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Games You've Beat in 2013


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  On 8/7/2013 at 6:51 PM, Faiblesse Des Sens said:


  On 8/7/2013 at 5:03 PM, bigdanhero said:



Very very short. 


How long/what difficulty? I think it took about 9 hours on whatever the hardest you can play from the beginning is. Obviously I died a lot.



Played it on Normal. Probably took me a little over 5 hours. 


Playing on Hard sound utterly soul crushing. 

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Costume Quest along with its DLC.


I've been farming Steam trading cards to sell and get some credit to put towards either Spelunky or Guacamelee and this was one of my compatible games. I never finished it on PS3 and I knew it was short so I just kept playing until I beat it. It's good but since each area have basically identical quests, you're just doing the same damn thing over and over again. By the time I got to the DLC, I was getting a bit sick of it.


The DLC ends on a cliffhanger so if they ever get around to making a sequel I really hope they expand on the idea and have more variety to it.

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Went back to Stacking to also play the DLC and enjoyed it enough that it made me want to revisit the main game. Spent a few hours on it today and 100%'d it.

Uh, thought I was editing my previous post but looks like I clicked the wrong button...  :unsure2:

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So, uh, no one else? Triple post then, I guess.


Joe Danger. Short but really fun. Feels like a cross between Excitebike and Trials but without the feeling that the game wants you to die in a horrible accident.


I mostly powered through the campaign without trying to 100% the levels. Some of those time-based and combo objectives can be kind of a bitch to pull off. I also ignored the more difficult lab "training" mode for now but I'll definitely be going back to the game at some point to try and get everything.

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New Super Mario Bros. U. Really good game. Id say great if I wasnt so tired of this series, even so this is the best one. Its kind of lame that the flying squirrel costume is the only new powerup. Thats kind of lazy. I suppose the baby Yoshis count as powers too though.

Im also kind of tired of Bower doing the same thing in every one of these games - turning gigantic. I admit the fights are different each time, but I kind of want something different. Im not sure what though.

I also ended up playing about 75% of it on the gamepad. Im not sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing. I turned off the sound while I watched Netflix. I wasnt missing much. The music is still very generic and forgettable.

Anyways, really good game.

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  On 8/11/2013 at 9:02 PM, Strangelove said:

I also ended up playing about 75% of it on the gamepad. Im not sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing. I turned off the sound while I watched Netflix. I wasnt missing much. The music is still very generic and forgettable.

I did the exact same thing. That gamepad is fantastic. Now if only we could get some more games to play on it.  It's just begging for Virtual Console games.

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Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack.


So, this one took me completely by surprise. I had heard about it when it first came out and had no interest in it. But I got a free copy from buying Guacamelee so I figured I'd just play an hour or so, get the Steam cards and stop. Only it was actually a lot of fun and I ended up playing almost half the campaign in that first session. For some reason, it's incredibly satisfying to eat all the junk lying around and see everything else get smaller as you grow and then eat that too. You start the game about the size of a penny and by the last few levels you're swallowing tanks, buildings and eventually

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It's on the very easy side but it has so much charm to it that it didn't bother me at all. Now back to Guacamelee.

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  On 8/12/2013 at 7:15 PM, FLD said:

Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack.


So, this one took me completely by surprise. I had heard about it when it first came out and had no interest in it. But I got a free copy from buying Guacamelee so I figured I'd just play an hour or so, get the Steam cards and stop. Only it was actually a lot of fun and I ended up playing almost half the campaign in that first session. For some reason, it's incredibly satisfying to eat all the junk lying around and see everything else get smaller as you grow and then eat that too. You start the game about the size of a penny and by the last few levels you're swallowing tanks, buildings and eventually

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It's on the very easy side but it has so much charm to it that it didn't bother me at all. Now back to Guacamelee.



Ahh Guacamelee. I've been playing that myself (Vita/PS3). How are you finding it?  It goes from fun to frustrating in a matter of seconds. And i've had to stop playing on the Vita all together as the d-pad/buttons are just too small. 

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  On 8/12/2013 at 7:26 PM, bigdanhero said:

Ahh Guacamelee. I've been playing that myself (Vita/PS3). How are you finding it?  It goes from fun to frustrating in a matter of seconds. And i've had to stop playing on the Vita all together as the d-pad/buttons are just too small.


I'm only about 3 hours in but I'm a huge fan of Metroidvania games so I'm loving the hell out of it. As far as frustrating goes, only one section really comes to mind. I'm not the best when it comes to platforming so when you have enemies on the platforms AND flying enemies that shoot projectiles at you, it doesn't take me long to start raging. But since the game just instantly respawns you right on the last platform you were on, at least you don't lose progress over it. It just gets kind of annoying to repeatedly fall to your death.


Also, Drinkbox sure love their references... Mutant Blobs Attack was also full of them. I don't really mind the gaming references. They can be pretty cool, especially when they're relevant (like the Metroid statues you break to get power-ups). But when fucking internet memes started showing up I cringed pretty hard. Don't know what they were thinking there, these are going to be dated pretty damn fast. I only saw a couple so far, though, so at least there doesn't seem to be too many of them.

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I loved Super Meat Boy but I can easily understand why someone else wouldn't.  It's not exactly what I would call a "fun" game.  It's really hard and irritating and chances are you'll contemplate suicide at least once while playing it, but the reward is in the challenge.  Truth be told, if the game wasn't so well designed I'd probably hate it too.

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I disagree on the not being a "fun" game front but yeah if it wasn't so well designed I wouldn't love it anywhere near as much as I do. I guess it depends on how much satisfaction you get out of finally beating a level after 30 mins of non-stop retries. I find the reward far outweighs the frustration.

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It probably helps that I'm stubborn as fuck, too. So the easier and faster it is to go back then the less likely I am to rage quit. Probably why I went to bed so goddamned late last night. Went to fight the final boss of Guacamelee around 3h30 AM and ended up going to bed around 5 :wacko:


Got stuck on the boss for at least 30-40 mins and then spent something like 45 mins more on some ridiculously difficult platforming section to get the last collectible afterwards. I'd missed it on purpose because I knew having them all would give me an alternate ending so I went for the default one first.

Also, now that I've beaten the game, I'm not sure which optional parts Tenshi was referring to. Did you mean the challenge rooms in El Infierno DLC? The only other parts that come to mind are two of the orb rooms, but those factor into which ending you get so they don't seem optional to me.


Anyway, great little game. My one complaint would be that it's too damn short. Not because I didn't get my money's worth but because I don't want it to be over! :(

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I seriously got legitimately enraged at one of those optional jumping. I don't think finally beating it hours later was worth the stress.



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