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Gaming Tropes That Need to GO

Mister Jack

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Bad climbing animations were probably my biggest problem with Enslaved. Honestly, I could deal with the fact that you weren't like... doing anything, during the climbing segments, and might not even have noticed, if the animations had just been fluid.

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Cutscenes of pathways being blocked as enemies appear, then cutscenes that show the pathway unlocking after all enemies have been defeated.


Walking into a new area and the camera panning over the entire place, and also when the camera movements spell out exactly the pathway you need to take.

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Cutscenes of pathways being blocked as enemies appear, then cutscenes that show the pathway unlocking after all enemies have been defeated.


Walking into a new area and the camera panning over the entire place, and also when the camera movements spell out exactly the pathway you need to take.

Have you been playing Enslaved by any chance?

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Ramirez, use your laser designator to call in artillery on those vehicles! Ramirez, take down that chopper! Ramirez, get that briefcase! Ramirez, clip my toe nails! Ramirez, get on that sniper rifle! Ramirez, get in the chopper! Ramirez, get on the minigun! Good job, Ramirez.


I don't have a problem with games where the player is the one that makes everything happen, AS LONG AS THEY GIVE YOU CREDIT. I remember playing through World at War and simply being STUNNED at how well my player character was being treated- Dimitri, the Russian PC, was being hailed as an immortal soldier, and perfect example of Communist strength. And then I thought... "why don't the other Call of Duties mention the fact that I'm the one doing all the work?"

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Cutscenes of pathways being blocked as enemies appear, then cutscenes that show the pathway unlocking after all enemies have been defeated.


Walking into a new area and the camera panning over the entire place, and also when the camera movements spell out exactly the pathway you need to take.

Have you been playing Enslaved by any chance?

For the first example I was thinking of actions games like Devil May Cry or God of War or something. I think we've come to the point where our tech can keep up with path blocks disappearing without stopping the game. And I'd like to think that people aren't stupid enough to get lost without the direction.


The second I was thinking of every adventure game ever, but yeah Enslaved fits into that. I mean, I want to look around and figure the path out for myself. Games today play themselves enough, at least let me figure out the right path on my own.

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Yeah but when you think about it, if you aren't giving orders, the game itself is, and bad AI is bad AI no matter whose finger is on the button.


I'm saying squad orders are nice but sometimes it's more frustrating when they don't follow you, so they're pointless, so you're back to square one.


Basically of hierarchy of things I'd rather have:


>Squad orders that work

>No squad orders

>Squad orders that fail miserably

Edited by RadiantViper
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Yeah but when you think about it, if you aren't giving orders, the game itself is, and bad AI is bad AI no matter whose finger is on the button.


I'm saying squad orders are nice but sometimes it's more frustrating when they don't follow you, so they're pointless, so you're back to square one.


Basically of hierarchy of things I'd rather have:


>Squad orders that work

>No squad orders

>Squad orders that fail miserably


Did any of you guys ever play the first Brothers in Arms? I thought the squad AI was pretty decent for the time. Likewise, it was awesome to command more than three people, which seems impossible given technical limitations these days.

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When a game's cutscenes are in-engine, but for some reason instead of showing them in real-time they have them prerendered anyway. Seriously, why would you do that? It just makes the cutscenes look worse cause they have compression artifacts and shit. Enslaved did it, but it's even more noticeable in Batman: AA (both games I've been playing this week). In Batman it's like they smeared vaseline all over the digital lens before recording the cutscenes.

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When a game's cutscenes are in-engine, but for some reason instead of showing them in real-time they have them prerendered anyway. Seriously, why would you do that? It just makes the cutscenes look worse cause they have compression artifacts and shit. Enslaved did it, but it's even more noticeable in Batman: AA (both games I've been playing this week). In Batman it's like they smeared vaseline all over the digital lens before recording the cutscenes.

I didn't even notice Batman had graphics. I was so giddy about the cast, I hardly noticed how extremely roided everyone was

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