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Adventure Time

Mister Jack

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I gotta say. Very weird episode. I guess this was their way to mention all the shippings the show has? Either ways. Weeeeird.


Edit: for the sake of not triple posting I'll post this link here. Not sure if anybody is still checking this thread out but here's the link to the latest Bravest Warriors. By far my favorite so far.



Edited by Waldorf And Statler
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Yeah this Adventure Time episode felt more like the writers didn't want to change the status quo of the world too much so decided to make the babies grow up really fast so Finn and Jake can hang out. But to be honest I'm glad it didn't change so dramatically as then Jake would be forced to do more stuff with his family than with Finn.



Also new Bravest Warriors. It was pretty sweet.

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Yeah Chris gets all the ladies. And to be fair he did get some action on a previous episode, but she regained her memory and remembered that he is friendzoned. But yeah if this follows the adventure time love aspect he'll be in love with Beth [?] but will end up with this Plum chick/mermaid.

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I mean I noticed it but didn't really think much on her ulterior motive. And I think future chris just didn't want to be found as the mastermind behind the plan... for once. But you're right he seemed a bit too eager to hide himself. We won't know for many episodes what it means though.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was browsing Amazon, and while it seems Season 2 will be available on June 4th, the it will also be on Blu-ray along with the first season reformatted too. http://amzn.com/B00BDD0NBE


I usually don't trade anything in, but I can't pass up actually getting something that's usually reserved for DVD when there's now Blu-ray.

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