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Gaming Tropes That Need to GO

Mister Jack

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Im not the biggest fan of fps and something that really bugs me, yet isnt really exclusive to the genre and honestly, I might be the only person who is annoyed with something like this, but I HATE having to figure what what type of guns each gun is.  Especially in sci fi titles. They always name them something stupid that says nothing about the actual gun until you get it and shoot. Dont just call it an Eviscerator or a Needler, call it an "Eviscerator shotgun" if you must. Tell me what kind of regular person gun it is. Fuck.

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Generally, you get to see them in action before you use it. For example, the Needler.  You'll see the pink needles come flying and homing in on you before you get to use it. The plasma coming from the grunts and jackals will be coming in two flavors, quick shots in succession or one charged blast. You'll never see an elite doing that since you'll notice their gun fire much faster. Then of course there is the visual check. The Needler got well, the pink needles. The plasma pistol is smaller than the plasma rifle. This will work for guns like the Eviscerator. So yeah, I don't see the problem.

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They added in holding the back button to get an overview of the weapons in Reach, didn't they? Or maybe that was in 4. Either way, that was handy. I seem to recall Resistance 2 having done something similar.


Figuring out the plasma pistol thing in Halo was great. I mean, maybe my friend and I are idiots for not realising sooner (or reading the manual maybe?) but we completed Halo 1 on Legendary yet couldn't get past the first level in Halo 2 because of the hangar where it fills with Elites; we just kept running out of ammo because we couldn't keep up the firepower to overhwhelm their shields without being shot up too much ourselves. Then I discovered that a charge plasma pistol shot homes slightly and completely knocks off shields, setting up the Elites for a simple battle rifle headshot. So, yeah, we did that and triumphed. Will always remember that.


Anyway, cool story, bro. That's why I kinda like 'having' to figure out how weapons function.

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The second hangar in the first level of Halo 2 is the hardest encounter in the entire Halo franchise.  On Legendary, even if you are using plasma pistols, the Elites are good enough at dodging them that it's not impossible to run out of plasma pistols before you kill them all.

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Did that too. Personally though, Truth and Reconciliation felt harder. The part after you get on the ship is best termed... frantic. There is a few ways to go about handling the waves of enemies and then dancing with Hunters. The second hanger in Halo 2 was pretty relaxed in comparison.

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I'm sure this has been mentioned before, but it bears repeating:  unskippable cutscenes.  Especially on a second playthrough.


*Edit* - The Stick of Truth did it right, by having you hold down the button for like 5 seconds or whatever, so that you can't do it on accident but you can do it.

Edited by TheMightyEthan
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Because of that I don't even try to pause cutscenes anymore except by hitting the PS/Xbox button.  The only reason I figured out that you could pause Second Son's cutscenes was because I was trying to skip them and hit start options at one point.

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I was listening to a podcast last week (maybe you've heard of it, the GiantBombcast), and they talked about this very topic. The argument for not having skippable cutscenes is for a few reasons 1) they don't want you to miss out on 'important' parts of the story 2) people put a lot of work into it so they want it to be shown or 3) they don't want you to think its not worth your time. I disagree with all of them.


I am in favor of skippable cutscenes, because I should be enjoying my game time not sitting there groaning as I tap every button on the controller through a cutscene.

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And if they're masking a loading screen fine, pop something up in the corner that says "Loading..." when I try and skip, so at least I know why.


@madbass: those justifications might work on a first playthrough, but not on a second or subsequent, and I don't even think they really work on a first playthrough.  People put a lot of work into movies, but there's nothing to stop me from fast-forwarding through parts I don't care about.  I don't ever really do that, but I could if I wanted to.

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I can't remember which game it was but I remember once playing a game that had an achievement for sitting through the credits without skipping them.  The description was something like "A lot of people worked really hard on this game.  The least you could do is pretend to read their names."

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