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Gaming Tropes There Should Be More Of


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Yeah, I also feel like that's similar to what Eternal Darkness was going for. There's probably some obscure indie titles that are a lot like that, too. But yeah, it's a very interesting idea. I just think you have to strike a good balance where being weird isn't the only thing the game has going for it. Otherwise, I think it might get old pretty fast. So it might be a bit of a challenge to design an entire game around the idea. Could be why it's mostly relegated to being a single level or section. Like the ending of MGS2 or that Scarecrow bit in Arkham Asylum where the game makes you think it just glitched.


House of Leaves roguelike. It would totally work.

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House of Leaves roguelike. It would totally work.

Is that the novel with the really weird format? Like, footnotes all over the place and weird page layouts? I've been meaning to check it out for the longest time. I just keep forgetting about it.



I'm imagining the game just using the concept of the house itself and maybe not so much all of the post-modern "book" things it has. Though I guess that would inevitably be part of it... IDK. I just picture randomly generated rooms or similar as the best way to do it. Make it a horror/roguelike.

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RPGs where you don't have to hold down a button to run.  Why would I ever want to go slower?  The button should be for walking, not running, or at least give me an auto-run like Pokemon X does when I hold the circle pad in a direction (although technically that's auto-rollerblading).

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Yeah, button to walk makes more sense than button to run in any game where you don't have a stamina limit.  When I play Assassin's Creed I'm almost never NOT holding R.


Ugh. AC's "walk" pace is sooooooo slow as well. As in the super-low-profile walk. Why does it even exist? It's not like it actually helps you hide.

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All PC games need a benchmarking option so you can get the graphics settings set right before you actually start playing, instead of having to repeatedly interrupt the beginning parts to fiddle with them.

But that's the heart of the PC gaming experience! All about dat tweaking, man.


Seriously, though, that and immediately going into a cutscene on first launch BEFORE you're even allowed to get your settings right. Like, seriously, just get me a damn menu. Or if you absolutely MUST fire up into your precious fucking cutscene, then at least have a fucking launcher or something. Otherwise it just starts the game off on the wrong foot. Max Payne 3 was guilty of this. And it booted into some weird-ass resolution by default, too.

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  • 8 months later...

It's nice to have (I like my cockney guy in Saint's Row) but to a large degree I can see what it's a low priority in many cases. VA ain't exactly cheap, and taking into account a gender tone neutral script to produce as well. Saints Row made it one of thier bullets points, even with the character creator popping out before the games, and been all "look at zany people you can make". With others they'll maybe want to have other bullet points on the back of the game. A fair amount still have you pretty much no voice at all, never mind the lack of option between male or female or beyond. In many cases you might also have "Male Voice 1" through to "Male Voice 10", but in the game itself it'll just play out as different "urghs" and "aaghs".


Nice to have, but I can see why it's not really done too often compared to improvements that could be made with other elements and mechanics.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think a lot of games are doing this now, but I want to say add some sort of summary of the story on the menu. Like in FFXIII, the Batman games, Tales games, etc. Or in your quest log (main quest) like in The Witcher 2. You should be able to read through every thing (or at least everything important) that happened.


I like how they did loading screens in FFXIII, it showed a bit of what recently happened. I think in the Batman Arkham games they did that too. That would be better than showing "did you know" tips, I think (mass effect).


In addition to that, dialogue log. Every single bit of dialogue. If they did that it'll make fan translations easier!

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  • 1 month later...

Yeah, or pretty much any game with audiologs, although I hate the audiolog format specifically, it just takes too damn long to listen to.  Give it to me in text, you assholes!  Still, I recognize that it's at least expanding the world.

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