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2013 New Year's Resolutions

P4: Gritty Reboot

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We had a thread in January about 2012 New Year's Resolutions. Curious if anyone kept them, and wondering who's got some for this coming year, both gaming and non-gaming.


For me, a few things:
  • I'd like to lose a little weight. I'm not huge but I've definitely put on a few pounds over the year. Nothing crazy but maybe just watching what I eat, playing more disc golf and hacky-sack when I've got some spare time.
  • I'd like to grow a little stronger in my faith; going to try another read-through of the bible this year.
  • I'd like to finish more games to completion--one a month if I can manage.
  • I'd like to read more books--one a month if I can help it.
  • I'd like to spend more time with my wife and kids.

  • I lost about 20 pounds this year, mostly unintentional but we'll take it! ~200 pounds-180 pounds. GREAT SUCCESS
  • I did grow stronger in my faith, and in the move to San Diego we switched churches and have a little more opportunity to serve in the church and the community than before. But I failed miserably in my Bible read-through, so chalk that up for a 2013 goal. MILD SUCCESS
  • I beat hardly anything this year. I'd have to click back through the thread but I think I beat Super Mario 3D Land and Bastion... not remembering anything else. GREAT FAILURE
  • I think I read A Dance with Dragons this year, maybe The Hunger Games (though that may have been late 2011), and I'm in the middle of The Eye of the World. So nowhere near my goal, but a few decent reads. MODERATE FAILURE
  • In the move to San Diego we ended up with few IRL friends, so we spend all of our time together unless I'm board gaming or video gaming. My kids are getting older and able to play board games and video games with me, plus we've gone on walks and to the park pretty often. I'm calling this one a GREAT SUCCESS

I need to put some thought into my 2013 resolutions. I'll edit them in later.

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I'll go first: mine is to not eat so much fast food (limiting myself to once per week).


Well, I was more successful some weeks than others, but overall I managed to hold myself to about twice a week on average (actually eating food, I've gotten a soda almost every day, so huge failure there).


I'll have to think about one for this year. Still got a week to decide.

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Lose some weight which I already started on last year. I lost about ten pounds last year. I regained about 4 during the holidays. With no major meals and holidays for a while, I think I can push myself back down to 190 or below before I regain some weight from muscle mass. I was arund 210 for the longest time and I was very happy to see myself under 200. This sat, I might attempt a long bike ride to farmers market and back to my place.


I don't really care but I'm not getting any younger so those extra pounds will take it toll sooner or later.


Other than that... As and Bs. I was mad at myself for the Cs I got last quarter. Let's do this


I am indeed below 190 and so far the holidays hasn't jumped me up, oddly enough. For a week during the summer I was edging around 180 and at one point went below. So success, I would say.

As for grades... OTL

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Get a bit slimmer, get a job or failing that find some other form of money making.


Well last time I looked I'd lost 2.5 stone (35lbs for the yanks, 16kg for the euros), aiming to lose some more over the coming year. I've had two jobs this year, and I guess that nullified the second one.


2013 will likely be a repeat on that all. I guess try and clear a chunk of my backlog and aim to socialise a bit more.

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Like others, mine are goals and not resolutions. :P


1. Learn how to play the drums, I started some years ago but abandoned them when my neighbors complained about the noise. Fortunately, I no longer have neighbors so I can practice in peace. :P


2. Travel more, really want to go to the EG Expo and hopefully after that, spend at least 2 weeks or so in Yorkshire. Before that, I want to visit some other places here where I live. :P


3. Learn how to draw, I have a ton of ideas in my head that don't translate well into text so I would like to draw them instead. :P


4. Start recording a Let's Play, Chronixal inspired me to do this, I just have to buy the stuff I'll need. :P


5. Learn Japanese and maybe 1 other language. :P


1. I've been playing/practicing pretty much every day, I've even started work on some original stuff. So, yeah, I'm going to go with SUCCESS


2. Lot's of stuff prevented this from happening, keeping it as a goal for 2013. FAILURE


3. I started practicing but I haven't made any progress. :( Another one that goes on for 2013. FAILURE




5. I started with Japanese this year, a bit late though so this one goes on to 2013. :PFAILURE


Aside from the ones I mentioned that will go on for 2013 I still have to think about what other resolutions/goals I have. :P

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I guess I never posted in 2011 what my 2012 goals were. All in all, a failure. Mostly had to do with losing weight and eating right.


For 2013:


1. Get back to my goal weight between 170-175, I'm currently between 190-195


2. Eat healthier


3. Exercise more


4. Write more


5. Read more


6. Actually finish at least 6 games this year


7. Get my motorcycle license and a motorcyle


8. Play bass more.

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Didn't post in the thread, but the resolutions I made (and all of these continue into next year) were:


1. Keep up with my annual game replays (I replay EarthBound, SMTs 1&2, PS: T, and Baldur's Gate 2 every year). I pulled this one off.


2. Read one hundred and fifty books. I somehow swung this one, so for next year, the goal is two hundred.


3. Make time for socializing. This one was a miserable, miserable failure.


4. Complete at least one online course. I did eleven. :)


5. NaNoWriMo. I failed this year, the first time I've ever failed at NaNoWriMo. :(


6. Start playing in a band, again (I play guitar and bass). I've been playing with some guys my age for a few months, now. Very fun, very relaxing. Even been writing some stuff.


7. Write one poem a day. This was an exercise in discipline, and I failed. I ended up with more than 365 poems, but I hardly did one each day. Kind of defeated the purpose of the whole endeavor.


8. Get out of whatever country I'm in, for a little while. I do this one every year. I went to China and Taiwan, last year. I have a trip to India scheduled for this year, and may be able to go back to Hong Kong, as well. I might work Ho Chi Minh City in somewhere.


Conclusion: A productive year, but not a fun one. Next year I'll hopefully pick up the resolutions I missed out on, and generally allow myself some more leisure time.

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I didn't think I needed to lose weight but this vacation I had to go up a notch in the belt I had been using during the summer when I lost a decent amount of pounds so that opened my eyes. I'm gonna do the same type of app diet my sister did with that MyFitness Pro app that tells you how many calories you need to eat per day to lose the amount of weight you want in a certain time range.


So to make a list:

  • Lose about 15-20 lbs so I can feel comfortable with my body again.
  • Like every year, find a woman I can hold a relationship with.
  • Start going to the gym regularly/at all again. Last time I went regularly to the gym was about 2-3 years ago.
  • Get a decent internship for the summer at some oil/gas/energy company. (already have one but it was mainly to be used for companies here in the US to consider me).
  • Keep bringing up my GPA. I switched majors and had a fantastic semester so keep bringing up the damage I did with my previous one.

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I got down to 189(from 240) right before my wedding. Now I'm about 200-204. Want to try to lose another 30 or so pounds. That's the biggie. Not really due to body image...more for health/back issues.




1.) weight loss


2.) New friends/keep in touch more often with current friends


3.) Keep up with exercise to help my back


4.) Try to lay off, if not entirely quit taking, lortabs


5.) Find a better job...or at least get more hours at current job


6.) Get a house with the wife.

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1) Get into real college. I've been going to a community college for not very long, but it's in my hometown, and it's about time I get out of here before I go insane.

2) Move. This goes right along with where I live and resolution 1.


3) Gain weight. I'm about 6'3" and only 140 pounds, and I'd like to fit into pants that aren't impossible to find anywhere.


4) Stop buying games I can't finish/finish more games I bought, because, well, this is a gaming forum.



From last year.


1) Failure. I guess I got an AA degree at least? Still doesn't feel like enough.


2) Success. Yaaaay.


3) Failure. I've actually lost weight. Down to 6'3" and 135 now.


4) Failure, sorta. Stuck to a few games a lot more now than I did before, but still have a gigantic backlog.


So I guess for this year I'll just carry over 1, 3, and 4 from last year. 1 in particular is something I'll need to do before I go insane, 3 and 4 would just be kind of nice. Also, since the relationship I was in kind of fell apart, finding someone I like and can connect with would be pretty nice.

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I didn't post anything last year because I think that was coincidentally the worst time of the year for me. Now that I have a clearer head this year:


Resolutions for 2013


1. Get into a new college that I will not despise with every fabric of my existence.


2. Make the push and become a game designer proper


3. Write a single novel and either publish it or be in the process of trying to get it published (independently is an option)


4. Get that webcomic I've been working on for years out


5. Get a girlfriend


6. Travel somewhere abroad I haven't been to yet

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A few:


1. Eat less fast-food. I eat fast food at least 3 times a week. I'm not overweight, but I don't think that'll last much longer.

2. Read at least 2 books. I don't read books. But maybe I should start.

3. Watch at least 5 movies. I didn't watch a single movie last year. I don't really watch movies. But maybe I should start.

4. Play more indie games! I rarely play indie games. But maybe I should start. Actually, I already started.


It all seems trivial. In addition to the obvious... advantages... of doing #2 and #3, it'll help me in socializing too (by having something to talk about), so I guess that's great. #1 is something I really should do, though I really love fast foods, and #4 is... well... to shake things up a bit. I got burned out playing games twice in 2012 so maybe I should try different kinds of games.



5. Learn to play the drums. I'm just setting myself up for disappointment. Who knows.. maybe I really will learn, it'd be cool.

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I've got a couple things in mind

1: Pay off my debts. I still have a stack of hospital bills that I'm getting collection calls from...

2: Get completely toned / build some upper arm strength. I've lost plenty of weight but I still want to be physically fit enough to do push-ups and pull ups without struggling.

3: Save up for college / look into attending college. ISU has good art courses, my sister just finished her fourth year... My second choice would be to get some kind of degree in medical science. Maybe follow in my dad's footsteps and learn how to be an emergency medical technician.

4: Practice drawing muscles and skeletons to better my art skills.

5: Spend more time outdoors. I was pretty good about it this year, although I feel I spend way too much of my free time glued to the computer.

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