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Nicolas Cage's Payin' The Bills: Part 35


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Totally got the wrong idea of this thread and was about to post The Rock and then I was like woahh :\, dude stars in some shit.


Imdb tells me he voiced something in Astro Boy (the 3d one) :\



Dr. Tenma, Astro's Dad.


I watched that movie the other day when I called into work. It's on Netflix streaming, wasn't too horrible.

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I wouldn't say this was a great film, but I had the option of walking away from it (roommates hard drive + Blu-ray player) and I sat through the entire thing without looking away. I mean, a lot of moments where I was uncomfortable and some a bit disturbed.

Also, I've said it before, but Nicolas Cage was the only thing good in Sorcerer's Apprentice. About halfway through that movie, Jay Baruchel and his character bored me to frustration. I almost stormed out of the theater, but as it was a family event, I sucked it up. I wasn't alone though as my father right beside me was feeling the exact same way.
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My parents made me go see the Mummy with Brendan Fraser when I was younger. Some kind of family night or something. I was the only one who knew it sucked, and I tried to warn them, but they wouldn't listen. Needless to say, they were unhappy when they left the theater. I know how painful it can be to sit through something that you know is a piece of shit just because it's supposed to promote family togetherness somehow.

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I'm pretty sure that Nick Cage is trying to replace Michael Caine as the guy who is in everything. Still got a ways to go. Nick's only been in 65 movies where Michael Caine has been in 152. I'm sure Cage will get there though.


Or John Carradine. IMDB lists him at 340 roles.


Also my mom and older sister used to watch this movie a lot when I was younger. He was actually pretty capable in that film, but I didn't care for it.


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