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Adventure Time

Mister Jack

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Nice clips but they didn't tell me much and only made me want the episode here quicker.

Two things I got from the clips.



1. Alternate timeline Simon essentially sacrificed himself by preventing all the bombs from landing in the surrounding area. It seems that perhaps he only had enough magic/strength to stop one last bomb right above him. By the time he got to it, he froze it but was so close it either trapped him or crushed him.


2. In the second clip, it appears that Finn is wearing the Ice King crown. The Lich might be appearing in that timeline for the first time, and that is why the Prismo guy is suggesting Jake use his wish to help "him" while looking at the ongoing scene.


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Just finished watching Season 5 episode 1.






Pretty dissapointing the entire debacle was resolved entirely within 1 full episode. As for the episode itself, it was pretty good, and certainly told us a lot more about the land of Ooh, and what happened. I wonder why Simon didn't stop the bomb in the normal timeline? This also brings up quite a few more questions, such as:


Why is the atom bomb filled with evil Lich juice?

Why is Marceline so....not teenage in this new timeline?

How did Finn lose his arm?

Why exactly can the Ice King talk after being crushed? Or is Marceline just crazy?

Why did it take Simon so much longer to be crushed by the crown's influence than Finn?

What exactly IS Prismo, and the Cosmic Owl?

Why does the leader of the Destiny Gang have such amazing fashion sense?

Why does the Lich appear in the alternate reality, despite that being the very thing the wish said wouldn't happen?


And finally, how is it possible Jake is so awful at making wishes?


I really do wonder what direction the series will take after this episode, and if we'll ever go back to that alternate reality. With so little time spent there, it seems like it would make sense to have a few more episodes exploring that reality.





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nvm just saw them.





I didn't mind the resolution in one special. It works out for the silliness of the show, and we got to see more backstory which is always good.


As to some of your questions:


1. The lich being in the atom bomb might be this show's representation of nuclear disaster over explaining to kids the horrors of war in a kids show.


2. Marceline is not a teenager in this timeline because she was never separated from Simon, never beat the Vampire King and never became the Vampire Queen. She's only a half-demon in this timeline, not immortal.


3.Finn losing his arm has no explanation. We're supposed to accept this world is mechanical/steampunk and accept it. No reason to explain.


4. Simon taking longer probably has to do with brain capacity/intelligence. Simon had one of those brain worms in his pocket, and those only tend to go towards doctors/scientists/geniuses. Hence why it took it longer to make him go as crazy as Finn.


5. The lich appeared in this reality because he explained his wishes are twisted unless you're really specific. In this case since Finn wasn't as specific or as tricky as possible he simply made it where the Lich technically did not exist UNTIL Finn did something.


As to the show exploring this alternate timeline it is not likely. They already showed where the timeline was going and it basically doomed the whole world. No other story to tell and the timeline technically does not exist anymore. Now the Lich is still alive, Finn and Jake are as well and all is back to normal.


Edited by Waldorf And Statler
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Yeah, I couldn't resist and watched the episodes too. I didn't expect a tell-all since Adventure Time isn't geared toward a more adult narrative, but the writers and artists throw in the hints that we can pick up on.


W&S pretty much nailed it, and obviously most wishing scenarios are going to be Monkey's Palm because the concept of instant gratification is all too fantastic and there must be consequences to altering reality. The things we learned in this episode:



The theory that the residents of Ooo came from a mutagenic past could be confirmed here, but at the same time we could believe that magic was also a factor into the shaping of recent history. While W&S nails it in that The Lich is the personification of a nuclear disaster, it seems that there must have been other supernatural forces before the bomb. After all, Marceline was still half-demon.


Everything else was pure fan service. Seeing Finn's parents and having a sibling, along with his last name. Also, Prismo and the Cosmic Owl are buddies that enjoy hot tubing and board games. Speaking of, the only complaint I had with all two episodes was how Prismo spelled out Jake's actual wish. The ongoing gag is that Jake tends to wish for or ask for a sandwich when presented with a choice (which was still a good gag in this episode). Personally, I would have liked it if Jake really thought out his wish with Prismo only hinting as what to do rather than spelling it out.


Edited by Atomsk88
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Just finished watching.



Did they actually say the word "atomic" or "nuclear" to describe the bomb? I don't recall hearing it, but I DID hear the word "mutagen," so maybe the bombs aren't actually nukes as we know them. After all, if Finn detonated a nuke with ice magic then everyone should probably be dead.


This is also pretty solid evidence that the Lich came into being when the bombs were originally set off in the "main" timeline of Ooo.


This also begs the question of what Simon did INSTEAD of freeze the bomb in the timeline of the main Ooo.


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I'm thinking it was like in the main timeline where



they do meet, but rather than separating at some point (which Simon and Marcy should explain), Simon confronted the bomb and Marceline was left with a crushed Simon.


And they don't specify nuclear, but the green ooze we've seen The Lich around seems like a parallel to nuclear waste.


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Then that implies



The war was already started and the world was in ruins before they met. But in the song it says it was them two in the whole world, so if they did meet the world was already over. I'm assuming he was crushed by the bomb and marcy somehow found him and got to know him.


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Then that implies



The war was already started and the world was in ruins before they met. But in the song it says it was them two in the whole world, so if they did meet the world was already over. I'm assuming he was crushed by the bomb and marcy somehow found him and got to know him.


I wouldn't be too literal because


Well... yeah. They were in the wake of the war in a destroyed city. The note/song Simon writes was his message to Marceline, and it was Simon wondering if they were the only two left in the world. (EDIT: Reads as "Marceline, is it just you & me in the wreckage of the world?) Chances are the war had left little life, but there had to be others. In a last ditch effort, we have the planes and the bomb.


Cities can be in ruin, and the population can be a fraction of what it once was, but The Lich wasn't the one responsible for that so he doesn't need to appear first. The war was already doing that, but in the altered timeline Simon had changed to where he confronted the planes and bomb. As Finn's wish was, The Lich didn't exist because alternate Simon stopped his creation. EDIT: In fact, that is the sole turning point that was the result of Finn's wish.


Edited by Atomsk88
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Watched the premiere (again) on television, and Jack, about the weapon...


When the bomb went off, the surrounding environment was either scorched or still had green flame left. How Finn and the other survived was because of the ice encasing them. The dark part of this is that the other humans either died, or possibly mutated.


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Well yeah. I think Pen Ward confirmed that she became the vampire queen by defeating the vampire king, and seeing how Simon didn't leave her too much later when she was still a kid it is not that weird. She must've become the vampire queen around her current physical age.

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