is actually quite a complicated character. The crown has made him crazy with translates into Alzheimer's and bipolarity. He's no longer human but once in a while you see glimpses of his humanity, like when he started crying in yesterday's episode. I don't get why people hate him, his character has evolved a lot since the first few seasons where he was just bad. His search for a princess stems from his lost love when he was Simon.

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I never hated him, I just didn't think there was much to him for a while. He was a funny loser type and that was it.


You know, this might be unintentional but it would explain why you rarely see him and Marceline onscreen together throughout the show. She can't bear to see him the way he is.

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-tinfoil on-

After this episode, I think



Simon had a really big role in starting the Great Mushroom War. He had both the Ice Crown and the Enchiridion. If you look on Reddit or the episode itself, you'll find a picture/screenshot with an asteroid coming towards Earth. That’s crater material right there. Nukes cannot blow a hole like that. So yeah, Simon ended the world.


With that and Simon in mind, I cannot help but feel that Betty has a role in the creation of the Candy Kingdom and perhaps the other kingdoms as well. She out of anybody had the earliest warning of what was to come when Simon put on the Ice Crown. So I am willing to bet that she either tried to stop Simon, created the seeds of the new world or both. With that said, her direct descendant is PB (I'm not saying that she is PB). My reasoning is that if Betty was trying to save the world, she'll try to do whatever is the most logical since she seems to be that type of person. Knowing PB, who is very much like that, I wouldn't be surprised if Betty is an ancestor. Or perhaps PB is based off of Betty.


Eh. -tinfoil off-

Now I am going to brood on how Ice King and the Lich are related.


Edited by MaliciousH
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About what Malicious said


An asteroid would explain why there are people on Mars now. It was probably the privileged/wealthy that were able to migrate to a society on Mars when an asteroid was coming. Considering that a big chunk of Earth is gone, it would stand to reason that people would want to flee somewhere.


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I think there should be a whole one hour special of Simon and Marceline traveling around the destroyed Earth and showing Simon slowly losing his mind. I think that'd be an awards worthy episode.



also another picture that hits you right in the feelings









Edited by Waldorf And Statler
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I just don't get how we went from asteroid to Simon being responsible because



he had the enchiridion. The hero's manual. Maybe he was destined to be a hero and still can be?



As I said, Simon did tons of digging. He dug too deep and unearth Adventure Time's balrog, the Lich. After the current episode, I don't believe the Lich came out of nowhere thus I believe Simon must have some connection to his release.


As for the asteroid/meteor: http://i.imgur.com/jb8vc.jpg

While the world of Adventure Time has magic and junk, I don't think the before the GMW world really had it or made much use of it (Sort of like Westeros in ASOIF). To make that hole in the Earth requires much more than nukes. I think the Lich may have sent it down.


I'm still developing the idea. So eh. Also I'm with you on Ice King being the possible true hero. Though I cannot see how the Ice Crown comes into play. It could just be random...




As for Simon turning into Ice King. I really wonder what sort of things he said. Just by Betty's reaction and even Marceline's I don't think its the usual Ice King.


Edit: Fuck this episode.

Edited by MaliciousH
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The Ice Crown is basically the tool that kept him alive. Maybe later he'll regain sanity who knows.


As to Simon



digging up the Lich he might have we'll have to see if they mention any connections this monday. But it's called the Mushroom war for a reason, the reason for humanity's death has to be nuke's. The meteor might have come later on.


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This is a 2-panel storyboard from a future episode. It doesn't really reveal much, but spoiler warning nonetheless.






Now for crackpot theory time



Marceline has clearly found something, and the way she's pointing up at it and the angle of the shot indicate two things:


1) Whatever she found is either high up or, more likely, bigger than she is.


2) Whatever she found, it's probably something significant.


So maybe Simon really did inadvertantly unleash the Lich from some kind of prison?


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