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XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Mr. GOH!

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Is it weird for me to say I would love to see this game become a movie? I just like the style they use where all the aliens are so cheesy and cliche but everyone in the story plays it completely straight as if they're dealing with Al Qaeda. Nowadays whenever a sci-fi movie uses aliens with stereotypical appearances and flying saucers it's done with a nod and a wink like they're saying "Yeah, we know it's goofy. We're not gonna take it seriously."


The thing is, I WANT them to take it seriously. The cheese factor is so much more enjoyable to me when you can tell the people behind the film really put their heart and soul into trying to make little green men into something dramatic and meaningful. No leaning on the fourth wall or one-liners about how ironic it is. No. When those flying saucers come down with their death rays and start blowing up skyscrapers, you slowly remove your glasses, say "My god," and then you pick up that red phone and call the god damn president of the United States because damn it man, something must be done!

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I think Independence Day is actually a pretty good example of what you're talking about. Sure they didn't make it hokey visually, but at its core it's still a movie about flying saucers invading and using their giant death rays to destroy cities.

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I think Independence Day is actually a pretty good example of what you're talking about. Sure they didn't make it hokey visually, but at its core it's still a movie about flying saucers invading and using their giant death rays to destroy cities.

I prefer to think that it's based off Plan 9 From Outer Space.

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I think Independence Day is actually a pretty good example of what you're talking about. Sure they didn't make it hokey visually, but at its core it's still a movie about flying saucers invading and using their giant death rays to destroy cities.


Not only that but there's also all that cliché crap about the Roswell crash and Area 51. Oh man, I love that movie so much. I was so glad when Roland Emmerich starting talking about sequels again last year. Really hope something comes of it this time. Actually, if he ends up making the sequels to ID4 and Stargate, my life will be complete. :D

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My favorite part in ID4 is when the President of the United States gets in a jet fighter and saves the world. What a silly concept.


I captured my first alien last night. One of the berzerkers. I only captured him because he was about to smash my chick in one turn so I stunned him. Easier than I thought.


That berzerker I captured though, was a cheater. The game cheated twice on me last night. The first was a downed UFO, and after my turn the aliens made a move, the camera paned to the left and then BOOM right in the middle of my squad the berzerker appeared. He wasn't there before, and now he was, AND it was treated as if I found him so he got to move twice and pummeled my only support.


This happened again in another mission, but with the drones.

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Yeah, the game has cheated on me once before. In my current Ironman normal game, during a terror mission, I sent one of my guys in the next room to save a civilian and brought him right back into cover because there were enemies there. Next alien turn, couple of mutons and a berzerker spawn right in the area my guy had just crossed. They're right on top of me and just destroy my squad.


At that point I said "fuck this shit!", ctrl+alt+del'd and killed the task before the alien turn finished. When I reloaded, I backed the fuck away from that room.

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  • 1 month later...

Saw the game on Amazon for Prime members at 25 bucks for consoles. Couldn't pass up on that deal. Seeing how my sisters and mom went shopping for clothing this entire weekend and I didn't, I'll use this as my Black Friday excuse to use the family credit card. They couldn't possibly complain :P

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Umm this is one of the best games I've played this year... I've been interested since last PAX, and a friend has been hounding me to pick it up. Finally the last piece (a Steam sale) fell into place, and I've spent pretty much every free minute on this since.


I am one of those reload sissies. It's an old habit that would be too hard to break at this point, despite the fact that it occasionally craps on my gaming experience (Dishonored was considerably lamer for me for that reason). Anyway,now that I've become attached to some of my soldiers, and even renamed and reworked their appearances, I definitely can't be losing people in a mission. I feel a tiny bit guilty now, but I always rationalize it as something that a game shouldn't let you do if they didn't intend for it to be exploited. I'll feel even less guilty when I finish my first playthrough and get started on a harder level. I'm sure I'll need all the edge I can get at that point.


On a side-note, I was hoping the MP in it would be co-op. I could see a squad-based larger battle taking place with this formula. Whatever. This game is awesome.

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I am one of those reload sissies. It's an old habit that would be too hard to break at this point, despite the fact that it occasionally craps on my gaming experience (Dishonored was considerably lamer for me for that reason). Anyway,now that I've become attached to some of my soldiers, and even renamed and reworked their appearances, I definitely can't be losing people in a mission. I feel a tiny bit guilty now, but I always rationalize it as something that a game shouldn't let you do if they didn't intend for it to be exploited. I'll feel even less guilty when I finish my first playthrough and get started on a harder level. I'm sure I'll need all the edge I can get at that point.


I'm a perfectionist, so I've been trying to make it though Ironman Classic without losing a country. Currently on save number 9, past the first terror mission, and about to lose France. I'm about ready to concede it's not possible and just keep going.


Also you're a sissy. Losing one of my vets on saves 1-8 and watching the game spiral from there had to be one of my favorite parts of this game.

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The difference is that's the "spirit" of XCOM. It's meant to have an actual failure state but they made it optional to be more accessible.


The game is much more tense and engaging when you can lose your soldiers for realsies. Think of it like this: it's more about dealing with and planning around loss than it is about avoiding it.

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I am one of those reload sissies. It's an old habit that would be too hard to break at this point, despite the fact that it occasionally craps on my gaming experience (Dishonored was considerably lamer for me for that reason). Anyway,now that I've become attached to some of my soldiers, and even renamed and reworked their appearances, I definitely can't be losing people in a mission. I feel a tiny bit guilty now, but I always rationalize it as something that a game shouldn't let you do if they didn't intend for it to be exploited. I'll feel even less guilty when I finish my first playthrough and get started on a harder level. I'm sure I'll need all the edge I can get at that point.


I'm a perfectionist, so I've been trying to make it though Ironman Classic without losing a country. Currently on save number 9, past the first terror mission, and about to lose France. I'm about ready to concede it's not possible and just keep going.


Also you're a sissy. Losing one of my vets on saves 1-8 and watching the game spiral from there had to be one of my favorite parts of this game.


I'm sort of the opposite here, but sounds kinda like the same thing. I've foregone any tinkering with my game in any way that involves development or progress (I lost a couple of nations somewhat early in and swallowed it, annoyed as I was, and close as I was to having new satellites ready), and restricted my meddling to preserving my team. I also did it in stages with civilians that need to be rescued, actually... Especially the first time, where I was too hard-headed to acknowledge that the game wasn't going to let me save every single person. .....It won't, will it? I really feel like I tried my damnedest, and still lost two of them. Anyway, I get how what I'm doing seems disrespectful to the game, but my bad habits are too firmly instilled for me to get rid of them now. If I feel up to it I might play differently when I play it at a tougher level, but I'll likely do the same shit. I don't know, it is becoming much easier now that I have the rhythm of things, and understand the way the stages progress. We'll see. I feel like what I'm doing comes from the same place as what you're doing though. I do it in many games. I just want to have that "clean" run in there, then after (or before, depending on the game and how I choose to approach it) that I can let the OCD go.

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Just started the game any recommendations for a newbie? Right now I'm leaning towards always taking one or two higher ranked squad members with the newbies. But I see other things like research facilities and labs and engineering. Anything would be appreciated on what you found works.

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If you're playing on normal,labs and workshops aren't really necessary. Focus on getting all the squad upgrades as fast as you can, and try to get satellites above every territory asap.


Also, you can take your sweet ass time to build story-related facilities so don't feel rushed when the game stamps a big PRIORITY warning on stuff.


Other than that, just enjoy the game and take your time exploring the tech three and learning everything. Then once you're done you can move up to Ironman mode and that's where the fun really begins.

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