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War-Z War-Ning


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From a Kotaku article where the devs of WarZ defend some issues:


The War Z Team Offers A Defense

I reached out to Hammerpoint Interactive, the folks behind The War Z, to get their side of the story. In an e-mail, Hammerpoint general manager Sergey Titov told me that he sees the complainers as a vocal minority. (We've cleaned up his e-mails for grammatical errors.)

"We're constantly running surveys to ask our players what they think – how we're doing," Titov said. "As of right now over 93% of our customers like the game, with over 40% saying it's perfect and around 50% saying it's good, but they'd like to see more polishing and features. Yet, 4% don't like the game and decided not to play it, and 3% hate the game... My point is that absolute majority of our players are supporting us, yet, yes, players who don't like the game will be very vocal about it."

Titov also responded to a few specific complaints from the Reddit image:

On the game not being listed as Alpha or Beta: "Because it's not an Alpha or Beta. We've launched 'Foundation Release' for Steam on Monday (see attached press release)."

On the missing hardcore mode: "There's a hardcore mode that you can select when you launch the game, yet most of the players are not using it. Single biggest difference between Normal and Hardcore is that once you die in Hardcore, your character won't be revived and will be lost (permadeath)."

On the lack of promised private servers or skills: "We're updating our Steam page to provide more information on this, but basically both features are coming soon.

"First thing players will get is private server rentals. They'll be able to rent both public and private (password-protected) servers – both Gameworld (ie Colorado map) and Strongholds (smaller maps that basically allow them to use those servers as "home base").

"Our plan was to launch server rentals around the end of December-early January and we're still on track to do that.

"And we're testing skills right now with small select group of players. As soon as everyone is satisfied with balance and design, we'll push it public. I honestly can't give a solid timeframe for this to happen, since it largely depends on how our player community reacts on our initial version of the skill tree."

On Reddit's claim that there's only one map, and that it's 72km: "The Colorado map, our first map to be released, is over 100 square kilometers."

On the max server limit being 50 rather than the promised 100: "I don't see 'LIE' in saying 'up to 100 players per sever' and having the current limit at 50 players. We've just lowered the number of players per map down from 70 based on requests and votes from our players. Ie - we've had 70 players per server - which was what we felt was the 'comfort level' for this map, but when we asked our players about it, the majority voted for 50 slots per server. So we did exactly what our community and our players asked us for."

I think that last is just down right wrong. It is a lie, your servers don't actually have 100, you can not play up-to 100 players. You can play up to 50 players right now. That is the cap. You cannot run into a game that has 51 or more players. Its wrong and its shady to falsify statistics and then say "well technically its not a lie".

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I think that last is just down right wrong. It is a lie, your servers don't actually have 100, you can not play up-to 100 players. You can play up to 50 players right now. That is the cap. You cannot run into a game that has 51 or more players. Its wrong and its shady to falsify statistics and then say "well technically its not a lie".

Yet the Steam page lists 'Up to 100 Players per Game Server' as one of its features. That's completely false advertising, it was released on Steam on the 17th of December, and they listed that as a feature, that was not part of their game and still is not part of their game on Steam.


.....they copied their legal agreement from League of Legends apparently......


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I just finished the TB video. Summing it up: Shit game is shit, shit dev is shit and Valve/Steam is even shitter for allowing such a game on their service. As TB would put it... its a disgrace.


I feel this issue will soon evolve into a growing Valve/Steam issue of allowing unfinished or absolute garbage and lies to be sold by them since they have absolute control over what gets plastered in the store. Sure its a buyer beware sort of deal going on in brick and mortar stores and hell, most online stores too but TB brought to my attention of something regarding digital stores since he sort of hinted at it... digital stores can have a different expectation and it can be solely because of Apple's App Store and their known "quality" checking practice.


This topic isn't really in the scope of this thread's topic so I'll end it here...

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Steam pulled it from the store saying that it was a mistake.


Kotaku article here : http://kotaku.com/5969836/the-war-z-removed-from-steam?


Interesting story to say the least. I have not touched the game and no loyalty to DayZ at all, but the way it was handled was shady at best. I did like the idea of the game, but I guess I can just play DayZ since its essentially the same.

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Oh dears.


On top of this I'm also hearing that players are being banned for "addiction" once they hit a certain amount of hours in an attempt to scam them into buying more accounts. I haven't found a source for that claim yet but I wouldn't be surprised. Everything about this game's launch has been a spectacular train wreck. It's like if the Hindenburg had sold tickets on steam.

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