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PS3 late adopter

Mr. GOH!

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I'm biting the bullet and finally getting a PS3 thanks to the 250GB PS3 + inFamous & Uncharted bundle for $200 at retailers this black friday (if supplies hold out). One of the joys of buying a late-gen console is the availability of many, many used games, or low-priced reissues. So I'm starting this thread asking which PS3 exclusives I should look out for. And perhaps post specific deals I could take advantage of.


Note: I will already have both inFamous games and the first two Uncharted games. Anything else is fair game.

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Killzone 2 (and maybe 3, I haven't played that yet)

Ico/SotC bundle if you haven't already played SotC

Uncharted 3, though obviously you should wait to see if you like 1 & 2 (if you don't like 1 go ahead and skip to 2, it's not nearly so frustrating)

LittleBigPlanet 2 (there's not really any reason to get 1). I believe it's currently free on PS+




That's what I can think of off the top of my head, I'll probably have more once I get home and can look at my collection.

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Well if your'e intending to make plenty of use out of your PS3 then I guess PS+ is worth investing in, especially as it's the whole "Your instant game collection" thing (though that might be a SCEE tagline). I'll throw in a suggestion for the PS Move too (it works with quite a few of the games mentioned already too).


Buzz is neat, though that might be the UK side of me speaking (we like games like that), mainly depends on how often you've got company over. Motorstorm is fun too, though I've not played the latest one. Oh there's GT5 too which hasn't been mentioned (but I'm more a fan of arcade style racers, hence me having Pacific Rift and only the GT5 Prologue which came with my PS3). There's a shit ton of JRPGs too, though I don't think they're your style (I'm doing White Knight Chronicles at the moment). Also I've not played it myself but folks seem to be praising Tokyo Jungle quite a bit.


Oh and Lair, one of the PS3s most critically acclaimed games for it's innovative use of the Sixaxis controller.

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  On 11/20/2012 at 9:33 PM, Deanb said:

Well if your'e intending to make plenty of use out of your PS3 then I guess PS+ is worth investing in, especially as it's the whole "Your instant game collection" thing (though that might be a SCEE tagline). I'll throw in a suggestion for the PS Move too (it works with quite a few of the games mentioned already too).


Buzz is neat, though that might be the UK side of me speaking (we like games like that), mainly depends on how often you've got company over. Motorstorm is fun too, though I've not played the latest one. Oh there's GT5 too which hasn't been mentioned (but I'm more a fan of arcade style racers, hence me having Pacific Rift and only the GT5 Prologue which came with my PS3). There's a shit ton of JRPGs too, though I don't think they're your style (I'm doing White Knight Chronicles at the moment). Also I've not played it myself but folks seem to be praising Tokyo Jungle quite a bit.


Oh and Lair, one of the PS3s most critically acclaimed games for it's innovative use of the Sixaxis controller.


That last line :D


Instant Game Collection is true in NA at least. It's an unchanging list of PS+ titles that has some solid stuff on there.

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If you're still interested in some Black Friday deals after the bundle, there will be a few game series bundled with a controller called a "Ultimate Combo Pack."


Amazon has the Ratchet & Clank Collection and Infamous Collection combo packs, but here's the whole Lightning Deal calendar for Video Games.


Best Buy has the Killzone Trilogy Ultimate Combo Pack online this Thursday, and though it says $59.99, I believe it will be a little cheaper.


If you're only interested in controllers, Walmart will have an exclusive transparent-blue, Target an exclusive transparent-red, and GameStop with an exclusive gold controller. Each of those will be around $40.


EDIT: Oh, and if anyone wants a shot at the Black Friday bundle, Amazon will have it as a Lightning Deal between 5:10 pm - 9:10 pm PST. Definitely be there beforehand because Lightning Deals can sell out within a single minute!

Edited by Atomsk88
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I have a 360 and am an avid PC gamer; I've played all of the multiplats mentioned so far. :)


I'm loving all the suggestions! 3D Dot Heroes, God of War, Flower, and Journey are all for-sure buys at some point. Probably Valkyria Chronicles, too.


Gran Turismo is a no-go because I'm not really a racing game dude. Much respect for GT, just not my cup of tea.


I'll look into the Ratchet & Clank games (I thought they were MP-only), and the same with the Killzone games. Not a huge shooter fan, but I can dig 'em if they're interesting.


Heavy Rain was spoiled all to hell for me. Still worth it?


I actually won't be playing Uncharted 1, as I've seen the entire game via a Let's Play I watched while home sick a year or so ago. Diito MGS4.


If I like UC2, I'll definitely pick up UC3.


The bundle comes with 30 days of PS+. I'll re-up if the games are interesting. I see that PS+ includes LBP2 and inFamous 2 (which comes with the bundle). I really, really, really wish that FFT was free for PS3, but I suppose it's a vita-only game.

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I'll look into the Ratchet & Clank games (I thought they were MP-only)


Quite the opposite. They're action platformers that are heavy on upgrading your ultra creative guns.


Still play Heavy Rain through yourself. It's more than just about things that can easily be spoiled.


I'll re-up if the games are interesting.


Well you never know what the games are... but I can tell you that it's definitely been worth it money wise.

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FYI, the Killzone Trilogy Ultimate Combo Pack went live on Best Buy, as well as the whole "Black Friday" online sales, and it is listed as $39.99. You still pay tax, but the whole Killzone trilogy and a controller is worth that price.


EDIT: And so you can see it outside of my status update, LittleBigPlanet Karting is $25! Considering it's a recent full-priced retail game, getting it for $35 off is a good deal. Well, not to mention that it hasn't been receiving that much praise, if you were in the market for a Sony platform karting game.

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I do wonder if Crash Commando still has an online community. That was a fun game. And had a great trailer.


I know Rag Doll Kung Fu is much maligned (perhaps for singleplayer) but that game is fucking amazing if you can get three other people playing with you. So easy to pick up, and absolute chaos always ensues.

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Just finished a long afternoon of PS3 gaming.


GOW1 is fun - I regret missing it during the PS2 era. Dunno why, just didn't buy it back then.


Switched to inFamous, a fun game with dated graphics. Played about 2 hours of each.


Currently taking a break from UC2. Overall I'm enjoying these games. Can't find my free psn+ code, though. :/

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