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XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Mr. GOH!

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I think I'll never be able to come back to this game because it's fucking stressful. It's already bad I'm getting my ass handed to me in battles and barely surviving, I also have to choose who to save and lose countries and not have enough resources to do other shit?


FUCK YOU GAME. You're fantastic but man I felt like shit after playing you.

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What difficulty are you guys playing on? The game is pretty easy on normal. It also has this weird reverse difficulty curve where the further into the campaign you make it, the easier it gets. Especially if you're not playing ironman mode and save scum.


Classic is significantly more punishing if you're careless, though, but that's part of the fun.

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Ah, okay. Yeah, that's an annoying spot to be stuck in. All I can suggest is these videos http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXctaw5JGF4LcidFVdkQMV1tc2DfC8x3D


The guy plays on Ironman Impossible and he's pretty good at explaining not only what he's doing and why but also where he goes wrong and what he should've done instead. They're also pretty funny. The only issue I have with them is he hasn't made any new ones in a while. :(

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Awwwww yissssss!




  • 30$ expansion on PC, 40$ standalone on consoles.
  • New Mech class with new tech tree and everything!
  • Genetic modifications you can unlock for all soldiers.
  • 40 new maps, including UFO crashes in urban and rural areas! (those forest areas got old so fucking fast)
  • New soldier VO based on nationality! (about fucking time) edit: from what I understand, this isn't new recorded VO. you'll just have access to audio from localized versions. So your german soldier won't have a german accent, he'll speak german. Still pretty cool.
  • New items
  • New Second Wave options
  • General balance changes 

Welp, that probably settles what my GOTY is this year. Coming out November 12.


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It's just an expansion? Eh, I guess I can wait until it's cheap. I don't feel like playing through the game again just with some new stuff.


Jesus that video has some terrible sound mixing. It looks like Sessler has a mic but the other two don't and they don't account for it in post-production so Sessler is loud as fuck compared to those two.

Edited by Faiblesse Des Sens
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A very linear tech tree is still a tech tree. :P


Also, lack of new campaign is a bit disappointing but I didn't really expect there to be one. I figured they'd follow the Civ model and just add content to the existing one. And honestly, I'm pretty happy with this. I kinda hope there's still more to it they haven't revealed (like more in-depth base stuff), but the non-forest UFO crash maps alone make me want it. Having replayed the campaign multiple times, those forest maps feel pretty fucking boring and tedious by now. 

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Tech vine?


I think that model works with Civ because there's not really a story to that game anyway.  This game, though, has a true campaign in the sense of having scripted progression and whatnot, so just adding new enemies/locations/etc into the existing campaign is somewhat limiting.  I know for one that I probably won't go back to it, which means I'm not going to be buying this expansion.  If it had its own new campaign though I'd be all over that.

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Yeah, I can definitely see where you're coming from. I see it similar to Civ in the sense that the "story" is mostly irrelevant and you're meant to replay the campaign over and over. Obviously, some people feel like there's not enough to it to revisit it. But I loved the combat so much that I couldn't get enough of it. So this is just the excuse I needed to get back to it.

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What exactly would people want from a new campaign? X-Com is always the same; aliens attack, you kill them. Best I can see them doing is an underwater setting again, and that certainly wasn't a game changer the last time around.


It looks to me like they're taking a hint from Civ with the mech stuff and adding more strategies for tech pathing then just "rush to plasma stuff". Not sure it's enough to make the game infinitely replayable, but hell, I'll spend $30 to try out a mech playthrough when it comes out.

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Well, it's not like there isn't room to continue the story. Especially considering that the ending hints that there's a greater threat still out there. When they do make a sequel, I kinda hope they don't just remake Terror From The Deep and actually come up with something new. But yeah, the structure would be more or less the same. 


Personally, I'd be excited for a sequel/new campaign mostly in hopes that they would rebuild the game from the ground up. Go back to randomly generated maps, make a deeper tech tree with more varied options and sidegrades rather than a single clear upgrade path, different tile sets for different areas of the world (say what you will about Slingshot but those chinese maps were fucking great; it's a shame they only showed up in those specific missions), multiple bases, base defense, etc... Basically, now that they've successfully modernized the concept they should bring back some of the depth the original had. 


I fucking loved Enemy Unknown and couldn't get enough of it at launch but I can definitely see why some people feel that it doesn't have a lot of replayability compared to the original. They need to bring that back.

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You only played the campaign once, though, right? Once you figure out what works most efficiently, it just doesn't make sense to do it any other way. Having multiple bases can give more room to try different things, like specialized bases for example. That being said, it might not really work with the current way of doing things. But yeah, if I had to just pick one thing from the stuff I listed, multiple bases wouldn't be my first choice here.

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Am I the only one who played the original X-Com? Multiple bases made it feel like you were playing 2 completely different games; the turn based tactical stuff we're all familiar with was one aspect but the overworld was more of a sim-city/tower defense hybrid. It was actually pretty bad ass. You could have bases that specialized in certain things like research or production or whatever.

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Having never played the original myself, from what I heard you had to be strategic in how you positioned the facilities in your base. Like, if you didn't have choke points you were basically fucked when a base defense mission happened. Not sure how the actual mission played out, though. I kind of assumed it was similar to the regular turn-based combat but NeoStarr comparing it to tower defense makes me think that might not be the case.


I tried the original a few times but could never get into it because of how dated its UI is. I'm seriously looking forward to Xenonauts for this reason. It's a more faithful recreation of the original than EU but with a much cleaner and modern interface.

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