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Chewie's Essential Playlist for Entertaining Women


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"Sound waves that make the a certain part of the female anatomy moist."


Now this I wouldn't have been too chuffed about.


I'm sure he means their mouths. Like they would be drooling and stuff.


EDIT: Also, sexism? Really? It's satire in my opinion. It could have been gender neutral "Chewie's Essential Seduction Playlist", but then given that Chewie is a heterosexual male, it would have meant the same thing.


I'm totally up for equality and all that good stuff, but no women were demeaned here, the title was totally self-depricating and, if anything, empowering to women given that it turns the stereotype that women can be seduced by a situation regardless of the potential partner on its head.


On topic. Otis Redding, "Georgia (on my mind)" is a great song to chill out to with a [GENDER NEUTRAL] romantic interest. Unless [his/her] name is Georg[e/ia], in which case it comes across as ultra cheesy. In fact, any of Otis's slower stuff is good but, "I've been loving you" and "These arms of mine" are a little full on if you are not already in a relationship with the [guy/gal] you are with at the time.

Edited by Thursday Next
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Wait, how does it turn the stereotype? It's enforcing the stereotype.


Personally I just throw on some ambient or post-rock, maybe some IDM like The Flashbulb or Boards of Canada, and that always seems to work well. The music isn't distracting, they're interested in it because most of the time they don't know it, and it's not annoying. Though for women I was actually consistently seeing I could play whatever the hell I wanted. Black metal, skramz, anything. Half the time it was just to make it slightly less obvious to my roommates that we're having sex.

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It turns the stereotype because the title implies that Chewie has created the ideal playlist that will automatically seduce a woman. The stereotype being that all women can be seduced by a situation. Like those ads for "use this one weird trick to get women to sleep with you" or whatever. The stereotype is turned on its head because in the subheading Chewie reveals that his perfect playlist is an abject failure.

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Chewie. You are what is wrong with gamers.


Eating your doritos. Playing your halos. Listening to your Iron Maiders.


Playing this music will not make her give you a lovey dovey mouth attack.



You gotta wax it down there.


My Cool Ranch Doritos™ are the best thing to happen to the world. Pick them up at your local store today.

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Chewie. You are what is wrong with gamers.


Eating your doritos. Playing your halos. Listening to your Iron Maiders.


Playing this music will not make her give you a lovey dovey mouth attack.



You gotta wax it down there.


My Cool Ranch Doritos™ are the best thing to happen to the world. Pick them up at your local store today.


I will. If you promise it'll give me a better chance of smelling like old socks.

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