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So Radio 1 made "A Perfect Christmas Single" (it's a song about someone who is single over Xmas...and also aims to be the perfect xmas song)




And today they ran the "

" on the radio which was a good breakdown of the various elements of Xmas songs (e.g a large chunk start out stating "
" in some form or another), a chat with some of the top Xmas folks (which turns out includes Spice Girls, and of course Noddy Holden), and following the process of making a song from idea, to writing, to production and release. It's quite amazing to see how organic the process is.


Oh you can download it here if you wish (internationally, BBC are feeling festive it seems)

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The majority of my haul.

Two packets of Wrigleys Extra, a Mock the Week book("scenes we'd like to see" stuff), some bookmarks, a non-winning scratchcard (one of three), a finger skateboard, some marvel toiletries, two tickets to a Walking with Dinosaurs show at Metro Arena, chocolate selection box, tube of smarties, a heat changing Pac-Man mug, Nivea bathroom set, and a "Zoob Bot" which is a sort of k'nex style thing, bit more moveable though. Not pictured is my gran has been since then and I got a wooly hat and cheque from her. Going to my dad's on friday.


A pretty good haul, except for lacking the fucking iPad waht the fuck maam!!(do not click if you wish to remain in full festive cheer)

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Something about these people who whine and bitch that they didn't get the right color ipad or the right generation of iphone just makes me want to grab the closest sharp object I can find, track them down to their houses regardless of how far away it is, and hack them apart so that the rest of the world never has to deal with them again. I mean god damn.

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Some clothes, the Putrifiers II EP by Thee Oh Sees, Shiro Fukai's "Songs of Java" and "Creation", Sonic Generations from Strangelove, replaced my old PS Vita, got Persona 4 the Golden, got a new copy to replace my destroyed one of the Marx-Engels Reader, "Philosophical Logic" by John P. Burgess, the writings of Charles Sanders Peirce, and a textbook on aerodynamics.

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Killing time until this evening's showing of Dark Knight Rises, courtesy of my sister, so I did images for a change.


A mixture of things I asked for and some well-chosen 'off-list' gifts.








Plus, I got a load of new clothes picked by my sisters (one of whom is very keen on fashion), so I get to dress far better than I probably would if I chose them myself. You'll probably see me wearing one or two bits in photos at some point.


I also got Skydrift (with all the DLC) as well as KOTOR II from the lovely MetalCaveman, but photobucket doesn't seem to want to upload those. :wacko:

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omg, what's that lotus spread?! I love the lotus biscuits you get with coffees when you go out.


That was one of the unexpected gifts. I can try and find out where they got it, because it's completely new to me.


Fuck those helicopters! My dad and I flew one onto our roof this morning.


Onto...or into? ;)

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Received Mark of the Ninja and Half-Minute Hero from Kovach. Hooray! Magical Drop V from MetalCaveMan. Hooray! Analogue: A Hate Story, Grotesque Tactics 1 and 2 Pack and War of Roses from an awesome guy who gifts me things year-round.. Hooray! Don't Starve from Vecha.


My in-laws got me a dress shirt and tie and Playstation All-Stars. Sisters got me a dress shirt, special mug and assorted goods from The Body Shop. And sister time, which is immensely important.


Wife bought me a pair of super-snazzy Tuscan dress shoes and a Final Fantasy 6 print. I think that's about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

GASP! I never noticed that this thread existed! For Xmas I got a new Kindle Fire HD (yes I know, I'm a sheep. I already had the OG Fire and this one was better plus it fit into the ecosystem that Amazon has created for me, which is for suckers). My brother got me Uncharted 3 and my ex/not ex/its complicated girlfriend got me Dishonored on the Xbox.

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Right, since you've the Fire HD, what's the app store like?


Here it is on my Note, so the non-Kindle version of the App Store:


And it's shit. Given there's the Kindle App too and Amazon MP3, which aren't too bad, the Amazon ecosytem works outside of their tablet, but the app store compared to Play (and Play could see some improvements) just makes me curious how folks make use of the Fire if this is all they have for getting apps. It's a terrible advertisement for Amazons tablet. If this is all I had for getting apps I'd be fucked.

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Appearance wise, its very similar. The thing I really like about it is the Amazon Instant Video. There are not as many apps in the Amazon App store, but you can still download an app and install it on your Fire HD as long as you have the option to install apps outside of the Amazon App store turned on. EDIT:It has to be able to run on Android 4.0, if anything requires 4.1 then the app wont work.


I really enjoy having all of my books/movies/tv shows/music/ everything that I bought on amazon instantly available on my Tablet. I know that with the Nexus 7 you can view everything aside from the Amazon Instant Video, but the Instant Video is really what captured me.


If you haven't invested a whole lot of money/time into the Amazon digital market, I would suggest the Nexus 7, but I had my OG Kindle Fire before the Nexus 7 was even rumored.

Edited by madbassman39
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