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Video Game Length


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"Who cares about value for money? You never question how long a movie was..."


Wow, what?  The reason people don't ask how long a movie is is because they don't need to ask; for the most part movies are fairly consistent length, in the neighborhood of 2 hours.  If I went to the theater and bought a ticket expecting a full-length feature film and instead got something 45 minutes long I'd be pissed the same as if I bought a video game for 60 bucks and it was over in 4 hours.

Wouldn't even be allowed to call it a feature film if it was 45 minutes.


@FDS: Werne't you just over in the Games You Beat thread other day complaining on lack of length to Crysis 2 n 3?


Talking about it is not the same as complaining about it contrary to what the internet believes.




If you're actually a conscientious consumer then you can go above simply believing something just because everyone else does.

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