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XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Mr. GOH!

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Well, had to pry myself away from it at 2AM last night but this morning I somehow woke up an hour ahead of my alarm and instead of just going back to sleep I jumped at the chance to get up early and play some more :D Been a while since any game actually got me to turn down more sleep.


And Ethan, the game hardly punishes you. There are simply consequences to failure. You can always "cheat" by saving and reloading but losing soldiers is part of the thrill. The last mission I played about 20mins ago ended with one of my soldiers getting shot down and starting to bleed out. I didn't have any medkits to stabilize her so the mission became a race against the clock to kill all the remaining enemies before she bled out (something like 3 turns). I was successful on the very last turn but now she's out of action for a while. It was awesome.

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That's because you're a big ol' wuss, Ethan. It's okay; not all of us can be goddamn heroes.


But, seriously, it punishes failure in the way Civilization punishes failure in that it's not really about exploring the plot but more about learning to cope with constraints not seen in many modern games.

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You're a terrible commander, Spork! I've yet to lose a single soldier. :cool:


They do tend to get injured a lot, though... Like, half the squad out of action after every single mission.


Also, I can't progress through the plot because I'm a bit short on resources and a bunch of countries look like they're about to leave the council :lol: Oops.


I get the feeling I'll have to start over because this run seems doomed to fail.

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That's because you're a big ol' wuss, Ethan. It's okay; not all of us can be goddamn heroes.


But, seriously, it punishes failure in the way Civilization punishes failure in that it's not really about exploring the plot but more about learning to cope with constraints not seen in many modern games.


Yeah, after FLD elaborated I realized I probably read too much in to that first post.


I'll probably get this game whenever it hits ~$25.

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I am one of those "reload when someone dies" types with games like this because it just bugs me to think about losing all that experience. I mean, if I end up losing a soldier or two every few missions, who knows if it will even be possible to beat the game later on? It's the same reason I never really got into fire emblem. I'm liking this game, though, but like I said...when I lose someone, I reload.

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I try to avoid reloading because, knowing myself, at some point I'll just get bored from the lack of consequences if I just reload my way out of every mistake I make. The only times I reloaded so far were when I wanted to try something I knew was probably stupid.


I'm playing on normal mode for this first run while I'm learning everything, but after this playthrough I'm planning on switching to iron man mode (game autosaves, so no reloading). Might even switch to classic difficulty because so far I'm finding the game fairly easy. That being said, I did lose two men tonight. Neither were high-ranked, though, so no big loss.

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I didn't play official ironman mode, but I didn't reload my first campaign at all. At 6 (maybe 10-15 missions) hours in I realized I had kinda fucked up by not building any additional satellites. Then I had my top elite squad wiped out assaulting a landed (not crashed) UFO. I don't think my second-tier squad is up to the task of going after cyber disks, and I'm pretty sure I'll hit the drop-out threshold within the month. tonight is time to restart, this time in real ironman mode.


God, I love this game.

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Yeah, I got lucky and realized my lack of satellites was a problem just in time. Launching a few more of them both solved my money problems and prevented a bunch of countries from dropping out. Things aren't looking as grim right now.


I did lose Mexico and France, though. Any idea how many it takes for the game to end?

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So, I finished my first run. Pretty much every single second of free time I've had the past four days has been dedicated to this game. 26 hours total and I'm already thinking about my next run.


Definitely going to be playing on Ironman next because, as the game progressed, I realized I'm a very weak man and I found myself reloading more than I would've liked. I didn't necessarily reload every time someone died but there were a few times where if I hadn't reloaded then I would've been royally screwed. Like losing my main sniper when half my squad is rookies because my main line-up is injured. Or just rushing in like an idiot and getting 2 of my best guys brutally torn to pieces by Chryssalids.


I think the problem is early on I focused too much on the same soldiers and ended up maxing them out quickly while all my other units were underpowered. Next time, I'll try having a more rotating line-up early on. I'm not sure if I wanna jump to classic difficulty yet, though.

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I started today... Lost my first soldier in the first mission I could control... I accidentally hit the wrong button on my controller and ended a turn causing the death of a soldier


Got to my first hard mission, a ufo crash site. I did fine for the first 6 enemies, but then boom 6 more came out, of every direction, the damn mission killed everyone. I reloaded like small girl.

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I usually only launched mine when I needed to lower panic levels but that's mostly because I kept forgetting to build uplinks so I launched most of them much later than I should've. The income boost was pretty helpful once I got a few of them up, though.


Also, started my second campaign just now. Ironman Classic. Entire team got obliterated on the first fucking mission. :D

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