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Games You've Beat in 2013


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So that was certainly a thing that happened. I suspect that putting it in this thread is somewhat missing the point, but I'm going to do it anyway.


2013 Games Beat Summary:


Edited by Deanb
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o rly? Cool. I was just waiting for it to become cheap enough (like, really cheap). I really enjoyed the first game, so that's good to know.


I grabbed both of them plus the DLC for 2 for something like 10 bucks on amazon.com a month or so ago. You should keep an eye out, I imagine that bundle will show up again sooner or later.

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I never got around to finishing Prototype. The game really began to piss me off near the end. Having super powers isn't fun if your enemies knock you around like a beach ball.


Finished Mark of the Ninja the day before yesterday. It was probably one of the better stealth games I've played. The demon mask—the one that inspires terror in enemies—makes it so much more entertaining.

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I haven't played it yet (it's on my list), but my understanding is it's based on Heart of Darkness, so that could explain why the plot seems cliche.


I would hardly call it cliche, just "nothing new". Which is fine. I'm more annoyed by the people who clamored it as new, rather than how the game handled the story (it handled it quite well).

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I would hardly call it cliche, just "nothing new". Which is fine. I'm more annoyed by the people who clamored it as new, rather than how the game handled the story (it handled it quite well).

While the story might not be anything new, most of the praise I've seen wasn't about the story itself but more about how it critiques the state of modern military shooters. That in and of itself is kind of new, as far as I can tell. .I can't really remember the last game that made such a good commentary on its own genre.

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I've been playing Little Inferno. I finished it in two sittings so it's short and since it's like alchemy/doodle god I don't think I'd enjoy replaying it any time soon even though you can change the ending slightly by keeping hold of different items.


I enjoyed it but it was massively over-priced so I'm glad Nintendo allows sales on Wii U as I'd have been pretty miffed if I'd paid full price. I think I paid about £8, which is definitely too much still. It really does feel like an app game, and buying it on a console I'd think £5 max would be OK. One thing I did like though is that I played it on pad while I was watching a film so it's definitely a feature I'm going to enjoy and use as I'd not have been playing otherwise.

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DMC. You know what? Fuck the haters. You heard me. Worst DMC ever? Try replaying DMC2. Hell even DMC3, which was good for its time, is terribly outdated now. Best DMC ever? I wouldn't say that either. But lord knows the story was better than any of the other ones and the final fight was pretty badass. Also the ending had no issues. Want a quality hack n slash with cool combinations of weapons and combos? Play this.

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I'm taking my time with it (at The Order mission after Bob-Raptor Fart), but yes, haters are indeed hating on DmC. It's hilarious to see the diehard fans flip their opinion on DMC2. Sure, I've never played the series before, but any time it was brought up, the second game was that taboo black sheep in the series that needn't be discussed.

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Now I've beaten DmC as of last night. I went straight on through, because lets be honest, you can't go through 40% of the game in one night, stop right at Mundus, and call it a night!


I very much liked it. The more fair reviews have it right: LOCK-ON NEEDED! I usually resorted to either that demon grip or angel grip to find an enemy. It would have helped when fighting Mundus's Spawn with Lilith popping out onto the ground. I could say a lot of other stuff, but I would suggest that you play the game to really get a feel for the pacing and story. It is a rather straight forward narrative, with very little twists. Though, what surprises that lay in store are well structure (though perhaps obvious too).

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Dawn of War II : Retribution.


It seems I'd actually started it some time back, must have only beaten like 2 levels though. Surprised to have beaten it so swiftly(well..on the same-ish day I started. Forgot it was relatively short). All good though, can't wait for a DOWIII on the hopes it'll get made. Some Tau would be nice...

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