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Women In Video Games


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So can we talk about Dragon's Crown for a minute? Apparently it's become a thing again because of the crazy art style and the way it depicts the playable female characters, specifically the sorceress and the amazon.




This might be the unpopular opinion but I don't see how it's worth making a huge fuss over. I won't claim that the art style isn't exaggerated and full of cheesecake. Oh, it definitely is, but the female characters aren't the only one with ludicrous proportions. The whole game is like that. I get how people may not like what they see here, but to be personally offended by it? Why bother? How can anyone look at this and actually take it seriously? If a woman sees this and decides she doesn't want the game because the aesthetic turns her off, I can respect that. What makes me roll my eyes is the level of pure vitriol being hurled at the studio just because of how two characters look. Kotaku went so far as to call the artist a 14-year old boy and say that the studio should stop hiring teenagers. Isn't that a bit much? We're talking about a beat-em-up game. I'm willing to bet it's not going to be too heavy on dialogue or character development for male OR female characters, regardless of their design. It's an art style and you either like it or you don't.


If the game comes out and the sorceress says slutty double entendres every two minutes then I'll backpedal on this, but based on what is currently known about it I just see all this controversy as a waste of time.


I had a similar feeling toward that Hitman trailer from a while back with the nuns. Did I like it? Hell no. I thought it was completely stupid, but at the same time it was so ridiculous that I couldn't bother getting bent out of shape about it. There are female final fantasy characters that I think commit worse sins against women than Dragon's Crown does. Those games actually DO take themselves seriously.

Edited by Mister Jack
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To be fair Jack the artist who designed a lot of these chars got pissed with Kotaku and posted on FB that maybe he'd enjoy another picture of three burly men touching each other. So yeah, using a homophobic joke isn't any better. Me personally? I'm disgusted by a lot of anime. I'm a man, I appreciate eye-candy don't get me wrong. But I'm fucking tired of having a character with huge tits or a little prepubescent girl with a slutty outfit and panty shots. I can appreciate the beauty of a woman without Mount Bustmore staring at me. I don't need to watch an anime about mechs fighting robot where every single female rider has gigantic tits and everytime somebody hits their mech their bazongas defy gravity.


I liked Penny Arcade's joke though. I kind of agree, in a gross way.


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I don't mind video games that depict women in slutty clothing, ie. lack thereof, such as the nuns in Hitman.  However, there are few, if any, female characters I can say I admire, love, relate to, am obsessed with, etc.  And I find that to be rather disheartening.  I relate more to male characters and can name off a shit ton of those as opposed to any female characters in video games that I care to remember.  They're all the same in their respective stereotypes, and that makes me sad.  The only female character in any media I can think of that I can say I adore is the major and she's a cyborg! D:

Edited by Dee
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Like I said, you don't have to like Dragon Crown's art style.  Hell, I agree that there aren't enough interesting female characters out there right now.  But at the same time I guess I'm saying that there are better uses of your time and energy than complaining about a game that really hasn't been shown to do anything worse yet than put in some admittedly bouncy ladies.


And W&S, anime is a whoooole other beast in itself.  I'm actually with you on that one.  Way too many animes have way too much fanservice.  I can't even watch it without feeling dirty.

Edited by Mister Jack
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As a female gamer, it's tough for me to think of a female character I like.  I really cannot for the life of me think of anyone other than maybe Lightning in the beginning of FFXIII.  She turned into your typical, "yeah ok sure let's save the world" character, and the game (don't get me started) just sucked anyway.  Other than that, I'm not so sure.

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I'm not biased (yes, I am), but Kreia from KoTOR 2 was a deep character, rich with history and character building.  She was as mysterious, sometimes mischevious.  She was a fallen Jedi and a broken Sith Lord.  Dialogue with her was eerie and yet help train the main character with what heart she had.



Obsidian did this character right.  No glamour.  She did not ask for pity.  She was a master of The Force from both sides, appearing as a grey Jedi, neutral at first and evolving from there. 


The voice acting is also top notch, which really added to this character.

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